Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for
Young Pirates

Pirate & Penguin
by Mike Allegra
illustrated by Jenn Harney
Page Street Kids, 2023, ISBN 978-1-64567-712-3, US
$18.99 / CAN $24.99
Imagine you’re
the pirate captain sailing the Seven Seas
when a bird tumbles down an iceberg and
lands right on your ship. Has to be a
parrot, right? After all, you are a pirate
and what bird makes the perfect pal? A
Okay, this one looks like his plumage
needs a new coat. And then he needs to
perch right on your shoulder like all
parrots do. And then he should speak.
Right? Well . . . not exactly. He does
try, but nothing seems to work just as you
expect. But the final straw comes when he
spits out the cracker you give him onto
the clean deck of your ship and that
cracker is all that’s left of your food.
This is mutiny and something must be done.
But walking the plank?
This is a delightful tale where all the
words are spoken by the captain. Depending
on the size of the words, young pirates
immediately know whether to whisper, speak
normally, or shout. The imaginative
artwork perfectly captures the story and
youngsters can easily tell the story even
when some of the pirate’s words are
unfamiliar ones. (Even those are wonderful
adventures to try rolling around on young
pirate tongues.) If you look carefully,
you may see skulls and crossbones in
unusual places, and just maybe you will
find a parrot. But the star of this book
is the penguin. (The only negative is the
open fire on a ship’s deck, but this is
fiction mixed with a little whimsy, so
only grown-up pirates will disapprove of
this little faux pas.)
Beware: Once young pirates hear Pirate
& Penguin, it will certainly
become their favorite book either to hear
every night before bed or to join in while
parents recount the adventure. (It just
may become their favorite too.) It
definitely deserves five pirate thumbs-up.
Review Copyright ©2023 Cindy

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