Cindy Vallar, Editor & Reviewer
P.O. Box 425, Keller, TX 76244-0425
Articles Books & Reports Websites
Argyle, Steven. “Yusuf and the Yanks,” No Quarter Given (XI:2) Mar. 2004, 4-8.
Baker, Kevin. “The Shores of Tripoli,” American Heritage (Feb.-Mar. 2002), 17-18.Foxe, Ed. “The Captivity of John Fox,” No Quarter Given (XI:2) Mar. 2004, 6-7.
Harding, Nicholas B. “North African Piracy, the Hanoverian Carrying Trade, and the British State, 1728-1828,” The Historical Journal 43:1 (2000), 25-47.
Lebling, Robert. “The Saracen Pirates of Islamic Spain,” Renaissance Magazine (22), 32-35.
Longo, Mark S. “To the Shores of Tripoli,” Military Heritage (June 2005), 40-49.
Lord, Lewis. “Pirates! On the Shores of Tripoli, America Becomes a World Power,” U.S. News & World Report (Mar. 4, 2002), 48-50.
Pennell, C. R. “Dealing with Pirates: British, French and Moroccans, 1834-1856,” The Journal of Imperial & Commonwealth History 22:1, 54-83.
Pennell, C. R. “The Geography of Piracy: Northern Morocco in the Mid-nineteenth Century,” Journal of Historical Geography 20:3 (1994), 272-282.Quadir, Iqbal F. “When Barbarossa Brothers Ruled the Mediterranean,” Defence Journal (February 2001).
Tucker, Spencer C. “Stephen Decatur: Hero of the American Sailing Navy,” Military Chronicles (Feb. 25-Mar. 4, 2002), 48-50.
Vallar, Cindy. “Captives of the Barbary States,” Pirates and Privateers (2004).
Vallar, Cindy. “Famous Barbary Corsairs,” Pirates and Privateers (2004).
Vallar, Cindy. “Barbary Corsairs,” Pirates and Privateers (2004).
Vorhees, David Williams. “Turkish Slavery,” South Street Seaport Magazine. Fall 1997. ( accessed 2001)White, William H. “Heroes of the Sailing Navy: Stephen Decatur Jr.,” Sea History 116 (Autumn 2005), 12-15.
White, William H. “Heroes of the Sailing Navy: William Bainbridge,” Sea History 112 (Autumn 2006), 10-14.
Allison, Robert J. The Crescent Obscured: The United States & the Muslim World, 1776-1815. Oxford University Press, 1995.
Baker, Thomas. Piracy and Diplomacy in Seventeenth-century North Africa. Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1989.
Bamford, Paul W. The Barbary Pirates: Victims and the Scourge of Christendom. Associates of the James Ford Bell Library, University of Minnesota, 1972.Captured by Pirates. Fern Canyon Press, 1996.
Clissold, Stephen. The Barbary Slaves. Rowman & Littlefield, 1977.
Cornwell, Edward Lewis. Illustrated History of Ships. Crescent Books, 1979.
Cruelties of the Algerine Pirates. 1816.Davies, Charles. The Blood-red Arab Flag. University of Exeter, 1997.
Earle, Peter. Corsairs of Malta and Barbary. Sedgwick & Jackson, 1970.
Elizabeth Marsh: The Female Captain – a Narrative of Facts Which Happened in Barbary in the Year 1756, Written by Herself. Moroccan Cultural Studies Centre, 2003.Garcés, María Antonia. Cervantes in Algiers: A Captive's Tale. Vanderbilt University, 2005.
Gravière, Admiral Jurien de la. Les Dernièrs Jours de la Marine à Rames. 1885.Heere, Jacques. The Barbary Corsairs: Warfare in the Mediterranean, 1480-1580. Stackpole Books, 2003.
Hewitson, James. Skull & Saltire: Stories of Scottish Piracy – Ancient & Modern. Black & White, 2005.Lambert, Frank. The Barbary Wars. Hill and Wang, 2005.
Lane-Poole, Stanley. The Barbary Corsairs. T. Fischer Unwin, 1890.
Lane-Poole, Stanley. Story of the Barbary Corsairs. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1896.
Leiner, Frederick C. The End of Barbary Terror. Oxford University Press.
Lloyd, Christopher. English Corsairs on the Barbary Coast. Collins, 1981.
London, Joshua E. Victory at Tripoli. John Wiley, 2005.Mainwaring, Henry. The Life and Works of Sir Henry Mainwaring. Navy Records Society, 1922.
Reis, Piri. The History of the Long Captivity and Adventures of Thomas Pellow, in South Barbary. New York: Garland, 1973.
Milton, Giles. White Gold. Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 2004.
Pellow, Thomas. History of the Long Captivity and Adventures of Thomas Pellow, in South Barbary. Garland, 1973.
Piracy, Slavery, and Redemption: Barbary Captivity Narratives from Early Modern England. Columbia University Press, 2001.
Pirates: Terror on the High Seas from the Caribbean to the South China Sea. Turner Publishing, 1996.
Selinger, Gail. Complete Idiot’s Guide to Pirates. Penguin, 2006.
Wheelan, Joseph. Jefferson’s War: America’s First War on Terror, 1801-1805. Carroll & Graf, 2003.
White Slaves, African Masters. University of Chicago, 1999.
Wilson, Peter Lamborn. Pirate Utopias. Autonomedia, 1995.
Wolf, John Baptist. The Babary Coast: Algiers Under the Turks, 1500 to 1830. Norton, 1979.
Wright, Louis B., and Julia H. Macleod. First Americans in North Africa: William Eaton’s Struggle for a Vigorous Policy Against the Barbary Pirates, 1799-1805. Greenwood Press, 1969.
Web Sites
Avalon Project at the Yale Law School
Eighteenth-century Documents
Nineteenth-century Documents
Davis, Rees. “British Slaves on the Barbary Coast,”, July 1, 2003.
Finnemore, John. Barbary Corsairs
Mariner’s Museum’s The Barbary Wars
University of Melbourne, Australia’s Pirate document library ( accessed July 2003)
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