Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for
Adults ~ Nautical Fiction

At Drake’s Command
By David Wesley Hill
Temurlone Press, 2012, ISBN 978-0-9836117-2-1, US
Also available in e-book format
In November 1577, four ships
– the Elizabeth, the Benedict,
the Swan, and the Pelican –
are anchored in Plymouth’s harbor. Rumors
say they will sail to Alexandria, Egypt.
Peregrine James longs to join Sir Francis
Drake’s new adventure, but why would the
legendary Sea Dog hire a convicted thief?
While awaiting punishment, he spies Drake
and Thomas Doughty, the Elizabeth’s
captain, and asks for a job anyway. He
can’t remain in Plymouth and, with his
parents dead, his father’s tavern sold to
cover debts, and his girlfriend engaged to
someone else, what does he have to lose?
When Doughty suggests that his skill at
cooking Mediterranean dishes might come in
handy during the voyage, Drake grants
Perry’s wish.
As with most voyages, smooth sailing is at
a premium. First, the ships have already
set sail before Perry manages to come
aboard. Then he discovers that much of the
food stored in the hold has spoiled. Since
the food must last for many months at sea,
Perry wants to report the fraud to Drake,
but who will believe a lowly cook’s
assistant? He uses his culinary skills to
reveal the problem, which proves his
loyalty to Drake. That faithfulness comes
in handy when Doughty enlists him for a
secret mission. Drake wants him to deliver
a coded log to the only man in England who
can decipher its secret. Only later does
Perry discover Doughty’s duplicity in
selecting him for this task.
Thus begins “the adventures of Peregrine
James during the second circumnavigation
of the world.” From enemies within the
realm who want Drake to fail to enemies
without who want to punish the heretical
Queen Elizabeth, At Drake’s Command
is the first book of a historical series
about Drake’s second voyage around the
world. Perry James is a captivating
adventurer, who quickly learns to rely on
his wits to survive highwaymen, pirates,
and the Moors of Africa. This volume
covers the beginning months of the voyage,
November 1577 to February 1578, but it
contains a wealth of historical tidbits
and a wonderful cast of characters, each
of whom comes to life within the pages of
this novel. Hill’s ability to recreate
16th-century England and ships is superb,
and he deftly recreates the harsh and
dangerous life sailors endured to explore
exotic locales and reap untold riches. At
Drake’s Command is a compelling,
edge-of-your-seat historical novel in
which readers travel back in time to stand
beside Drake and Perry as they set sail on
a voyage no one will forget.
Review Copyright ©2013 Cindy Vallar

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