Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
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Books for
Adults ~ History: Navy (United Kingdom)

The Four Days’ Battle of
1666: The Greatest Sea Fight of the Age of Sail
by Frank L. Fox
Seaforth, 2018, ISBN 978-1-5267-3727-4, US $22.15 / UK
review by Irwin Bryan
This book
takes the reader back to the 17th century, a time
when England’s foe is often the Dutch rather than
the French of the Nelson Era. And a time much less
familiar to most students and fans of naval history.
Knowing this, the author begins his narrative by
pointing out all the differences between the two
periods. To drive home this lesson, the first
chapter is entitled “The Generals.” The differences
in command structure and ranks of the commanding
officers starts with them being called
“Generals-at-Sea.” These men, who have led armies on
land, are considered tacticians who can do the same
at sea. The basis for officer appointments is
primarily a measure of their family connection or
loyalty to Charles II, the King of Great Britain.
His brother, James, Duke of York, is the Lord High
Admiral. He chairs a council of senior officers who
decide how and when the fleet shall engage the
enemy. The council issues daily orders to the ship
captains, who follow their division’s general into
battle. But neither the generals nor most of the
captains know anything about sailing a yacht, let
alone the largest, most complex ships-of-the-line in
Captains are referred to as “Gentlemen-Captains.”
These are lesser members of the nobility, who are
also appointed for their loyalty and better
breeding. Most have little interest in their ship’s
crews or learning how the vessels functions. It was
the ship’s Master who is responsible for raising and
lowering the sails, guiding the vessel’s
maneuvering, and all the other aspects of running
the ship. The captains take charge of the ship’s
cannons and decide when and at whom to shoot. True,
there are some “tarpaulin-captains” who start as
sailors on the lower deck and learn their profession
on the way to being promoted to the quarterdeck.
These individuals have served the king in the past
and are trusted to conduct themselves properly in a
The Royal Navy is in its infancy and officers are
only appointed for a campaign or sailing season.
Each winter the ships return to port and the entire
crew is released. Manning the ships begins anew in
time for the spring thaw. As a result, officers
“could and sometimes did serve as captains one year
and lieutenants the next, or admirals one year and
captains the next.” (17) Problems manning the fleet
annually are identical to those in the succeeding
centuries, with the same social issues and poor
qualities of crews they entail. Conditions for the
sailors are also similar, including a diet of
salt-beef and hardtack (biscuits) and harsh
Additional chapters discuss differences in the
ships, their armament, the use of flags and pennants
to denote divisions and their commanders, and the
rudimentary signals then in use.
Having skillfully guided the reader to an
understanding of naval science in the 17th century,
the narrative shifts to describing the origins of
the Second Anglo-Dutch War. The Dutch resent the
encroachment of the English into the East Indies.
Many disputes and fights arise between the traders
of both countries. English merchants complain to
Parliament of the losses and indignities suffered at
the hands of the Dutch, and Parliament demands the
king act to prevent these losses, yet the Dutch
become the first aggressors, giving the English the
war they want. The true feeling in England, as told
to diarist Samuel Pepys by Captain George Cocke, a
director of the Royal African Company, is “the trade
of the world is too little for us two, therefore one
must [go] down.” (68)
Both sides face financial difficulties that
encourage them to confine the conflict to one summer
with enough ships to hopefully be victorious. The
English don’t have the funds for a long war, and the
Dutch need to make sure their merchant ships are
able to sail past England to keep their own finances
What follows in the narrative is a very detailed
examination of the Second Anglo-Dutch war, beginning
with all the necessary preparations for a naval war.
The first battle is off Lowestoft, England in 1665
and each fleet has about 100 ships and over 21,000
men. Although the Dutch have more guns, the English
have the advantage in firepower with larger cannons
firing heavier shot. Each fleet move during the
battle is carefully described, including the
fighting between individual ships and the carnage
that results. In the end, the English are the
victors, but the cost among the officers and
nobility is great. The king’s companion, the Earl of
Falmouth, is among the deceased. The fact that he is
standing next to the king’s brother at the time he
is killed is too much for Charles, and he requires
that James give up his position as Lord High Admiral
of the fleet.
Later, a squadron of ships is sent to Bergen, Norway
to attack merchant ships taking shelter there. But
the well-armed Dutch ships drive off the English
warships without losing a vessel. Luckily, the
remaining English fleet spots and is able to capture
a group of unprotected merchantmen and a few East
Indiamen loaded with valuable cargoes. With prizes
to protect and stores running low, the fleet heads
home, ending the actions of 1665.
The in-depth look at the Four Days’ Battle begins
with examining why a sizeable portion of the English
fleet is sent to face a French fleet that never
materializes, leaving the remaining ships to fight
the Dutch fleet alone during the first two days. Six
chapters are devoted to the actual battle. From
first sighting to the end of the chase, each
maneuver of the fleets is described along with which
ships trade shots as the conflict progresses. A
chapter titled “Aftermath” details the combatants’
return to port, the conditions of the ships, and
losses suffered. There are praise and celebrations
for the Dutch, mourning and recriminations for the
English. “Sequel” deals with the Dutch raid on the
Medway and the St. James Day battle after the
English fleet chases the Dutch out to sea. Finally,
the epilogue concludes the narrative by describing
the tribunals that investigate how the English lost
the war, the subsequent fortunes and eventual deaths
of the flag officers and captains, and the endings
of many of the ships.
There are thirteen detailed appendices, including
several that list each ship that makes up each
fleet, notes, sources and a comprehensive index. A
two-page map of the waters between England and the
Dutch provinces appears at the beginning and end of
the book. The areas where each battle occurred are
clearly outlined on the maps. There are also two
inserts with black-&-white pictures of the main
players and ships in the engagements.
A wealth of knowledge is presented in this work. The
research that went into it is very meticulous. This
edition includes years of updated research done
since the hardback was originally published in 1996
as A Distant Storm. Happily, the text is
always interesting and entertaining. If you want to
learn the facts about this period of naval warfare,
there is no better way to do so than by reading this
book. I’m certainly glad I did.
Copyright ©2018 Irwin Bryan

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