Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
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Books for
Adults ~ History

Gentlemen’s Blood: A History
of Dueling from Swords at Dawn to Pistols at Dusk
By Barbara Holland
Bloomsbury, 2003, ISBN 1-58234-366-7, US $24.95
centuries the duel was a time-honored way for men to
settle their differences. To not meet on the field
of honor was to forever be deemed a coward. The duel
permitted one man to prevail over another by
following a set sequence of rules meant first to
avert the duel, and if not, then to insure fairness.
The duel settled questions of loyalty, land
ownership, job preference, legislation, gambling
debts, honesty, courage, and female chastity. The
injured party did not always triumph; sometimes the
person who issued the insult won. It mattered not
whether the insult was slight or imagined or whether
dueling was illegal. As Robespierre said, “Honor is
above the law.”
Holland traces the evolution of the duel from its
origins in medieval trial by combat, through its
emergence as a rite of passage into manhood, from
Europe to America to Russia, until dueling fell
out of favor in the 20th century. She compares
duels fought with swords versus those fought with
pistols, and shows how they evolved from a
prerogative solely of the upper class to one
embraced by common folk. Although few men engaged
in duels over a woman’s love, some women met to
recoup their honor. Men, who wrote accounts of all
duels, failed to take them seriously. Their
participation merely served to prove women were
silly, spiteful, jealous, poor sportsmen, and bad
marksmen. After all, women had no honor to defend,
just their chastity, which fathers, brothers, and
husbands defended. The
first recorded duel occurred in 501, the last in
A wealth of
controversial passages make great fodder for
debates. One that I take exception to is the
author’s comparison of the duel to practices of
Scottish Highlanders. “Without rules, all Europe
might be like the Highlands of Scotland, when
clans lived in a constant state of organized war,
ambushing each other in groups, laying waste to
the neighborhood, killing as many as they could
reach, and then carrying off the womenfolk and
anything else portable, always for perfectly sound
ancestral reasons.” On the surface, this passage
illustrates Ms. Holland’s sarcasm and lighthearted
treatment of the subject of dueling. Historically
speaking, it exaggerates the truth and reiterates
the stereotypical portrayal of Highlanders as
uncouth warriors.
On the other hand, her
inclusion of a quotation from South Carolina’s
Governor John Lyde Wilson’s The American Code;
or, Rules for the Government of Principals and
Seconds in Dueling (1838) explains the
necessity of dueling in a unique way even though
he claims not to favor dueling. “If an oppressed
nation has a right to appeal to arms in defence of
its liberty and the happiness of its people, there
can be no argument used in support of such appeal
which will not apply with equal force to
This is an entertaining,
eye-opening, and lighthearted look at an
important aspect of our social history. How
people of each century regarded the duel
provides an interesting revelation about their
society and those that served on juries and
chose not to punish the lawbreakers. What
particularly enriches this treatise are the
abundant examples of specific duels, including
passages from newspaper reports, journals, and
firsthand accounts. Although few will know the
lesser-known participants, most readers will have
heard of Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, Stephen
Decatur, Alexander Pushkin, Lord Byron, Wild Bill
Hickok, the Earps at the OK Corral, and the
Hatfields and McCoys.
Read an
Review Copyright ©2003 Cindy
Q & A with Barbara Holland
What gave you the idea to write a book about
dueling in the first place?
A: As full disclosure, it wasn't
originally my idea. It was an assignment for Smithsonian
Magazine, from a great editor there, to
write a piece about duels. It ran in 1997, I
think, and I forgot about it until a couple of
years ago, when the idea came up to sponsor some
books based on past articles. My dueling piece
was mentioned--it was called "Bang Bang You're
Dead"--and I was happy for the chance to learn
Q: Obviously you didn't have hands-on
experience, and nobody's still around to
interview. How did you do the research?
A: There's the great blessing of the
Internet. For the initial article, I was
crawling around back rooms in libraries and
used-book stores forever, and kept coming up dry
-- it's not a well-documented subject, to say
the least. Now with a click of the mouse I can
have any ancient, out-of-print book still in one
piece, from anywhere in the world. Books on
political duels, duels in 20th-century Germany,
duels in New Orleans, swordsmiths. And then just
poking around on my own, I turned up local
legends, newspaper archives, memoirs, that kind
of thing.
Q: How could you tell how reliable they
A: I couldn't. When it sounded like a
pack of lies, I say so, but you can't find the
bedrock truth. Duels were more or less illegal
more or less everywhere most of the time, so
nobody called disinterested reporters in to
watch -- or at least not until 20th-century
Europe, where they liked to have photographers
too. So the seconds all wrote accounts saying
that their man was brave and noble and the other
man was a sniveling coward. Then the seconds
challenged each other and fought another duel.
Q: Did anything you found surprise you?
A: I was stunned at how much of it there
was, and how long it lasted. Some of us learned
in school about the Burr/Hamilton duel, but
nobody told us that the rest of the Founding
Fathers could scarcely get a lick of work done
for challenging each other and breaking out the
pistols. Not to mention the newspaper editors,
especially in the American South and West. It's
a wonder they ever got a paper out, in between
the challenges. Judges and lawyers, senators and
congressmen, all busy blowing each other's ears
Q: What about the change from swords to
pistols? What effect did that have?
A: You had better control over a sword
than a gun, especially a primitive pistol. If a
good swordsman was only slightly cross with his
opponent, he could give him a whack on the elbow
and disable his arm, then shake hands and buy
him a drink. With a pistol you might
accidentally blow an old friend to pieces. In
one pistol duel, both principals fired
simultaneously and simultaneously killed each
other's seconds.
On the other hand, pistols were more democratic.
Swordplay was an aristocratic tradition, and
took practice and training, but anyone can pull
a trigger. Pistols opened the duel up to
ordinary folk.
Q: Do
you have a favorite duel?
A: That would be a hard call. Duels were
mostly either comic or tragic. Ridiculously
silly or hideously inevitable. I think, though,
I like La Maupin, the opera singer, who enjoyed
wearing men's clothing and dancing with pretty
ladies. One pretty lady's gentlemen suitors,
several of them, ordered her out of the room at
a ball, and she called them out and skewered the
lot of them. Then she went back to the ball.
Q: What
about a favorite duelist?
A: I like Saint-Foix, a French writer --
the French literary scene was a bloodbath:
Voltaire, de Maupassant, Dumas, even Proust,
everyone dueled. Saint-Foix had fought so many
duels he could afford to say no. He told an
officer of the Guard he smelled like a goat, and
when the officer challenged him, he said, "Put
up your sword, you fool. If you kill me you will
not smell any better, and if I kill you, you
will soon smell much worse."
Q: You
suggest we might bring the duel back. Why?
A: It had its points. It certainly
siphoned off a lot of hostility and
testosterone. It took the strain off the courts,
since nobody sued anyone they could shoot at
instead. It livened up the political scene. And
it was great for the white man's self-esteem,
which I hear is in sad disarray these days.
Maybe we should.
Q: Wouldn't
that encourage violence?
A: Violence doesn't need much
encouragement. It seems to be here to stay, and
the duel was set up originally to limit it. Keep
it organized within strict bounds, with an
elaborate code of rules all gentlemen had to
obey or get shunned socially. Better to defend
your honor with regulated swordplay and
witnesses than to hire some thugs to break your
enemy's skull on the highway or burn down his
house at midnight.
Now, of course, we defend our honor with libel
suits, and wash away the insult with cash. We
consider ourselves more civilized. Our forebears
might consider us a bunch of cowardly poltroons.
courtesy of Bloomsbury and printed with

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