Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for Adults ~ Historical
Fiction and Historical Fiction: Pirates &
Fin Gall
The Lord of
The Only
Life That Mattered
Pirate Round
The French
Night Wolf
Raider's Wake
Loch Garman
A Vengeful Wind
Kings and
The Midgard
The Buccaneer
Listen to
Jim's interview at Under the Crossbones.

By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press, 2013, ISBN 978-1484878930, $12.99
Also available in e-book format
Thorgim Night Wolf yearns to
go home. He’s had his fill of Dubh-Linn
(Old Norse name for Dublin) and the Irish,
but his father-in-law has no desire to
return to Norway and Thorgrim lacks a
longship. The only way for him and his
son, Harald, to make the journey is to
join another raid, but Arinbjorn
White-tooth is envious of Night Wolf’s
abilities and influence over the other
warriors. This jealousy worsens after his
suggestion to sneak inside Cloyne and
attack the Irish from within. With the
help of Starri Deathless and other
berserkers, as well as Harald, Thorgrim
disregards Arinbjorn’s denial to attack.
That decision gains the Vikings their
target and earns Night Wolf an enemy.
Morrigan wants to wield the power, to rule
her people, but first she must solidify
her brother’s claim to the throne of Tara.
One problem: Brigit, the daughter of the
former king, still lives and has her own
designs on the throne. To that end, she
marries a lesser lord, one whom she can
easily manipulate to do her will. To
prevent her from gaining the upper hand,
Morrigan informs the bridegroom that
Brigit is pregnant and the child isn’t
his. In the ensuing fury, Brigit kills her
husband and enlists the help of a priest,
who takes her to Dubh-Linn to find the
real father of her child, Harald. Perhaps
with his help, and that of the other
Vikings, she can regain the throne of
Uneasy alliances between enemies make for
strange bedfellows and, aside from Harald,
who is besotted with Brigit and
unknowledgeable about the manipulations of
women, no one truly trusts anyone else.
Morrigan employs an ingenious,
outside-of-the-box idea to help her
brother defeat the Vikings. Arinbjorn
intends to use the forthcoming battle to
slay Thorgrim, and thus rid himself of a
potential threat to his power, as well as
retain the prize money he owes Night Wolf.
Thorgrim distrusts Brigit, Morrigan, and
Arinbjorn sufficiently to throw a wrench
into all their plans.
The story may sound simple, but all the
serpentine twists and turns make a
deceptively complex tale that slowly
builds to a stunning climax that won’t
easily be deciphered during the journey.
In spite of his flaws, Night Wolf wends
his way beneath the reader’s skin until
you want to cheer him on through all the
strife, danger, and heartache he endures.
Similar feelings abound for Starri
Deathless – a new character in this second
tale of The Norsemen Saga – who, like
other “sidekicks,” sometimes takes center
stage. He is the least likely ally,
because he is a berserker, and yet the
qualities that make him an all-too-human,
maniacal warrior are exactly what breathes
life into him. What I particularly enjoyed
about Dubh-Linn is the complexity
of Nelson’s characters and the depth of
intrigue as the two story threads – Viking
and Irish – slowly entwine until they
become as intricate as the artistic
designs of the Celts and the Norse.
Review Copyright ©2014 Cindy

Fin Gall
By James L. Nelson
CreateSpace, 2013, ISBN 978-1481028691, $12.99
Also available as an e-Book
the midst of a fierce storm, the
Norsemen attack an Irish curraugh.
They expect to fight fishermen,
but the Celts aboard the vessel
are all warriors. When the
fighting ends, only Thorgrim Night
Wolf has any treasure – a crown of
gold mounted with jewels and
pieces of amber. A sixth sense
warns him not to share the prize
with the others, so he hides it.
Late at night, while moored near
the Irish coast, he and Ornolf the
Restless, his jarl and
father-in-law, bury the crown in a
secret place. There is a story
behind this crown and, until they
discover its worth, they dare not
reveal any knowledge of it.
The Norsemen arrive
in Dubh-linn to sell the rest of
their plundered goods, but the
longphort is no longer under the
control of the Norse. Orm Ulfsson,
a Dane, reigns and, with his
henchman, Magnus Magnusson, he
intends to gain even greater power
– particularly if he can intercept
the Crown of the Three Kingdoms
before it’s delivered to the high
king of Tara. Magnus also craves
command, and if he secures the
crown first, he will no longer
need bend a knee to Orm. When the
Norsemen arrive, Orm’s men
discover the longship is crammed
with Danish treasures and before
the night is out, Thorgrim,
Ornolf, and the other Norsemen
find themselves imprisoned and
The one who holds the
key to their release is a thrall
named Morrigan, a healer who tends
the Norsemen’s wounds. When her
brother discovers they waylaid the
curraugh bringing the crown to
Tara, she senses Thorgrim knows
where to find it. She helps them
escape, but once free, her brother
takes the wounded Norsemen,
including Thorgrim’s son, to Tara.
Harald and the others will be
released once Morrigan returns to
Tara with the crown. Escaping the
stronghold proves the easiest part
of their journey. With Orm’s men
close on their trail, Thorgrim
must use all his intelligence and
skills to gain the hidden crown,
rescue Harald, and find a way back
to Norway. Others within Ireland
also want the crown, plus a
traitor walks among the Danes, and
a member within the high king of
Tara’s household disagrees with
how he treats the wounded
Norsemen. And someone else
realizes the crown might prove
valuable if given into another’s
hands rather than those of the
high kigh of Tara.
Like the seanchaí
of yore, Nelson deftly spins a
tale that intricately weaves the
lore and culture of the Norse with
the history of Ireland. He
breathes life into the men who
went a-viking, so they step off
the page as they travel the sea
and traverse a strange land,
forever destroying the stereotype
given us by those who fell victim
to their raids. Readers will find
themselves sitting on the edge of
their seats, biting their nails,
or holding their breath as the
Norse, Danes, and Irish intrigue,
betray, support, and survive in a
brutal world where hope yet
Review Copyright ©2013 Cindy

The Lord of Vík-Ló
By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press, 2015, ISBN 978-1508699446,
Also available in e-book format
a longship of his own, Thorgrim Night Wolf
finally sets sail for Norway with Harald, his
son, and Ornolf, his father-in-law. But the
Norse sail at the whims of the gods, and the
vessel collides with a log. Forced to put into
shore, but determined not to return to
Dubh-linn, Thorgrim and his men land in
Vík-Ló, a Danish longphort on the eastern
coast of Ireland. After the Danes grudgingly
allow them to make repairs, Thorgrim – much to
his regret – soon finds himself entangled in
the struggle between the Irish and the Danes.
Lord of Vík-Ló
Grimarr Giant needs to find the plundered
treasure that his trusted friend buried before
being attacked by Lorcan, an Irish leader who
wishes to rid Ireland of all Norsemen. Only
one person, a slave girl, survived the attack,
and no one among the Danes can communicate in
the Irish tongue. Harald can so Grimarr
enlists his help as a translator. Grimarr also
needs Thorgrim’s assistance in recovering the
treasure, but the struggle between the Danes
and these Irish are not Thorgrim’s affair and
he declines the request. Making an end run
around him, Grimarr sends a man to spread the
word of the treasure quest. This news excites
the Norse, especially when told they will
share in the wealth. Without these men
Thorgrim won’t be able to sail home, so he
acquiesces to Grimarr’s request. This
manipulation is but the first trick up
Grimarr’s sleeve and, as the days pass, it
becomes harder to tell who is friend and who
is foe.
Lorcan thirsts
for power and, with his overlord absent, he is
determined to wrest control of the area. To
that end he has three goals: gain the treasure
for himself, steal or destroy a Viking
longship, and destroy the longphort and its
inhabitants so no more Northmen will ever dare
to set foot there again. His spies in and
around Vík-Ló keep him apprised of the
goings-on there and, with the help of a
turncoat among Grimarr’s men, Lorcan sets his
plans in motion. The only thorns in gaining
all he desires are Thorgrim Night Wolf and
Starri the beserker.
The third book
in The Norsemen Saga, The Lord of Vík-Ló
is an intricately woven web of intrigue and
betrayal. The occasional missing or misspelled
word may distract some readers, but only
momentarily. Action abounds and much of it
takes place in and around the water, where
readers are treated to battles between Viking
ships and Irish currachs. The characters bring
to life Norse lore and tradition, including
their traditional boat burials. The story
starts off slow – although not so the action –
but once Thorgrim and his men enter the tale,
the pace picks up and builds until a single
crack unleashes an avalanche of cause and
effect until the reader dare not put down the
Review Copyright ©2015 Cindy
The Only Life That
by James L Nelson
McBooks Press, 2004, ISBN 1-59013-060-X,
When conversation turns to
female pirates, two names
perhaps are most often
mentioned: Mary Read and
Anne Bonny. Historians
know only the bare bones
of these two women’s
lives, but the facts are
sufficient to form the
basis of a novel. Within
the pages of The Only
Life That Mattered,
the story of Mary Read and
Anne Bonny, and their
captain, Calico Jack
Rackham, unfolds.
Imprisoned in a Jamaican
jail, awaiting trial for
piracy, Mary ponders the
circumstances that bring
her to this point in
time. Raised as a boy to
gain financial support
from her father’s
family, she eventually
fights with distinction
in a British cavalry
regiment until the War
of the Spanish
Succession ends. A brief
marriage to her tent
mate ends in tragedy
and, eventually, a
destitute Mary returns
to her life as Michael
Read and signs aboard a
Dutch merchantman bound
for the Caribbean where
pirates attack the ship.
Anne Bonny, on the other
hand, is the daughter of
a wealthy and
influential South
Carolina businessman,
but her rebelliousness
and yearning for
adventure compel her to
elope with a poor sailor
to New Providence, a
favorite haunt of
pirates. There she meets
a dashing pirate named
Jack Rackham, and
together they carry on a
torrid love affair in
front of her husband.
Since adultery is
against the law and her
husband contrives with
the governor’s help to
punish the couple, Anne
convinces Jack that he
must give up his king’s
pardon and return to
piracy once again. Once
Read joins their crew,
vindictiveness, and fear
meld with plundering,
fighting, and love to
eventually bring about
the pirates’ capture.
Survival and isolation
make Mary a pragmatist
who knows how to survive
and, while she dreams of
a different life, she
accepts what fate has
dealt her. Anne lives
for the moment, wishing
only for adventure, with
little desire for close
interaction with others.
Jack achieves the daring
success and reputation
of a pirate captain, but
fear gnaws at him. How
three such disparate
individuals form an
unlikely partnership is
what makes these
historical individuals
come alive in this book.
Nelson’s knowledge of
pirates, combined with
his experience as a
sailor, provides a
credible and enthralling
glimpse into pirate life
during the Golden Age of
Piracy. Although readers
know the outcome before
they open the book,
Nelson’s masterful
storytelling compels
them to read until the
last page to find the
nuances and surprises
that make this an
unforgettable and
alluring tale of piracy
and women who choose to
follow a path different
than the one society
Review Copyright
©2005 Cindy Vallar
(Note: This book was originally published
as The Sweet Trade by Elizabeth
Garrett. Substantial revisions were made
to that edition prior to this current

The Pirate
By James L. Nelson
William Morrow, 2002, ISBN
0-380-80454-9, $24.95
planters of Tidewater Virginia
worry about the shrinking market
for the tobacco that brings them
wealth. They must ship the crop
to England in a convoy because
pirates prey upon their ships.
If the vessels arrive in London,
the planters receive less money
for their tobacco since more of
it is available on the market at
one time. The financial toll on
Thomas and Elizabeth Marlowe has
brought them to the brink of
ruin. Elizabeth devises a plan
that might save them, as well as
some of the neighboring
plantations, but it requires
Thomas to sail to London. Surely
no one there will recognize him!
For if someone does, Thomas will
face the hangman's noose because
he was once a pirate.
Thus begins the
third installment of James L.
Nelson's The Brethren of the
Coast series. Although Marlowe
understands the risks involved
with his wife's daring
venture, he never expects to
meet his arch nemesis, a man
Marlowe thought had died long
ago. Each time he thinks he's
bested Roger Press, the man
has the nasty habit of
returning from the dead and,
this time, he possesses a
royal commission to hunt his
own brethren, the pirates.
From Virginia to
London to the pirate utopia of
Madagascar, The Pirate
Round prods the reader
to turn the pages of this
maritime adventure that brings
to life all the horrors and
pleasures associated with
piracy. The story unfolds in
1706, a time between the Age
of the Buccaneers and the rise
of the Golden Age of Piracy.
Unlike many writers who
incorporate pirates into their
stories, Nelson vividly
portrays his with refreshing
realism and brutal honesty.
His knowledge of sailing
aboard wooden ships transports
the reader back to the days of
those vessels. The reader
swelters under the heat of a
tropical sun or prays for wind
to end the boredom of being
becalmed. The reader urges
Marlowe on as he dares to
rescue stranded seamen aboard
a foundering ship during a
fierce storm at sea. The
reader craves the vast riches
that draw honest seamen to the
Indian Ocean to pillage the
treasure-laden ships of the
Nelson is a gifted seanchaidh,
a master storyteller who
weaves a captivating story
through his magical use of
words. The Pirate Round
will inspire and haunt the
reader long after he or she
turns the last page, for
dreams do come true, but
sometimes at great cost. This
book is a must read for anyone
interested in the real pirates
of yore.
Review Copyright
©2005 Cindy Vallar
The French Prize
By James L. Nelson
Thomas Dunne, 2015, ISBN
978-1-250-04661-1, US $26.99
/ CAN $31.50
e-book ISBN
978-1-4668-4702-6, US $12.99
into a seafaring family,
Jack Biddlecomb has spent
much of his young life
trying to escape from his
father’s shadow. He wants
to be known for himself,
rather than Isaac
Biddlecomb’s achievements
during the War of
Independence and as a
congressman acquainted
with the young nation’s
presidents. That
opportunity seems finally
at hand after Jack is
instrumental in saving his
merchant ship from French
privateers. At only
nineteen he becomes
captain of the Abigail.
master means Jack must
grow up and rein in his
temper, which tends to get
him into trouble. His best
intentions are waylaid by
his nemesis, who happens
to be in port at the same
time. Jonah Bolingbroke
challenges Jack to a duel,
but Robert Oxnard, Abigail’s
owner, arrives just in the
nick of time to stop the
duel. The whole affair,
which is out of character
for Bolingbroke, bothers
Jack’s ‘uncle,’ Ezra
Rumstick, who fears Jack
may be headed for trouble.
Before Ezra unearths the
truth, Jack sails for
Barbados to deliver his
cargo. What neither knows
is that the machinations
behind the duel are only
the tip of the iceberg.
they depart, Oxnard
installs several cannon
aboard Abigail.
This irks Jack, even
though he understands how
they might be useful since
relations with
revolutionary France are
strained and French
privateers are attacking
American vessels even
though no war has been
officially declared.
Still, he and his men are
merchant seamen not navy
sailors, and their
business is trade not
fighting. Since his
knowledge of these weapons
is scant, Oxnard’s friend
accompanies them to train
the crew. When a French
man-of-war is sighted, the
presence of the guns seems
fortuitous until Jack
realizes the French ship
is better armed. It will
take all his seamanship,
some providential luck,
and a sharpshooter from an
unexpected quarter to get
Abigail and her
crew out of this
during the Quasi-War with
France (1798-1800), The
French Prize is the
first in a new nautical
adventure series. The
frequent use of back
flashes to reveal episodes
in Jack’s early life slows
the action at first, while
they also orient the
reader to the characters
and their associations
with each other. Nelson
does a wonderful job
showing the impact of the
French Revolution on their
navy, and his sailing
experience aboard wooden
tall ships adds such
realism that the reader is
transported to Abigail's
decks be it during a
vicious storm or while
fighting for her life
against a more powerful
foe. Once the voyage to
Barbados begins, the
characters spring to life
and the action increases,
sometimes to a
heart-racing speed that
compels readers to turn
the pages until a brief
respite permits them to
catch their breath.
Review Copyright ©2015
Cindy Vallar

By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press, 2016, ISBN
978-0692585450, US $12.99
Also available in e-book format
The last
vestiges of winter
blanket Vik-Ló at the
opening of the fourth
book in the Norsemen
Saga. Thorgrim Night
Wolf is lord and,
soon, he and his men
will launch their new
longships. But some of
his cooped-up men
spoil for action.
Chief amongst them is
Kjartan Thorolfson,
who stages a fight
with the intention of
killing Thorgrim. The
timely arrival of
Kevin mac Lugaed
interrupts Kjartan’s
plans, but Thorgrim
intends to deal with
the traitor just as
soon as the Irishman
The uneasy
alliance Kevin has
forged with Thorgrim
allows the two peoples
to coexist, but Kevin
wants to be rid of all
Norsemen. In doing so,
he will gain more land
and greater power. To
initiate his plan, he
proposes that Thorgrim
and his men join with
the Irish to raid
Glendalough Fair, an
annual gathering of
merchants and
villagers near a
monastery. Both offer
rich, tempting targets
that are ill-defended.
Louis de
Roumois chafes at
being a novitiate in
the monastery. He’s a
soldier, who spent the
past four years
fighting the Danes,
but his popularity
with his men made his
elder brother wary and
jealous. Although
Louis had no desire to
rule Frankia, his
brother exiled him to
Glendalough to take
holy vows. Instead, he
spends more time
bedding the wife of
Colman mac Breanclan,
the wealthiest man in
town. Colman knows of
the dalliance and,
when a priest tasks
Louis with leading the
Irish in defending the
village and monastery
against the Norsemen
(under the nominal
command of Colman),
problems ensue.
Further complicating
Louis’s life is the
fact that someone
wants him dead.
doesn’t trust the
Irish, but he agrees
to Kevin’s proposal.
On the morrow when
they are to depart,
Thorgrim discovers
Kjartan and his men
have taken one
longship and
disappeared during the
night. He intends to
have his day of
reckoning with
Kjartan, but it must
wait until after the
raid. On the way to
where they are to meet
Kevin and his men,
they come across a
burning village where
everyone has been
slain. The killing
seems senseless and
doesn’t set well with
Thorgrim because the
villagers had nothing
to steal. Then Kjartan
reappears and he is
afraid. He claims not
to know who
slaughtered the Irish,
but Thorgrim knows
he’s lying. He learns
why when they reach
Kevin’s camp and
discover the Irishman
has also allied with
another group of
Norsemen. They are led
by Ottar Bloodax, who
likes killing. It soon
becomes evident that
Ottar is untrustworthy
and Kevin can’t
control him. When the
men of Glendalough
launch a surprise
attack on the
encampment, Thorgrim
begins to rue ever
getting involved with
Kevin’s scheme, but
it’s too late to turn
Fair is a novel
of deception,
betrayal, and honor.
The various story
lines are intricately
woven and, while how
they will intersect
isn’t initially
obvious, they come
together seamlessly to
realistically depict
life in Ireland during
the Viking Era. The
water scenes are
minimal, but the raid
is portrayed with
ingenuity that shows
how much Thorgrim’s
son has matured during
the course of this
series. Readers will
gloss over the
misspellings or
missing words*,
because this riveting
and gritty tale is
told so vividly it
unfolds in the mind’s
eye like a movie
playing on the big
screen. Fans of
Thorgrim and his men
will relish this
latest saga and
eagerly await their
fifth adventure.
Review Copyright ©2016 Cindy Vallar
* According to the
author, these errors have
been corrected from the early
edition that I read.

Night Wolf
By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press, 2016, ISBN
978-1534879683, $12.99
Also available in e-book and audio
hundred men dead.
One betrayer. One
deserter. A lone
longship. Guilt
gnaws at Thorgrim
Night Wolf, for
leading his men
into the bloody
slaughter, and
honor demands
Revenge must wait
until the ten
survivors of the
battle at
Glendalough have
themselves and Sea
Hammer. The
sheltered sandbar
is a good spot to
do both, even
though it is far
from a secure
place to stay with
Irish men-at-arms
still hunting
them. And what
should be done
with their two
prisoners – the
Frank named Louis
de Roumois and an
Irish woman named
Failend – who
asked to go with
them? Why do they
flee their own
kind? What’s in
the small chest
they hide?
confusion, and
fear swirl within
Lochlánn mac
Ainmire. The man
he most admired
and trusted, Louis
de Roumois, has
abandoned him.
Plus Louis
murdered one of
their soldiers,
possibly killed
another man, and
has run away with
the second man’s
wife. Justice
satisfaction, and
Lochlánn is
determined to see
Louis doesn’t
escape. If he
encounters more
Northmen, so much
the better. With
men-at-arms, he
hunts them all.
After twenty-five
ragtag Irishmen
step from the
woods near
Thorgrim, he knows
his men are
outnumbered and in
no condition to
fight again. Two
men step forward:
one a giant with
more brawn than
brains, and the
other a shorter,
red-haired man who
whispers to his
companion as if
giving him advice.
With only one way
to win this
challenges the
giant to a duel.
Hardened by many
battles and more
intelligent than
his opponent, he
toys with the
Irishman before
slaying him.
Without consulting
the remaining
Irishmen, Cónán
assumes command
and prepares to
depart because
he’s savvy enough
to abide by the
rules of the
challenge. But
Thorgrim offers
him a tempting
proposition. If
the Irish stay and
help Thorgrim sack
the monastery at
Thorgrim will
provide them with
weapons and armor,
as well as a share
of the plunder. He
might not trust
these Irish
bandits, but he
needs them.
When Aghen Ormsson
of Vik-ló first
spots the
longships, he
senses no trouble.
But Thorgrim isn’t
with the Northmen
who alight. Ottar
Bloodax claims the
former lord of
Vik-ló is dead and
declares himself
the new ruler of
the Viking
longphort. He
trusts only a
handful of his men
and rules by
terrorizing those
under him. The
more Aghen learns,
the more he
believes Thorgrim
isn’t dead and
that belief is
strengthened when
a lone wolf
appears inside the
walls one night.
Knowing Ottar is a
superstitious man,
Aghen acts on that
fear. One by one
Ottar’s elite
corps is killed
and the evidence
points to the lone
wolf, the shape
changer Thorgrim
who stalks at
Night Wolf, the
fifth book in The
Norsemen Saga, is
an intricately
woven tale of
betrayal and
revenge. Violence
remains a key
element of this
story and the time
period, yet
Thorgrim, Cónán,
and Aghen rely
more on ingenuity
and knowledge than
their fighting
expertise in the
encounters with
their enemies.
This adds depth to
the characters and
shatters the
portrayals of
Norse and Irish
alike. Readers who
haven’t read the
previous volume, Glendalough
Fair, won’t
have any trouble
following what
happens in the
aftermath of that
disaster, but
reading that title
first may enrich
the experience of
Night Wolf.
Like the tales of
old told by an
Irish seanchaidh
or a Norse skald,
Night Wolf
lures readers into
its web and holds
them spellbound
until the story
Review Copyright
©2016 Cindy Vallar
By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press, 2017, ISBN
978-0692880265, $12.99
Also available in e-book format
six of The Norsemen
Saga begins with the
return of Conandil,
who appears in an
earlier volume. No
longer a thrall, she
is married to an
Irish chieftain’s
son. When Irish
raiders attack their
ringfort, she and
her husband, as well
as others, are
driven to the beach
where they are beset
from the sea by
Norsemen. Rather
than become a slave
again, she fights
with her husband.
One of the Vikings
thwarts her desire
for a quick death
and she is once
again bound for the
slave pens in
Dubh-linn. There
she, her husband,
and the other
captives are sold to
a Frisian merchant
who plans to sell
them at a slave
market in his
of Vík-ló Thorgrim
Ulfsson is sick of
Ireland, the
Irish, and the
eternal rain that
plagues the
country. Most of
his men, including
his son Harald
Broadarm and
beserker Starri
Deathless, imbibe
liberally when
confined, so once
the sun finally
deigns to shine,
Thorgrim announces
it’s time to go
a-viking. As his
four longships
prepare to set
sail, he makes the
decision to take
their hoard with
them. He has no
intention of
returning. Their
first capture goes
precisely as
planned, but the
victim is known to
Thorgrim and is
permitted to
continue on his
journey. First, he
imparts knowledge
of a Frisian
merchant with
three ships
rumored to be
heavily laden with
Expecting these to
be easy prey,
Thorgrim and his
men decide to lie
in wait, but no
one knows better
than he that the
gods can be fickle
and one should
never tempt fate.
brigands ambush a
traveling friar on
his way to
Dubh-linn, but
they soon learn
the error of their
ways when he turns
out to be adept
with a sword. Once
Louis de Roumois,
the Frank who
betrayed Thorgrim,
dispatches the
trio, he discards
his disguise and
continues on to
the Norse
longphort. He
seeks passage home
to bring his
brother to account
for banishing him
to Ireland
and sending
assassins to kill
him. Louis knows
nothing about
ships and the sea,
but he quickly
discovers the
vessel’s captain
is a brutal madman
whose thirst for
wealth includes
acquiring the
silver Louis hides
in his belongings.
wealthy slave
trader and master
of a small, but
fast, fleet of
ships, Brunhard of
Frisia loves to
hear himself talk.
He’s always
thinking of ways
to gain the most
while losing the
least. Such wily
thinking and a
approach to
dealing with his
cargo are why he
survives in an
otherwise violent
and often
the Norsemen spot
the Frisian ships,
the chase begins.
maneuvers earn
Thorgrim’s respect
because the
merchant is a
savvy seaman. But
one trick nearly
destroys Sea
earning Thorgrim’s
wrath and vow to
make the man pay.
The pursuit
becomes a
thrill ride that
leaves readers
breathless and
refuses to release
them from its grip
until the story
Wake is a
welcome return to
the sea, where
Thorgrim once
again demonstrates
why Norsemen are
remembered for
their expert
seamanship. What
makes this an
unforgettable and
believable tale
are Nelson’s
knowledge of and
experience in
sailing wooden
ships. The
nautical language
adds a healthy
dose of realism,
but Nelson writes
in a way that
readers unfamiliar
with the
terminology still
get the gist of
what the sailors
are doing. For
those who wish to
better understand,
he provides a
diagram of a
longship and a
Harald Broadarm
has played
important roles in
previous titles,
he finally comes
into his own in
this one. He has
matured over the
series and has
ably demonstrated
both his bravery
and skill at
fighting. Now he
finds himself in a
command situation
where his
decisions and
knowledge play a
vital role in
determining the
fates of those
aboard all the
crucial story
element is the
inclusion of two
Irish women,
Conandil and
Failend. Rather
than being mere
window dressing,
they are
characters who
play critical
warrior roles, and
they possess the
determination to
influence their
own fates. As a
result, Thorgrim
makes some keen
observations about
women – ones that
all men could
learn from.
first page to
last, Raider’s
Wake is
written by a
master weaver who
keeps readers
spellbound and
places them on the
longship in the
midst of the
Vikings. This
adventure is one
treasure to savor
and as memorable
as, or even more
so, than the
previous stories.
Review Copyright
Cindy Vallar
By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press, 2017, ISBN
978-0692976708, US $12.99
Also available in e-book &
audio formats
Night Wolf has one
desire – to return
home to Norway – but
again the gods
demonstrate that the
time has not yet
arrived. Such is
definitely the case
in this seventh book
in The Norsemen
Saga, for he and his
men have three
damaged longboats
with no sails.
Rather than fight
and pillage to gain
what they need,
Thorgrim barters
with the Irish. His
decision is of no
import to Starri
Deathless, the
berserker, “[b]cause
every time you say
such a thing, there
ends up being more
fighting than a man
could wish for, so
I’m not concerned.”
attracts more than
the heathens who
plague Ireland.
One among the many
rí tuath
wishes to gain the
rumored Treasure
of St. Aiden for
himself, which is
why Airtre mac
Domhnall and a
hundred men have
gathered outside
the gates of the
monastery at
Ferns. Failure to
return home
without it will
just result in
censure from his
wife, and Airtre
would much rather
confront an army
of Northmen than
face her
Abbot Column
denies that such a
treasure exists,
for he will
protect the secret
of Ferns any way
he can. He
succeeds in
thwarting Airtre
this time, but
knows his success
is temporary.
Sooner or later,
Airtre will return
and, when he does,
the lord who came
to his aid this
time won’t be
some of the
Northmen begin
repairing the
ships and setting
up a temporary
camp on the shores
of Loch Garman,
Thorgrim sends his
son to retrieve
the two longships
he lent to the
enslaved Irish
whom Harald helped
free. The plan is
to row the two
vessels back to
their camp, but
once Harald and
his contingent
locate them, they
discover they
aren’t the only
ones to find the
boats. Airtre
isn’t quite
certain what to do
with the ships,
but they are
important to the
heathens and,
therefore, there
must be some
advantage to
possessing them. A
surprise attack
allows Harald and
his men to reclaim
the longships
until they
discover that the
Irish took all the
oars and without
those or sails,
the boats are
useless. When
Airtre comes under
a flag of truce
and offers a
compromise, Harald
sees no workable
options than to
accept. In
exchange for the
oars, the Northmen
will help Airtre
“reclaim” the
Treasure of St.
Aidan and to
insure that both
sides keep their
pledges, they
exchange hostages.
The Northmen
return to Loch
Garman with a
promise to
rendezvous with
Airtre at a
prearranged spot
not far from
his son is away
and his men are
busy, Thorgrim and
Failend head to
Ferns to purchase
new cloth for the
sails. Although
the Irish and
Abbot Column, as
well as Brother
Bécc, are wary of
this offer of
silver for cloth,
the abbot agrees
to the exchange
with an additional
Thorgrim must also
assist Brother
Bécc (a former
soldier who is now
a monk) with
putting an end to
Airtre’s repeated
attempts to
plunder the abbey.
As much as he
would prefer not
to fight, Thorgrim
will do what he
must to obtain the
sails. Only after
he returns to camp
does he learn that
his son is a
hostage to this
Airtre; that they
are to meet
Brother Bécc at
the same spot
where they are to
await Airtre; and
that the Northmen
have now promised
to fight on both
sides. Thorgrim
also understands
why Starri was
unconcerned about
his peaceful
intentions and how
fickle the gods
can be.
Garman is an
excellent example
of circumstances
making strange
bedfellows, for
such are rife
throughout this
wonderful tale.
While the majority
of it takes place
on land, there are
a few river
scenes. Subtle
shifts begin to
emerge in
relations between
the Irish and
Northmen that will
eventually lead to
a more peaceful
coexistence. Lest
you think you can
guess the ending
from this review,
I assure you that
isn’t the case.
Yes, there is
plenty of action
as Starri
foretells, but
this intricately
woven tapestry is
far more than just
adventure. It also
showcases how
warriors think,
gauge their
potential trickery
before it unfolds,
and find ways to
overwhelming odds
to prevail without
losing sight of
the original goal.
possesses the gift
of a true
storyteller; his
words easily spin
visual pictures in
our minds without
inserting passages
that allow us to
stray from
unfolding events.
For the first
time, Louis the
Frank is actually
likable and
interactions with
Thorgrim provide
glimpses into two
men who are no
longer as young as
they once were.
For much of the
story, Harald is
apart from the
rest of the
Northmen and these
wanderings not
only allow him to
discover the truth
of Ferns’ secret,
but also to
demonstrate his
inner reflections
that show both the
true depth of his
character and how
he has matured as
a man and a
are elements
within this book –
perhaps the best
offering in the
series so far –
that readers will
identify with no
matter their ages.
For me, these
include sly
touches of dry
humor, the
rationalizing of
conflicts, and the
wisdom and
frailties that
come with getting
older. Regardless
of what attracts
you, you will not
be disappointed.
From the opening
confrontation to
the heart-stopping
climax, Loch
Garman is a
riveting tale that
brings to life a
bygone era of
Irish history.
Review Copyright
Cindy Vallar
Vengeful Wind
By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press, 2018, ISBN
978-0692169216, US $12.99
Also available in e-book &
audio formats
bearing more
Northmen land
on the beach
on the other
side of Loch
Thorgrim Night
Wolf knows the
delicate truce
with the Irish
has become
All he wishes
is to finish
repairs to his
own longships,
obtain the
sails that the
monastery is
making, and
set sail;
instead, he
and some of
his men row
across the
water to offer
The offer is
Thorgrim slew
the newcomers’
leader months
past over
control of
Thorgrim and
his followers
return to
hoping to
depart before
the Irish
learn of the
new Vikings.
The gods have
other plans.
Once a man-at
arms and now a
monk, Brother
Bécc hates the
invaders and
wishes to
eradicate them
from all of
Ireland. The
arrival of
more such
provides the
necessary for
him to once
again take up
arms, first
against the
newcomers and
then against
Thorgrim Night
Wolf. Bécc and
the local rí
lead their men
on a carefully
planned night
attack when
the Northmen
are drunk and
asleep. Just
as a rout is
achieved, out
of the
darkness upon
the sea come
monsters –
crowded with
men with Night
Wolf at their
head. Bécc’s
anger at
failing to
achieve God’s
will is such
that he
murders a man
and uses
to attack the
In Angel-cynn
(which the
Norse call
Engla-land) in
the town of
Sherborne, the
people who
matter gather
in the
cathedral to
witness the
marriage of
the ealdorman
daughter of a
neighboring ealdorman.
Just after the
exchange vows,
a minor thegn
kills the
groom and
calls for
others to rise
up with him.
The assistance
he seems to
expect comes
to naught and
the murderer
is slain.
Nothwulf is
stunned at the
death of his
brother, and
is intent on
finding out
the reason for
the murder. He
also hopes to
step into his
shoes and
become the new
for surely a
wife of two
minutes who is
as distraught
as Cynewise
has no desire
to take over
her husband’s
duties. Yet
Cynewise is
not as meek or
frail as she
back she
plots, plans,
and garners
local support
to gain King
support in
naming her as
The only one
in her way is
but with the
help of the
shire reeve
who slew her
Cynewise soon
deals a
crushing blow
to Nothwulf .
. . or so it
seems until
news of Norse
ships landing
give Nothwulf
an unexpected
The opening of
the eighth
book in the
Norsemen Saga
is a bit slow
as readers are
introduced to
a new story
line that
involves a new
land, new
and new words.
tale continues
in the second
chapter and,
what happens
in Ireland is
with events in
England. Only
after a
battle between
the Northmen
and the Irish
does it become
clear as to
why this new
story line has
enthralling is
the fearsome
voyage on
stormy seas
that easily
brings to mind
the words of The
“In this year
dire portents
appeared . . .
and sorely
frightened the
They consisted
of immense
whirlwinds and
flashes of
lightning, and
fiery dragons
were seen
flying in the
There’s some
between the
severity of
wound and the
quickness of
his recovery,
yet this is a
minor aspect.
What is
compelling is
his maturing
character arc
and some of
he comes to as
he enters his
fifth decade.
Deathless, and
other familiar
help make his
life more
as do the
of several
from earlier
titles in the
series. As
always, Nelson
includes maps,
a longship
diagram, and a
glossary to
aid readers in
their journey
settings and
vocabulary. He
also selects
writings to
hint at what
is to come in
each chapter.
Vengeful Wind
is a
blend of
fiction and
intrigue that
recreates a
time period
centuries in
the past.
Nelson’s gift
transports us
to these
strange lands
to such a
degree that
the modern
world is soon
forgotten and
we’re swept
away just as
the Northmen
cast from the
shores of
Copyright ©2019 Cindy Vallar

Kings and Pawns
By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press, 2019,
ISBN 978-0578515106,
Also available in e-book
& audio formats
matter how hard he
tries, the gods refuse
to allow Thorgrim “Night
Wolf” Ulfsson to return
home to Norway. He and
his men, numbering
between three and four
hundred, as well as
their seven ships, are
now in Engla-land, where
they have captured a
rich monastery and many
English soldiers. Night
Wolf prefers to ransom
them and be on his way,
but the conniving
machinations of two
locals vying to be
proclaimed ealdorman
interfere his plans.
Cynwise, who would pay
the Danegeld and secure
her claim to the title,
must contend with a
father who would usurp
her rights, and her
brother-in-law, who
feels he should inherit
his brother’s position.
Nothwulf, allied with
the influential and
wealthy thegn Leofric,
has no intention of
paying the ransom. He
plans to decimate the
Norsemen through slyness
and trickery, thus
proving he is the best
candidate for ealdorman.
Night Wolf has two sons:
Harold Broadarm, who
accompanies him on this
long raiding journey,
and Odd Thorgrimson, who
remains at home taking
care of both his own
farm and his father’s.
In spite of being clever
and good at what he
does, a small part of
Odd also resents being
left behind, unable to
prove himself as a true
Norse warrior. News of
unexpected visitors to
Night Wolf’s farm and
King Halfdan’s
insistence that Night
Wolf owes back taxes,
even though Odd has
diligently paid them,
stir unwanted trouble
that finally provide Odd
with the chance to prove
his mettle to both
himself and the other hauldar,
prosperous landowners
like himself. They are
reluctant allies until
they realize that what
Halfdan proposes for Odd
could well be their
fates as well.
Kings and Pawns
is the ninth book in The
Norsemen Saga and has
all the hallmarks of the
previous titles –
intrigue, betrayal,
courage and bravery,
cleverness and brawn,
and fickle nemeses – to
guarantee that readers
find themselves on a
whirlwind adventure
where expectations and
actualities don’t
necessarily coincide.
Starri Deathless
epitomizes the berserker
of history in a way that
illuminates how these
warriors must have
appeared as they fought
their enemies. Failend’s
soul-searching seems an
important component at
the beginning of this
tale, but as it unfolds,
both she and her
struggle fade away
unresolved. The
introduction of Odd and
his conflict with the
power-hungry and jealous
Halfdan promises a new
and compelling dynamic
to the saga. Odd’s
surprise attack makes
for interesting
comparisons to those
that his father endures.
Nelson’s expertise lies
in his portrayal of
battles, whether they
take place on land or
water, and this tale
incorporates both.
Nothwulf’s snare and
Halfdan’s ambush are
equally harrowing, but
in different ways.
Nelson interweaves the
various threads of this
epic tapestry of
nail-biting drama in a
way that leaves readers
clamoring for more tales
of Night Wolf and his
Copyright ©2020 Cindy
Midgard Serpent
By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press,
2020, ISBN
Also available in
e-book & audio
years of
raiding, most
recently in
“Night Wolf”
Ulfsson is
finally going
home. Or at
least that’s
the plan until
his son,
Harald, tries
a crazy stunt.
If not for the
of another
group of
Harald might
well be dead.
The leader of
this band is
an old friend,
who has need
of Thorgrim’s
Together, they
will have
sufficient men
to stage a
raid on an
inland town
ripe for
After all, it
is where King
lives and has
a cathedral
rich with
Thwarted by
the gods once
agrees to join
this venture.
years of hard
work and
have finally
Harald what he
wants most,
command of a
ship. But what
is the best
way to gain
the crew’s
respect and
form them into
a cohesive
unit? The
whale seems an
solution, even
though he has
never hunted
one before and
has no idea
how best to
slay the
creature. On
the one hand,
he succeeds in
his endeavor.
On the other,
he gains the
wrath of his
father. But
Harald is no
longer a boy.
He is an
warrior who’s
ready to stand
on his own two
feet, which
causes a rift
Thorgrim and
Harald that
neither is
willing to
home, King
Halfdan has
left Odd
Thorgrimson no
choice but to
fight for his
rights, his
land, and his
father’s land.
He and the
concur that
his plan will
work, and to a
large extent
it does. While
Halfdan is
away, they’ve
captured his
hall and
fortress. They
just make one
small error in
judgment, one
that results
in a standoff
Halfdan and
them. Although
they decide to
fight to the
bitter end,
Odd cannot let
the others
suffer for his
own mistake.
Plus Halfdan
holds a card
Odd didn’t
count on, and
he will do
what he must
in order to
safeguard his
some time,
Failend has
been troubled.
She loves
Thorgrim, but
does he love
her? Feelings
something he
shows or talks
about. Her
time with the
Norsemen has
taught her
much and made
her into a
warrior, but
she’s far from
her homeland
and her god is
not their
gods. When she
hears that
they plan to
church, her
resolves into
a decision
that has
for her as
well as
Thorgrim and
the men he
most trusts.
has spent two
preparing for
the king’s
pilgrimage to
Rome, but on
the eve of
departure, the
Norsemen are
sighted. They
must stop the
invaders and,
although it
will delay
journey, he
helps the king
and his men
see the wisdom
of his plan.
The enemy will
expect them to
stand and
fight on land.
What if they
take to the
ships and lay
a trap that
will finally
rid them of
this scourge?
the many tales
recounted in
the sagas,
Odin tossed
one of Loki’s
children into
the ocean.
This serpent
grew and grew
until it
encircled the
Earth and
grasped its
own tail,
earning it the
name of the
Serpent. This
book in many
ways resembles
a serpent,
twisting and
creeping and
stinging as
events unfold
in what is
perhaps the
best of the
ten entries in
Norsemen Saga.
From tangling
with a whale
while in a
longboat, to a
battle at sea,
to a race on
water to elude
pursuers in
the midst of a
storm, to
burning at the
stake, The
ensnares the
reader until
you are swept
into the midst
of the action.
It is
impossible to
stop turning
pages, to
catch one’s
breath. Just
when you think
the stakes
can’t possibly
become higher,
Nelson shows
you just how
wrong that
assumption is.
He is a gifted
raconteur and,
for anyone who
dreams of
rousing Viking
strap on your
mail, grab
your shield,
and heft your
sword. This
wild ride of
the mid ninth
century will
fulfill those
Copyright ©2020 Cindy
Buccaneer Coast:
Blood, Steel, and
By James L. Nelson
Fore Topsail Press,
2021, ISBN
US $18.99 / CAN
far as Spain
is concerned,
the New World
belongs to it,
from France,
the Dutch
Republic, or
England. To
take back what
is theirs, a
Spanish force
attacks the
islands of
and Nevis and
lanceros hunt
on the
coast of
LeBoeuf and
his partner
are stalking
wild pigs when
lanceros pursue
them. Le
Rongeur, a
thief and
abhorrent man
whose only
good qualities
are his
swiftness and
his aim,
flees. LeBoeuf
expects this
to be his last
day, yet he
stands his
ground and
lashes out
against his
fleet of
galleons and
warships near
Santo Domingo.
Among their
passengers is
the new
governor of
Don Alonso
Menéndez de
Aviles, and
his wife. Her
father has the
money and
power, but Don
Alonso knows
this will not
be for long.
among the
other vessels
is a French
ship laden
with a
cargo and
secret papers
that will
allow him to
acquire the
wealth and
influence that
he so
Graves is
either lucky
or unlucky. It
has always
been so and
now seems to
be a mix of
the two. He
has lost the
cargo that he
stole from his
employer, Señor
because the
Spanish attack
Nevis, but
being aboard
vessel, he has
eluded the
However, he
fails to elude
henchman, and
is now on his
way back to
Santo Domingo
to await a
fate worse
than death . .
. unless he
can change his
luck, which
often happens
if given the
time to talk
his way out of
a hopeless
situation. Two
themselves –
Spanish ships
in pursuit
and, later,
pirates – and
Benjamin has a
plan, if he
can get Maja
to listen.
is a brute of
mixed blood,
who keeps his
own counsel
and follows
orders. Like
Graves and
returning him,
the ship, and
its cargo to
Santo Domingo.
The problem is
he has two of
the three and
Señor Corregidor
will not be
happy. Maja is
also savvy and
waits for
to present
Like Graves’s
risky schemes
to elude their
pursuers and
to trick the
pirates into
making a fatal
mistake. He
knows that
sooner or
later he will
no longer be
just property.
He will be
free and more
powerful than
the man who
owns him.
Caribbean is a
place, not
only because
of the various
ownership, but
also because
Mother Nature
is an
force that
unleashes her
fury when it
suits her. A
LeBoeuf’s way
of life, yet
leaves behind
hope for a new
life. The same
tempest wreaks
havoc on Don
plans, almost
as much as
those who are
far more
experienced in
the ways of
the New World
do. The storm
is the
catalyst that
propels these
four men onto
pathways that
collide in
wrathful ways
that promise
to be just as
as the
effects of the
is the first
book in a new
series that
brings to life
the men who
hunted wild
pigs, but were
forced to
become the
bane of
empire. Nelson
precisely sets
the stage for
the titles
that follow
and does so in
a way that
makes the
reader antsy
for their next
with the
characters. He
provides maps
and a glossary
to assist
Hispaniola and
terms. Adept
readers may
notice some
sentences with
missing and
wrong words,
as well as a
but the action
and character
depth easily
these. There
are a few
words, like
prithee, that
may catch the
reader by
surprise, but
they help
recreate the
time period.
The constant
use of Don
Alonso’s full
name, or even
those of a few
Spaniards, may
tiresome to
some readers,
but they help
establish the
pompousness of
a character,
as well as the
formality of
Coast is a
tale of hope,
betrayal, and
the brutal
reality of
life where the
best lessons
learned may
allies and the
best way to
survive is to
trust no one.
Nelson vividly
depicts life
as boucaniers
demonstrates a
plausible way
in which these
men became
buccaneers. A
he takes
simple scenes
and crafts
them into
events that
readers from
the present
back to the
17th century
where they
lives as if
they stand
side by side
with the
Cindy Vallar

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