Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for
Pirate Apprentices ~ Fantasy

Daughter of the Pirate King
by Tricia Levenseller
Feiwell and Friends, 2017, ISBN 978-1-250-09596-1, US
$17.99 / CAN $24.99
to be someone she’s not and hiding skills that can
free her are difficult for Alosa, but to succeed in
her mission, she has no other choice. She just can’t
make her capture seem too easy for Captain Draxen
and the rest of the pirates of Night Farer.
She also wants to make certain her crew gets away
unharmed . . . well, at least the three she trusts
who are true members of her real crew. Her father
handpicks the rest from among the debtors, thieves,
and disobeyers who come to his attention.
Once he boards her ship, Draxen reveals that he
knows exactly who she is: Princess Alosa, daughter
of Kalligan, the Pirate King. When she attempts to
negotiate her surrender, a battle of wits ensues. An
accord is finally reached, but not without shedding
blood, and his crew puts her crew in longboats and
tells them it will take them 2½ days to reach the
nearest port. Once there, they are to deliver his
ransom note to the Pirate King. Then Draxen sinks
their ship.
Furious at losing face in front of his men, Draxen
threatens Alosa before locking her in a cell.
Getting out isn’t a problem; she’s quit adept at
picking locks and well-trained by her father, but
sneaking out must wait until the pirates are asleep.
Only then will it be a tad safer to search Night
Farer to complete her mission.
Many years ago a map is torn into sections and given
to three pirate lords. These pieces have been handed
down from father to son through generations. Her
father has one. The second is held by Draxen’s
father, but he’s dead now, which means Draxen may or
may not have the map. In fact, he may not even know
about it. It’s her job to find his piece; only then
can she set in motion the rest of her father’s plan.
Once he has all three sections and reassembles the
map, it will lead him to the Isla de Canta – an
island filled with treasure and protected by magical
Draxen’s brother Riden is tasked with interrogating
Alosa to discover the exact location of Kalligan’s
hideaway. While he’s out searching for her fater,
Draxen will sail to the hideaway and lay an ambush.
The Pirate King introduces the concept of honesty to
make deals and negotiate with rival lords. Draxen
prefers the old ways and being honest goes against
the grain of many pirates. Hence his reason for
capturing Alosa.
Having been raised by a vicious father, Riden has
seen the crueler side of life. He doesn’t want to
see Alosa hurt, but he’s not against allowing others
to hurt her if she fails to answer his questions.
Almost from the start, she recognizes Riden feels
responsible for some situation. She just doesn’t
know what or why. She does understand that all he
truly wants is to be loved and accepted.
Riden has a special skill, one that allows him to
elicit information without others knowing this is
what he’s doing. His technique differs from usual
interrogations, and Alosa enjoys their cat-and-mouse
game. Until she realizes she has shared some
secrets, such as her willingness to do whatever her
father asks just to please him. Riden also senses
Alosa keeps a more important secret . . . but it’s
one she can’t afford to reveal to him or anyone
From first sentence to last, Alosa weaves a magical
web filled with powerful emotions that compel you to
keep turning pages. She drops hints throughout her
tale, but never reveals the truth until the exact
moment you need to know. Levenseller deftly melds
fantasy with pirate lore and betrayal. Just when you
think you know what comes next, she inserts an
unexpected twist that heightens the tension and
sends you plummeting. The intended audience may be
young adults, but anyone will enjoy this story
because it touches on themes we all can relate
to: the need for acceptance, a desire to be
loved, and trying to please one’s parents no matter
how high they set the bar.
Daughter of the Pirate King is a great
fantasy made even better with the promise of a
sequel. After all, there’s still one piece of map to
Copyright ©2016 Cindy Vallar

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