Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
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Books for
Pirate Apprentices ~ Fantasy
![Cover Art: The Left-Handed Fate](Left-HandedFate.jpg)
The Left-Handed Fate
by Kate Milford
illustrated by Eliza Wheeler
Henry Holt, 2016, ISBN 978-0-8050-9800-6, US $16.99 /
CAN $23.99
Also available in other formats
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1812, is a dangerous time for a British privateer,
especially Left-Handed Fate, to put into
Baltimore, Maryland. After all, the young United
States has declared war on Great Britain. But the
three young passengers have no choice. Their country
faces an even greater threat – Napoleon Bonaparte,
who wants to rule the world – so they risk their
lives to find out what a Baltimore shopkeeper is
keeping for Max Ault’s father.
Max studies science and, after his father’s untimely
death, he’s determined to finish his father’s work.
Mr. Ault believed he had found evidence of a
philosophical device so powerful it could end all
wars, particularly the British war with France. All
Max knows is the device consists of three parts. To
help find these scattered sections, he enlists the
help of a famous privateer named Captain Richard
Captain Bluecrowne and his two children, Lucy and
Liao, live on Left-Handed Fate. Lucy serves
as first mate, but being a girl, she’s not permitted
to take the Royal Navy’s exam to officially become a
lieutenant. Her younger brother’s expertise is in
gunpowder and rockets, but Liao refuses to use them
to harm others. He loves to light up the night sky
with colorful explosions to entertain himself and
his shipmates. When there’s any fighting, he hides
belowdecks as far from the guns as possible.
With the Bluecrownes help, Max has already acquired
the first part of the device – loom cards that
weavers use to create fabric with colorful patterns.
The problem is that neither Max nor the Bluecrownes
know how to use these cards or whether they are even
in the correct sequence for the device. When they
arrive in Baltimore to collect the second part, Max
discovers the shopkeeper has given it to a local
privateer so Left-Handed Fate pursues the
vessel to Norfolk.
But Max, Lucy, and Liao aren’t the only ones who
want the powerful weapon. The Frenchman from whom
they steal the loom cards will do whatever he must
to reacquire them and build the device for France.
There’s also a mysterious black ship, crewed by
silent men dressed in black, that seems to magically
appear and disappear. The only warning the ship is
near are the little blue lights that flitter like
butterflies around Left-Handed Fate and the
children. Of course, since Lucy, Max, and Liao are
in American waters, there’s also the danger of being
captured by the American navy.
Acting-Midshipman Oliver Dexter serves aboard USS Amaranthine
and so far, the voyage has been decidedly
disappointing. The older midshipmen are always
pulling tricks on him, but he refuses to complain.
If anyone finds out his true identity, they will
make his life even more miserable. He has a keen eye
and while on watch one night, he spots flashes of
cannon fire between two vessels. Amarathine
enters the fray and captures Left-Handed
Fate. Much to Oliver’s surprise, the captain
puts him in charge of the British privateer with
orders to take her and the prisoners, including
Liao, Lucy, and Max, to Norfolk, Virginia. Just like
everything else so far in his young life, this
simple task does not go according to plans. He loses
a duel to a girl. He encounters silent men in black
uniforms. And to thwart the Frenchman who tries to
take Left-Handed Fate from him, he must make
a bargain with Lucy that essentially makes him a
traitor to his country.
This engaging, riveting adventure and its compelling
characters quickly draw pirate apprentices into this
skillfully woven tale of history, science, and
fantasy. Readers experience a range of emotions from
delight to heartache. It’s rare for tales set during
the War of 1812 and the Napoleonic Wars to be geared
toward middle-grade readers, but Milford stays true
to the historical time period in which The Left-Handed
Fate takes place and skillfully intertwines
danger and mystery without the gore. Neither does
she sugarcoat the realities of war. Her knowledge of
ships and privateering also shine through without
the facts intruding into the story. Unexpected
twists and the final revelations make this a
memorable story that even adults will enjoy.
Copyright ©2016 Cindy Vallar
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