Cindy Vallar
Author, Editor, & Pirate Chronicler
P. O. Box 425, Keller, TX 76244-0425

R&S Resource Directory

The Rebel & the Spy Research Sources: People

George Armistead

Peter Ellis Bean

Renato Beluche

William Charles Cole Claiborne

George Cockburn

Andrew Jackson
William Jones

Thomas Kemp

Jean & Pierre Laffite

Edward & Louise Livingston

Dolley & James Madison

José María Morelos
Daniel Todd Paterson

Robert Ross

Père Antoine Sedella

Jean-Pierre Sioussat

Dominique Youx

Peripheral Biographies

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(Links verified 10/2/2020)

"George Armistead." Find a Grave, 28 November 1998.

Sheads, Scott Sumpter. Guardian of the Star-Spangled Banner: Lt. Colonel George Armistead and the Fort McHenry Flag. Toomey Press, 1999.

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(Links verified 10/4/2020)

"The History of Texas: Ellis P. Bean." Son of the South.

"Peter Ellis Bean (Pedro Elías Beán) 1783-1846." Sons of DeWitt Colony Texas.

Weems, John Edward. "Peter Ellis Bean." Texas State Historical Association.

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(Links verified

De Grummond, Jane Lucas. Renato Beluche: Smuggler, Privateer and Patriot, 1780-1860. Louisiana State, 1983.

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(Links verified 10/6/2020)

Ayres, Nelson. "Homes of the Dead." Louisiana Cemeteries.

Claiborne, John Herbert. William Claiborne of Virginia. Putnam, 1917.
Claiborne, William Charles Cole. Official Letter Books of W. C. C. Claiborne, 1801-1816 (6 v.). State Department of Archives and History, 1917.
"Claiborne, William Charles Cole." History, Art & Archives. United States House of Representatives.
"Claiborne, William Charles Cole (1775-1817)." Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774-Present.

De Grummond, Jane Lucas. "Cayetena Susana Bosque Y Fanqui, 'a Notable Woman'," Louisiana History XXIII:? (Summer 1982), 277-294.

Edwards, Michael J. (2011) "A 'Melancholy Experience:' William C. C. Claiborne and the Louisiana Militia, 1811-1815." MA thesis. University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations.

"Gov. William Charles Cole Claiborne." National Governors Association.

Hatfield, Joseph T. William Claiborne: Jeffersonian Centurion in the American Southwest. University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1976.
Hémard, Ned. "A New York Hill with a New Orleans Pedigree." New Orleans Nostalgia. New Orleans Bar Association, 2013.

Reeves, Miriam G. Governors of Louisiana. Pelican, 1964.

"William Charles Cole Claiborne." Louisiana Governors.

"The Youngest Representative in House History, William Charles Cole Claiborne." History, Art & Archives. United States House of Representatives.

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(Links verified 9/29/2020)

Cockburn, Patrick. "The Day a Cockburn Set the White House Aflame." The Independent, 2 September 2012.

Morriss, Roger. Cockburn and the British Navy in Transition: Admiral Sir George Cockburn 1772-1853. University of South Carolina, 1997.

Pack, James. The Man Who Burned the White House: Admiral Sir George Cockburn 1772-1853. Naval Institute Press, 1987.

Sheads, Scott S. "Reward: Admiral George Cockburn's Ears." Maryland in the War of 1812, 21 August 2011.

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(Links verified 10/6/2020)

"Andrew Jackson Gains His Nicknames." National Park Service, 15 April 2015.

"Andrew Jackson, the 7th President." Nashville Vacation Fun.
"Andrew Jackson's Hermitage." Andrew Jackson Foundation.

Boorsem, Hendrik. Young Hickory: The Making of Andrew Jackson. Taylor Trade, 2001.
Brady, Patricia. A Being So Gentle: The Frontier Love Story of Rachel and Andrew Jackson. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Brand, H. W. Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times. Anchor Books, 2006.
Brown, DeNeen L. "Hunting Down Runaway Slaves: The Cruel Ads of Andrew Jackson and 'the master class,'" The Washington Post, 1 May 2017.
Burstein, Andrew. The Passions of Andrew Jackson. Vintage Books, 2004.

Cheathem, Mark R. "Andrew Jackson, Slavery, and Historians." History Compass 9:4 (2011), 326-338.
Cheathem, Mark R. "Hannah, Andrew Jackson's Slave." Humanities 35:2 (March/April 2014).
Crain, Caleb. "Bad Precedent: Andrew Jackson's Assault on Habeas Corpus." The New Yorker, 22 January 2007.

Deutsch, Eberhard P. "The United States Versus Major General Andrew Jackson." American Bar Association Journal 46:? (September 1960), 966-972.

Eaton, John Henry, and Jerome Van Crowninshield Smith. The Complete Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. Hurst & Co., 1885. [alternate link]

Fleming, Thomas. "Old Hickory's Finest Hour." Military History Quarterly (Winter 2017), 6-17.

Gaines, Ann Graham. Andrew Jackson: Our Seventh President. The Child's World, 2009.

"The Hermitage." TN History for Kids!.
"The Hermitage Mansion Story." Andrew Jackson's Hermitage.

"Interesting Andrew Jackson Documents." United States District Court. Eastern District of Louisiana.

Jackson, Andrew. Correspondence of Andrew Jackson v 2: 1804-1813, v3: 1814-1815. University of Tennessee, 1991.
Jackson, Andrew. "Andrew Jackson Quotes." Brainy Quote.
Jackson, Andrew. The Papers of Andrew Jackson v. III 1814-1815 edited by Harold D. Moser, David R. Hoth, Sharon Macpherson, and John H. Reinbold. The University of Tennessee, 1991.
Jackson, Andrew. "Quotes." Wikiquote.
James Marquis. The Life of Andrew Jackson. Bobbs-Merrill, 1938.

Kinsland, Deborah. "President Andrew Jackson." Pinterest.

"Major General Andrew Jackson." Tennessee State Militia.
Meacham, Jon. American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House. Random House, 2008.
Morris, Hal. "A Brief Biography of Andrew Jackson 1767-1845." Tales of the Early Republic.
Moser, Harold D. "Andrew Jackson." The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture. The Tennessee Historical Society, 2010.
"MSS 200." Andrew Jackson Collection. The Historic New Orleans Collection.

"Orphan: Spark from the Start." Andrew Jackson's Hermitage.
Osinski, Alice. Andrew Jackson. Childrens Press, 1987.

Parton, James. Life of Andrew Jackson v 2. Mason Brothers, 1861.
Philips, Charles. The Hermitage: Home of Andrew Jackson. Ladies' Heritage Association, 1997.

Remini, Robert V. Andrew Jackson: The Course of American Empire 1767-1821. Johns Hopkins, 1998.
Remini, Robert V. The Life of Andrew Jackson. Penguin, 1990.

Vickery, Paul. Jackson: The Iron-willed Commander. Thomas Nelson, 2012.

Waldo, S. Putnam. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. John Russell, Jr., 1818.
Walker, Alexander. Jackson and New Orleans. J. C. Derby, 1856. [alternate link] [alternate link]
Welsbacher, Anne. Andrew Jackson. ABDO, 1999.

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(Links verified 10/4/2020)

Brown, Kenneth. "The William Jones Papers." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History & Biography 66:4 (October 1942), 479-482.

Brown, Kenneth L. "Mr. Madison's Secretary of Navy." Proceedings 73:8 (August 1947). U.S. Naval Institute.

Eckert, Edward K. "William Jones: Mr. Madison's Secretary of the Navy," The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 96:2 (April 1972), 167-182.
Eckert, Edward Kyle. 1969. "William Jones and the Role of the Secretary of the Navy in the War of 1812." PhD diss. University of Florida. [alternative link]

"NH 66633 William Jones, Secretary of the Navy, 1813-1814." Naval History and Heritage Command.

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(Links verified 10/4/2020)

MayoLady. "Thomas Kemp." Find a Grave, 14 January 2012.

"Thomas Kemp House." Preservation Society of Fells Point and Federal Hill. Baltimore Heritage, 4 October 2012.
"Thomas Kemp Shipyard." Baltimore A Link to the City.

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(Links verified 10/11/2020)

"The Acquisition of the Laffite Journal." The Laffite Society Chronicles IV:1 (February 1998).
Arthur, Stanley Clisby. Jean Laffite, Gentleman Rover. Harmanson, 1952.

Block, W. T. "The Legacy of Jean Lafitte in Southwest Louisiana," True West (December 1979), 26-ff.
The Buccaneer. Classics Illustrated #148. Gilberton Publications (January 1959).
The Buccaneer. Paramount Pictures, 1938.
The Buccaneer. Paramount Pictures, 1958.

Calvet, Louis-Jean. "Barataria: The Strange History of Jean Laffite, Pirate." The Laffite Society Chronicles IX:2 (October 2003), 3-13.
Charnley, Mitchell V. Jean Lafitte: Gentleman Smuggler. Viking, 1934.
Cusachs, Gaspar. "Lafitte, the Louisiana Pirate and Patriot." The Louisiana Historical Quarterly 2:4 (October 1919), 418-438. [alternate link]

Davis, William C. "The Journal of Jean Laffite." The Laffite Society Chronicles XI:2 (October 2005), 2-16.
Davis, William C. The Pirates Laffite: The Treacherous World of the Corsairs of the Gulf. Harcourt, 2005.

Epperson, Jean L. "The Final years of Jean Laffite." The Laffite Society Chronicles VII:2 (October 2001), 2-3.
Epperson, Jean L. "Stanley Faye and Jean Laffite." The Laffite Society Chronicles VII:1 (February 2001), 2-3.

Faye, Stanley. "The Great Stroke of Pierre Laffite," Louisiana Historical Quarterly 23 (1940).
Faye, Stanley. Privateers of the Gulf 1803-1820. Dogwood Press, 2001.
Faye, Stanley. "Privateersmen of the Gulf and Their Prizes," Louisiana Historical Quarterly 22:3 (October 1939), 1012-1094.
"FAQ: Genealogy -- Family -- Personal." The Laffite Society.

Gayarre, Charles. The Story of Jean and Pierre Lafitte: The Patriot-Pirates. Louisiana State Museum, date unknown. [reprint of Gayarre's "Historical Sketch of Pierre and Jean Lafitte: The Famous Smugglers of Louisiana, 1809-1814," The Magazine of American History X:? (July-December 1883).

"The Historical Timeline of the Laffites." The Laffite Society.
Howells, John. "Contemporaneous Descriptions of Jean Laffite." The Laffite Society Chronicles V:1 (February 1999).

"Jean Laffite in American Literature: A Check List of Published Works through 1958" compiled by Robert C. Vogel. The Laffite Society Chronicles II:2 (July 1996).
"Jean Laffite in American Literature: A Check List of Published Works through 1958" compiled by Robert C. Vogel. The Laffite Society Chronicles III:1 (January 1997).
"Jean Laffite." Swiss Family Robinson. Irwin Allen Productions & 20th Century Fox Television, 1976.
"Jean Lafitte: History & Mystery." Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve. National Park Service.

Kendall, John S. "Piracy in the Gulf of Mexico, 1816-1823." Louisiana Historical Quarterly 8:3 (January 1925), 341-368.
Kendall, John Smith. "The Huntsmen of Black Ivory." Louisiana Historical Quarterly 24:1 (January 1941), 9-34.
Keyes, Pam. "Archive for Jean Laffite." Historia Obscura.
Keyes, Pam. "The British Visit to Laffite: A Study of Events 200 Years Later." Historia Obscura, 25 August 2014.
Keyes, Pam. "Jean Laffite: Catalyst to Jackson's Victory at New Orleans." The Laffite Society Chronicles X:2 (October 2004), 2-8.
Keyes, Pam. "A Visit by Author of Laffite Book." The Laffite Society Chronicles XI:2 (2005), 27-28.
King, Grace. "The Baratarians" in New Orleans: The Place and the People. Macmillan, 1926.

Laffite, Jean. Journal of Jean Laffite: A Private Patriot's Own Story. Dogwood Press, 1994.
Laffite, Jean. The Memoirs of Jean Laffite from Le Journal de Jean Laffite translated by Gene Marshall. XLibris, 1999.
The Laffite Society.

Mañé, Jorge Idnacio Rubio. The Pirates Lafitte translated by Jeffrey P. Modzelewski. Modzelewski, 2006.
Marshall, Gene. "The Languages of the Author of Laffite's Journal." The Laffite Society Chronicles VI:1 (February 2000).
McCafferty, Kerri. "Old Hickory and the Pirate." Historic Traveler (February 1997).
Mora, Isidro A. Beluche. "Privateers of Cartagena." Louisiana Historical Quarterly XXXIX:1 (January 1956), 74-91.
Mota, Francisco. "The Adventures of Lafitte and the Pirates of Barataria" translated by Jeff Modzelewski. The Laffite Society Chronicles IV:2 (August 1998).
"MSS 56." Laffite (Pierre and Jean Collection, 1813. The Williams Research Center, The Historic New Orleans Collection. [Unsigned letter requesting Letter of Marque for Diligente. Certificate of Inspection of Diligente, owned by Pierre Laffite, captained by Jean Laffite. Roll of crew listing name, rank, age, and birthplace.]

"Naval Combat." Gaceta de Cartagena, 20 April 1823. [translated from Spanish on The Laffite Society e-list about demise of Jean Laffite]

Olson, R. Dale, and Diane Olson. "Graphic Images of Jean Laffite." The Laffite Society Chronicles II:2 (July 1996).
Olson, R. Dale, and Diane Olson. "Graphic Images of Jean Laffite." The Laffite Society Chronicles III:1 (January 1997).

Parsons, Edward Alexander. "Jean Lafitte in the War of 1812: A Narrative Based on the Original Documents." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society L:2 (October 1940), 205-224.
Peattie, Donald Culross. "Jean Lafitte: Pirate Patriot." Reader's Digest 45:269 (September 1944), 37-40.
Percy, William Henry. "Letter, Capt. William Henry Percy, HMS Hermes, Pensacola, to Monsieur [Jean] Lafitte [sic], Barataria, Louisiana." Louisiana Digital Library, 1 September 1814.
Perrin, William Henry. "Lafitte and His Barataria Pirates." Southwest Louisiana Historical and Biographical. Gulf Publishing, 1891.
Peterson, Rob. "Looking for the Temple." The Laffite Society Chronicles XVII:1 (February 2011), 6-9.
Poulenc, Cesar. Jean Laffite Gentleman Pirate. Privateer Press, 1987.

Ramsey, Jack. Jean Laffite Prince of Pirates. Eakin Press, 1996.

Saxon, Lyle. Lafitte the Pirate. Robert L. Crager & Co., 1950.
Stielow, Frederick J. "Southern Barataria in the Era of Jean Laffite." The Laffite Society Chronicles XIV:1 (February 2008), 15-21.
Sugden, John. "Jean Lafitte and the British Offer of 1814." Louisiana History XX:2 (Spring 1979), 159-167.

Tallant, Robert. The Pirate Lafitte and the Battle of New Orleans. Random House, 1951.

Vogel, Robert C. "Pierre and Jean Laffite: Going to the Primary Sources." The Laffite Society Chronicles VII: 2 (October 2001), 7-12.

A Warning from Lafitte.

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(Links verified 10/6/2020)

"Animated in the Hour of Danger: Edward Livingston at the Battle of New Orleans." Clermont State Historic Site, 17 April 2018.
Ashworth, Suzanna. "Louise d'Avezac de Castera Livingston." Find a Grave, 1 July 2010.

Hatcher, William B. Edward Livingston: Jeffersonian Republican and Jacksonian Democrat. Louisiana State, 1940.
Hunt, Charles Havens. Life of Edward Livingston. D. Appleton, 1864.
Hunt, Rev. Albert S. Hunt. Remarks Made at the Funeral of Mrs. Louise Livingston. Printed for private distribution, 1861.
Hunt, Louise Livingston. Memoir of Mrs. Edward Livingston with Letters Hitherto Unpublished. Harper & Brothers, 1886.

Katz, Aya. "Edward Livingston: A Famous Man that Few Have Heard of." Historia Obscura, 9 April 2013.

Livingston, Edward. An Answer to Mr. Jefferson's Justification of His Conduct in the Case of the New Orleans Battle. William Fry, 1813.

Miller, Peyton Farrell. A Group of Great Lawyers of Columbia County, New York. The DeVinne Press, 1904.
"Mrs. Livingston, I Presume: Louise D'Avezac Livingston, Part 1." Clermont State Historic Site, 2 June 2012.
"Mrs. Livingston, I Presume: Part 2." Clermont State Historic Site, 9 June 2012.
"Mrs. Livingston, I Presume: Part 3." Clermont State Historic Site, 10 July 2012.
"Mrs. Louise Livingston, Wife of Edward Livingston" compiled by W. O. Hart. Louisiana Historical Quarterly 5:3 (July 1922), 352-356.

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(Links verified 10/4/2020)

Allgor, Catherine. A Perfect Union: Dolley Madison and the Creation of the American Nation. Henry Holt, 2006.
American History Videos. "Dolley Madison and Politics
by Dr. Catherine Allgor." 29 July 2016. Video, 7:00.

"Becoming America's First Lady: How Dolley Madison Conquered the Nation's Capital." James Madison's Montpelier.
Boller, Paul F. Presidential Wives. Oxford, 1998.
Brookhiser, Richard. James Madison. Basic Books, 2013.
Burstein, Andrew, and Nancy Isenberg. Madison & Jefferson. Random House, 2010.

Caroli, Betty Boyd. First Ladies. Oxford, 1995.
Côté, Richard N. Strength and Honor: The Life of Dolley Madison. Corinthian Books, 2005.

"Dolley Madison." First Ladies: Influence & Image. C-SPAN, 2013.
"Dolley Madison: A First Lady Flees to the Sanctuary of Dumbarton House." Dumbarton House.
"The Dolley Madison Digital Edition" edited by Holly C. Shulman. The University of Virginia Press.
"The Dolley Madison Project." Virginia Center for Digital History.

Smithsonian Channel. "The First Presidential Wife to Be Called the First Lady." First Ladies Revealed: The Power of Style. 2017. Video, 3:17.
Foreman, Amanda. "Our First Ladies and Their Predecessors," The Wall Street Journal (30-31 May 2015), C12.

Garra, Neil. "The Forgotten Adventures of Dolley Madison."

"History on the Auction Block: The 1899 Sale of the Estate of Dolley Madison." White House History ?:35 (Summer 2014), 68-100.
Howard, Hugh. Mr. and Mrs. Madison's War: America's First Couple and the Second War of Independence. Bloomsbury, 2012.
Hunt, Conover. "Getting It Right: The Embellished Obligations of Dolley Madison." White House History ?:35 (Summer 2014), 4-17.

"James Madison." History, 29 October 2009.
"James Madison." POTUS.
James Madison's Montpelier.
James Madison's Montpelier: Home of the Father of the Constitution edited by Evelyn Bence. James Madison's Montpelier, 2008.
Jennings, Paul. A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison. George C. Beadle, 1865.
Jennings, Paul. "A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison," White House History: Collection 1: Numbers 1-6. White House Historical Association, 2004, 50-55.

"The Life of James Madison." James Madison's Montpelier.

Mitchell, Patricia B. "Dolley Payne Madison: A Belle of a Washington Hostess."

Roberts, Cokie. Ladies of Liberty: The Women Who Shaped Our Nation. William Morrow, 2008.

Taylor, Elizabeth Dowling. A Slave in the White House: Paul Jennings and the Madisons. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Thane, Elswyth. Dolley Madison: Her Life and Times. Crowell-Collier, 1970.

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(Links verified 10/4/2020)

Graves, Dan. "Revolutionary Mexican Priest, Jose Morelos.", 3 May 2010.

"José María Morelos." Wikipedia.
"José María Morelos: Man of God, Warrior & Patriot." Sons of DeWitt Colony Texas, 2005.
"José María Morelos y Pavón (1765-1815)." Distant Neighbors: The U.S. and the Mexican Revolution. Hispanic Reading Room. The Library of Congress.

"José María Morelos y Pavón (1765-1815)." Mexican Independence. Sons of DeWitt Colony Texas.

Venable, Cecilia Gutierrez. "José María Morelos y Pavón (1765-1815)." Black Past (11 November 2014).

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(Linked verified 10/4/2020)

"Daniel Todd Patterson Archives." Historia Obscura.

Jarvis, John Wesley. "NH 43178 Captain Daniel Todd Patterson." Naval History and Heritage Command.

"NH 59496 Lieutenant Daniel Todd Patterson." Naval History and Heritage Command.

"Obituary: Daniel Todd Patterson.", 20 June 2009.

"Patterson, Daniel Todd, Capt." Together We Served.

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(Links verified 10/4/2020)

"Maj. Gen. Robert Ross." Casebook: The War of 1812.

McGuire, Patrick. "Major General Robert Ross and the War of 1812." U.S. Capitol Historical Society -- A Blog of History, 2 August 2012.

Sheads, Scott S. "John W. Hawkins (1797-1858); Notes on Maj. Gen. Robert Ross, RA." Maryland in the War of 1812, 14 December 2011.
Sheads, Scott S.
"Major-General Robert Ross archives." Maryland in the War of 1812.

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(Links verified 10/4/2020)

"Antonio Sedella and Religious Diversity in Louisiana." Louisiana State Museum.

Bishpam, Clarence Wyatt. "Fray Antonio de Sedella, an Appreciation." Louisiana Historical Quarterly 2:1 (January 1919), 24-37.

Bonnici, Eman. "Fr Antonio "Père Antoine" de Sedella." Find a Grave, 18 June 2012.

Gassler, F. L. "Pere Antoine, Supreme Officer of the Holy Inquisition of Cartagena, in Louisiana." The Catholic Historical Review 8:1 (April 1922), 59-63.

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(Linked verified 9/29/2020)

Bell, J. L. "Jean Pierre Sioussat: 'laboring with a hatchet'." Boston 1775, 2 July 2012.

"Jean Pierre Sioussat." The White House Historical Association, c. 1815.

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(Links verified 9/29/2020)

"Affidavit filed in case of United States v. Dominique Youx, 3 October 1814."
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. New Orleans Term, 1888-. National Archives, 251603.

"Document filed in case of United States v. Dominique Youx, 7 October 1814."
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. New Orleans Term, 1888-. National Archives, 251604.
Feuillie, Sylvie. "Dominique Youx and La Superbe." The Life and Times of Jean Laffite IX:? (Spring 1989), 2-3.

Kendall, John Smith. "The Huntsman of Black Ivory." Louisiana Historical Quarterly 24:1 (January 1941), 24-28.

"MSS 55." You (Dominique) Papers, 1812-1813. The Williams Research Center, The Historic New Orleans Collection. [Folder 3: 23 August 1812, unsigned letter to Mayor McRea on damage to Le Pandoure and near death of captain. Folder 4: 17 September 1812, rough draft requesting Letter of Marque for Le Pandoure; reverse side contains affidavit on profits from ship's last crossing (in French). Folder 7: 12 September 1812, Le Pandoure's crossing, prizes, and expenses signed by Captain Frederic You (in French). Folder 8: 17 September 1812, inventory of Le Pandoure signed by Captain Frederic You (in French). Folder 9: 17 September 1812, settlement of spoils captured by Le Pandoure (in French). Folder 12: 23 August 1812, Frederic Tainburier's affidavit of hurricane that nearly destroyed Le Pandoure (in French). Folder 13: 23 August 1812, several crewmen's affidavits of Le Pandoure about hurricane (in French).]

"Presentment of Dominique Youx filed in case of United States v. Dominique Youx, 24 October 1814." U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. New Orleans Term, 1888-. National Archives, 251602.

Vallar, Cindy. "Dominique Youx, Intrepid Warrior." Pirates and Privateers, 5 August 2011.

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(Links verified 10/4/2020)

Aprill, Alex. "General William Hull." Military History of the Upper Great Lakes, 12 October 2015.

Bell, William Gardner. "John Armstrong."
Secretaries of War & Secretaries of the Army: Portraits and Biographical Sketches. Center of Military History, 1992.
Bell, William Gardner. "William Eustis." Secretaries of War & Secretaries of the Army: Portraits and Biographical Sketches. Center of Military History, 1992.

Calhoun, John. "War Hawks of 1812: John C. Calhoun Calls for War with Britain." The New Jacksonian Blog, 18 September 2010.

"Dominic August Hall." United States District Court. Eastern District of Louisiana.
Dove, Laura, Lisa Guernsey, Scott Atkins, and Adriana Rissetto. "The Moral Washington: Construction of a Legend (1800-1920s)." The Apotheosis of George Washington: Brumidi's Fresco & Beyond, 1997.

"François René Alphonse de Chateaubriand." Find a Grave, 7 January 2000.
"François René, Vicomte de Chateaubriand." Larousse.
"François-René de Chateaubriand." Lumni.
"François-René, Vicomte de Chateaubriand." Jane Austen, 16 September 2015.

Jensen, Oliver. "The Peales." American Heritage 6:3 (April 1955).
"Joan of Arc." Maid of Heaven.
"John Armstrong (1813-1814)." Miller Center, University of Virginia.

Lewis, J. D. "Paul Hamilton." Carolina, 2007.
Lloyd, Christopher. Lord Cochrane: Seaman, Radical, Liberator. Henry Holt, 1998.
"Louis Guillaume Valentin DuBourg." Mound City of the Mississippi.
"Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg." New Advent.
"Louisiana Governors: Jacques Philippe Villeré." La-Cemeteries, 2007.

McCaffety, Kerri. "Napoleon in New Orleans," Historic Traveler (March 1998).
"Meet Henry Clay." Ashland: The Henry Clay Estate.

Nolte, Vincent. Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres or, Reminiscences of the Life of a Former Merchant. Books for Libraries Press, 1972.

"Paul Hamilton." Wikipedia.
"Paul Hamilton Papers, 1802-1812." South Caroliniana Library, Digital Collections, University of South Carolina Libraries.

Schurz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay v. 1. Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1896.
"Secretary of War John Armstrong." The War of 1812.
Selin, Shannon. "Pirate Consorts: Marie and Catherine Villard." Shannon Selin: Imagining the Bounds of History, November 2019.
Sheads, Scott S. "Major General Samuel Smith (1752-1839)." Maryland in the War of 1812, 27 June 2011.
Smith, Richard Norton. "The Surprising George Washington," Prologue Magazine 26:1 (Spring 1994).
Strickland, William Peter. The Life of Jacob Grubner. Carlton & Porter, 1860.

Tecumseh. "Tecumseh - Shawnee Quotes." First People of America and Canada.
Thorburn, Mark. "General William Hull Court-Martial: 1814."
"The Trial of Joan of Arc." Famous Trials.

"USS Paul Hamilton." America's Navy.

Vogel, Robert C. "Who Were These Guys? Some of the Lesser Characters in the Story of the Laffites." The Laffite Society Chronicles IX:1 (February 2003), 6-14.

Walker, Ralph. "Long's Lone Star Republic: The Death of James Long and the Texas Filibustering Era." American History Illustrated 18 (February 1984), 38-45.
Weider, Ben. "Napoleon: Man of Peace." The International Napoleonic Society, May 2000.
Welker, Glenn. "Chief Tecumseh," Indigenous Peoples' Literature (10 December 2013).
"William Eustis." Wikipedia.
"William Hull." American Battlefield Trust.

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