Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for Adults ~ History: Navy
(United States)
Intrepid Sailors
To the Walls of
in the Bay

Intrepid Sailors: The Legacy
of Preble’s Boys and the Tripoli Campaign
by Chipp Reid
Naval Institute Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-61251-117-7, US
A primary
purpose of the American navy in the early years of
the republic was to thwart piracy. When we gained
our freedom from Britain, we lost that country’s
protection from attacks by Barbary corsairs. A
number of our merchant ships were captured and their
crews held for ransom and/or enslaved. In the first
decade of the 19th century, President Thomas
Jefferson sent three squadrons to the Mediterranean
to address the problem. The third of these succeeded
where the first two failed. The commander of this
particular squadron was Commodore Edward Preble. He
and his officers became legendary figures in their
own time, although most would eventually be
forgotten. They and the men who served under them
made courage and honor hallmarks of the United
States Navy, legacies that continue even today.
Unlike his predecessors, Preble had backbone and
refused to back down when dealing with the pirates
and rulers of the Barbary States. His audacity
impressed friends and enemies alike. When he
appeared before the emperor of Morocco, he refused
to kneel, and when asked if he feared being
arrested, Preble replied, “No sir. If you presume to
do it, my squadron in your full view will lay your
batteries, your castles and your city in ruins.”
(29) Bluff didn’t exist in his vocabulary and he
intended to carry out his commission to the best of
his ability. Prior to his arrival in the
Mediterranean, however, one of the squadron’s ships,
USS Philadelphia, ran aground in Tripoli’s
harbor. How Preble decided to meet this unexpected
challenge required audacity, skill, and courage from
his men.
While this book is about Preble’s entire squadron –
including the captured Philadelphians – Reid focuses
on three of his officers: Stephen Decatur, Jr.,
Richard Somers, and Charles Stewart. The rivalry and
friendship of these three boyhood friends challenges
each to be the best he can be and to risk their
lives in defense of their country. “Intrepid” refers
not only to Preble’s boys and those who serve under
them, but also to the sacrifices they make and a
small vessel that makes two daring voyages. The
first is aimed at destroying the captured American
frigate to prevent the Tripolitans from using her
against us; the other is meant to force Bashaw Yusuf
Karamanli to surrender the 306 Philadelphians.
Reid begins with an introduction of the main players
in this historic episode and how the navy comes into
being. He intersperses the narrative with
contemporary accounts from the principals involved.
He also discusses the conflict that arises within
the government over having and building a navy.
Throughout the book, he provides vital background
information on the people and times, as well as the
key players, that influence the men who take center
stage. As a result, Intrepid Sailors becomes
not only an account about the navy, but also one of
pirates and privateers. The final chapter summarizes
what happens to the men once they return home. Maps,
pictures, chapter notes, a bibliography, and index
enhance the reading experience.
The only drawback, and it is minor, is the author’s
tendency to repeat information. The purpose is to
remind readers of who’s who and where they are, but
after awhile, the consistency of doing so wears
thin. If readers can ignore this weakness, they will
discover a stirring account that evokes many
emotional responses, while gaining a good grasp of
what Preble faces and why he makes the decisions he
does. Readers also come away with a better
understanding of why these intrepid sailors answer
the call to defend their country when war comes
again in 1812.
Copyright ©2013 Cindy Vallar

To the Walls of Derne: William Eaton,
the Tripoli Coup and the End of the First
Barbary War
by Chipp Reid
Naval Institute Press, 2017, ISBN
978-1-61251-813-8, US $29.95
the Walls of Derne begins where Intrepid
Sailors (2012) ends in the U. S. Navy’s
war with Tripoli. The conflict comes about
because of this Barbary State’s pirates’
frequent incursions on American merchantmen
and the bashaw’s demand for payment of
tribute, which President Thomas Jefferson and
others liken to extortion, to stop such raids.
When this book opens, USS Philadelphia
has already been captured and destroyed and
her crew imprisoned and forced to endure slave
labor, poor rations, and abusive treatment at
the hands of the Tripolitans.
Into this tense situation steps an American
soldier, diplomat, and would-be adventurer
named William Eaton. Popular, arrogant,
intelligent, direct, and overly courageous, he
has long dreamed of being a hero. His
audacious plan to replace the current bashaw
with his older brother, with the assistance of
the United States, offers him that opportunity
if he can convince the president to sanction
and fund the expedition. For this plan to
succeed, Eaton must first find Hamet Karamanli
and then convince him to take up arms against
his brother.
Hamet Karamanli is the middle son of Tripoli’s
ruling family. Although intelligent,
conversant in many languages, and a combatant
fighter, he never wants or expects to rule his
country. His primary desire is to take care of
his wife and children, while living a life of
ease. But his younger brother holds Hamet’s
family hostage while Hamet lives in exile
somewhere in Egypt.
Astute and ruthless, Yusuf Karamanli is an
ambitious man. As a child, he yearns to rule
Tripoli but is the third and youngest son. To
accomplish this goal, he kills his oldest
brother and usurps the throne from Hamet.
Bashaw Yusuf’s dream is to make Tripoli the
equal of any European or Near Eastern country.
To fund this desire, his pirates capture ships
of other nations to gain slave labor and force
a peace that includes hefty payments to insure
the safety of seamen and free trade in the
Mediterranean. The Americans prove to be
irritating thorns. They destroy their captured
frigate. They blockade his harbor, which
prevents much-needed grain shipments from
arriving. The loss of tribute and the lack of
food mean his people are starving and
questioning whether he should be ruler. Then
there are the whispers from spies who tell him
that Hamet may lead an army to unseat him.
These three men are not the only players on
the stage in this daring scheme. President
Jefferson wavers on what is the best option
for securing peace. He ultimately decides a
three-pronged strategy will be the most
effective in curtailing this costly and
seemingly endless war. He authorizes Eaton’s
plan but fails to provide Eaton with full
control over the expedition. That privilege
goes to an ailing Commodore Samuel Barron, who
assumes command of the U. S. Navy squadron
currently blockading Tripoli. Jefferson’s
third maneuver is to send Tobias Lear, who
opposes Eaton’s plan, to the Mediterranean
with the authority to negotiate peace.
Thus, in April 1805, the stage is set for what
becomes a dangerous and bold, 500-mile trek
across the desert with a polyglot army. Seven
marines and a self-styled general in hostile
lands, at times pitted against their own
followers, achieve the impossible only to have
petty jealousies, diplomatic machinations, and
service rivalries prevent them from achieving
the ultimate goal. This story – immortalized
in a line in the U. S. Marine Corps’ “Marines’
Hymn” – unfolds within the pages of To the
Walls of Derne. The book includes maps,
notes, a bibliography, and an index, as well
as an epilogue in which Reid shares what
happens to the principal participants once the
expedition ends.
This may not be the most riveting account I’ve
read of this episode in American history, but
what makes this book an important contribution
to studies of our relations with the Barbary
States and Barbary piracy, as well as the
formative years of our fledgling nation, is
that Reid doesn’t color his recounting with
modern-day concepts of terrorism and radical
Islam. He delves beyond the usual sources to
examine material about the Karamanlis that are
rarely consulted by Western historians. While
this four-year conflict fails to solve the
problem of paying tribute – that will come
later – he also demonstrates how the seven
marines who bravely fight in this war prevent
the American government from doing away with
the U. S. Marine Corps. To the Walls of
Derne skillfully shows the price our
freedom costs and the depth to which our armed
forces are willing to go to defend our
Review Copyright ©2017
Cindy Vallar

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