Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for Adults ~ Disasters,
Mutinies, & Shipwrecks
History: Piracy
Castaways, and Shipwrecks in the Perilous Age of
Pirates and
Privateers in the 18th Century

Crusoe, Castaways and
Shipwrecks in the Perilous Age of Sail
by Mike Rendell
Pen & Sword, 2019, ISBN 978-1-52674-747-1, US $39.95
/ UK £19.99
review by Irwin Bryan
book’s magnificent cover art has a chart-like island
in the center of the page, containing the title.
Surrounding this are pictures of some of the
shipwrecks mentioned in the text, a compass rose
used for navigating, and a trail of bare footprints
in the sand. Together these images point to some fun
and interesting reading between the covers.
First, there is a brief biography of Daniel Defoe
and notes on his literary career. This is followed
by a separate history of his novel, Robinson
Crusoe, giving information on the many
reprints, plays, and movies made since the original
story was published in 1719. Its full title is The
Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson
Although sailors had been marooned before the
novel’s publication, no one can say who was the
model for Defoe’s Crusoe. Rendell writes of three
people who were castaways like Crusoe. But no one’s
story is a perfect match. It is “generally accepted
that Defoe was inspired to write Robinson Crusoe
after hearing the extraordinary tale of survival of
Alexander Selkirk.” (16) Selkirk was marooned in the
Juan Fernandez Islands in 1703, for over four years.
The topography of Selkirk’s island had a much
rockier coast than Crusoe’s island with its sandy
beaches, but there certainly were plenty of goats.
There is reason to believe that Defoe met and
probably spoke with Selkirk and the buccaneer doctor
who helped save him, William Dampier. Both men had
gone on a privateering voyage to the Southern Ocean
(Pacific Ocean) in 1703, but did not sail on the
same vessels. A combination of Selkirk’s
cantankerous attitude and his lack of trust in the
seaworthiness of his vessel led to his being left
alone on an island. Woodes Rogers’s visit to the
island in 1709, with Dampier aboard, guaranteed his
Henry Pitman was shipped to Barbados as an
indentured servant in 1685. He joined others
desperate to leave their servitude and make their
escape. They compiled a detailed list of must-have
items to gather before making their move. This “is
similar to the list which Defoe has Crusoe prepare
when he is thinking of escaping by a small boat.”
(26) After fleeing in May 1687, Pitman and the other
escapees landed at what is now called Salt Tortuga,
the type of island described by Defoe in his novel.
The group was luckily joined by an Indian who was
very helpful to them, especially in preparing food
and tending the fire. This may well have inspired
Defoe to add a native to his own creation. Pitman
finally returned to England in 1689.
Robert Knox, taken prisoner on Ceylon in 1661,
although not alone, experienced some things that
made it into Defoe’s Crusoe. An extended
autobiography of Knox’s further escapades and
travels with the East India Company, including being
taken prisoner again, formed the main events in
another Defoe novel, The Life, Adventures &
Pyracies of the Famous Captain Singleton.
Separately, these three castaways provide the
landscape and incidents that Crusoe experiences in
Defoe’s story. Together, they help provide the
ingredients that are molded into Crusoe’s thoughts,
speech, and mannerisms.
Years before Robinson Crusoe was created,
there was an intense storm that lasted for days on
the British Isles and became known as the Great
Storm of 1703. Many ships were wrecked, and many
lives were lost on land and sea. Defoe wanted to
make a lasting memory of the storm and placed
newspaper ads soliciting firsthand accounts of
events that had transpired. He received many replies
over the succeeding weeks.
At 325-pages, The Storm was the first
substantial work of modern journalism. It helped
Defoe to become known in scientific and literary
societies and to improve his own writing skills as
well. Rendell devotes a full chapter to this event
and Defoe’s book. (The Storm is available as a free e-book and I
thought it was an excellent read.)
A two-page chapter entitled “By Way of Background…”
explains some of the perils of sailing in the 17th
and 18th centuries, including having few or no
charts or maps, no way to find your longitude or
accurate location, and sailing small ships on big seas in all kinds of
Some wrecks from early maritime history are also
presented here. The first group of shipwrecked
vessels all meet their fate from the reasons above.
This includes Admiral Shovell’s fleet that wrecked
on the Scilly Islands in 1707, the loss of the
original HMS Victory with all hands in 1744,
and at least ten Royal Navy warships lost in the
Caribbean Sea during hurricanes in 1780 and 1782.
Several warships fell victim to rocks hidden just
below the surface. Other vessels were lost due to
human error. None was more embarrassing than the
tragic loss of the Royal George and the
deaths of hundreds of people in her home port in
HMS Boyne, was also lost in her home port,
but this occurred after a fire broke out in 1795. As
the heat and flames spread many of the still-loaded
98 guns fired their projectiles throughout the
harbor and struck people who had gathered to watch
the fire. A similar fate befell the Queen
Charlotte while at Livorno in 1800, and
Captain Israel Pellew’s HMS Amphion exploded
at Plymouth in 1796, killing most of the crew and
their families.
In some ways, both Captain Bligh and Fletcher
Christian were shipwreck survivors after the Bounty
mutiny in 1789. Bligh and his loyal men were
cast adrift hundreds of miles from land and made a
miraculous 3,000-mile voyage to safety. Christian
and his followers found an island
(Pandora) that was not charted and lived
there. Before any tools or supplies were brought
from the ship, she was set ablaze by one of the
mutineers. This meant the group was marooned and
faced a very tough future.
There were more castaways during the Age of Sail and
some of their stories are recounted here as well.
This includes the surviving crew and passengers of
the Dutch East Indiaman Batavia; they
battled horribly among themselves after their ship
ran aground in 1629. Philip Ashton, a fisherman, was
captured by pirates in 1722 and managed his escape,
only to be marooned on an island (Roatan) for about
sixteen months. A Dutch sailor named Leendert
Hasenbosch kept a journal while marooned on
Ascension Island. He perished there, but his journal
was found and later published in Dutch and English.
Finally, the story of Charles Barnard and three
others marooned in the Falkland Islands during the
winter of 1813 is recounted. Of all the castaways
mentioned in the book, these are the only ones who
dealt with harsh winter conditions. Ironically,
Barnard is the only individual marooned due to the
actions of others and he was fated to be marooned
twice in this manner.
This entertaining book comes with eight pages of
colored pictures, a detailed bibliography, and an
index. If you’re at all familiar with Robinson
Crusoe, this book will interest you by
explaining how the fictional Crusoe was created and
what some of the real-life incidents that appeared
in Defoe’s novel were. Anyone with an interest in
seafaring or the calamities of shipwrecks is sure to
enjoy reading this great new book.
Copyright ©2019 Irwin Bryan

Pirates and Privateers in the 18th
Century: The Final Flourish
by Mike Rendell
Pen & Sword, 2018, ISBN 978-1-52673-165-7,
US $34.95 / UK £19.99
pirates and a romantic image pops into most
readers’ minds. Mike Rendell’s goal is to
remove those “rose-tinted spectacles” to show
the true pirates of a period that is often
referred to as the golden age of piracy. In
reality, it isanything but and pirates are
more than just thieves at sea. They also
commit acts of “rape, murder, arson and
torture.” (vi) Instead of looking at these men
and women from our modern-day perspective, he
strives to place them within the context of
their own time periods. He separates this age
into three segments: 1650-1680, 1680-1710, and
1710-1730. This allows him to highlight their
differences and similarities, as well as to
examine the history, rather than the myths, to
show what effects pirates and privateers had
on the British economy. He also attempts to
explain why such criminals are now seen as
honorable and romantic.
The first part of the book, “Background,”
provides readers with an orientation into what
piracy is and compares and contrasts it with
privateering. He also provides three short
case studies of early buccaneers – Henry
Morgan, William Kidd, and Henry Avery – whose
escapades sometimes cross the murky line
separating privateers from pirates. They
choose careers that involve plundering, but
the outcomes of their deeds differ greatly.
Part two examines “The Beginning of the End of
the Golden Age.” While initially tolerating
pirates and their ill-gotten booty, colonial
governments and citizens shift from such
acceptance to seeing them as “enemies of all
mankind.” This change does not occur overnight
and many factors influence it. To demonstrate
how this occurs, Rendell discusses royal
proclamations and pardons, as well as
corruption in colonial government. He also
spotlights two governors who play instrumental
roles in fighting piracy: Alexander Spotswood
of Virginia and Woodes Rogers of the Bahamas.
The final chapter in this section explores
pirate ships.
“The Final Phase of the Golden Age” surveys
some of the pirates during the second and
third decades of the 18th century. Here
readers meet Henry Jennings, Benjamin
Hornigold, Samuel Bellamy, Edward England,
Charles Vane, Stede Bonnet, William Fly,
Olivier Levasseur, John Rackham, Edward Teach,
Howell Davis, and Bartholomew Roberts. The
first four are linked because of the storm
that wrecked the Spanish treasure fleet off
the coast of Florida in 1715. The next three
are grouped together because they all danced
the hempen jig. Rackham gets his own chapter
because of his two female mates, Anne Bonny
and Mary Read. The last three are killed in
The last two sections of this book investigate
piracy’s portrayal in literature and pop
culture and the lure of treasure hunting. In
addition to an epilogue entitled “The Big
‘What If’?”, the author includes two
appendices. The first is Governor Thomas
Modyford’s Letter of Appointment to Henry
Morgan. The second is an excerpt from Captain
Charles Johnson’s A General History of the
Pyrates detailing Blackbeard’s last
days. Readers will also find a bibliography,
an index, maps, and an assortment of woodcuts
and other artwork pertaining to pirates.
The title of this book is somewhat misleading
since Rendell includes men who lived in the
17th century and the first fifty years of this
historical recap take place during that
period. This is the time of the buccaneers,
when pirates and privateers roved the seas.
While privateers can be found in the first
decade or so of the 18th century, the men and
women who prey on ships between 1713 and 1730
are only pirates.
The author identifies Johnson’s book as a work
of fiction, because “many of the facts set out
in it are uncorroborated and quite possibly
heavily embellished.” (4) This is, in fact,
true, and today may be classified as
biographical fiction. What Rendell doesn’t
explain is that many facts detailed in A
General History can be corroborated.
Since one of his goals is to go beyond the
myth to extract the true history, why quote
passages from a work of fiction instead of
quoting from contemporary documents?
Particularly noteworthy is that this volume
incorporates both well-known and lesser-known
pirates. Rendell makes some valid points and
includes information that can’t be found in
other volumes on this topic. To some extent
the author achieves his goal of separating
myth from reality and examining piracy from an
18th-century perspective, but perhaps not as
well as several other titles that have been
published in recent years. Several that come
to mind are Margarette Lincoln’s British
Pirates and Society, 1680-1730; The
Golden Age of Piracy edited by David
Head; and Douglas R. Burgess, Jr.’s The
Politics of Piracy.
What makes Rendell’s Pirates and
Privateers in the 18th Century worth
reading are the mini-case studies in which he
presents each pirate. He’s also one of the few
authors who gives John Rackham higher billing
than Bonny and Read.
Review Copyright ©2019
Cindy Vallar
As always, I attempt to
provide readers with a fair and
impartial review. Full disclosure
requires that I am listed
as one of the resources in the author’s
bibliography. For that distinction, I
thank him.

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