Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for
Adults ~ Historical Fiction: Pirates & Privateers

The Ballade of Mary Reede
By N. C. Schell
Moonshine Cove, 2017, ISBN 978-1945181184, US $13.95
Also available as e-book format
One summer in 1752, the son
of an old shipmate visits John Tanner at
his home in the hills of New England. This
lad brings with him a small chest and the
message that perhaps it’s time to tell the
story. What’s inside awakens a host of
memories and emotions – some good, some
bad – but his friend is right. Nearly
three decades have passed since Captain
Johnson published his account of the
pirates, and he omitted many details to
protect John and others. Better to record
the full story now, before it’s too late.
Captain Charles Johnson first enters
John’s life at the age of ten. The
successful investor once sailed with
William Dampier and later journeyed to the
Levant. He also has a particular
fascination with pirates, attending their
trials, collecting anecdotes, and
interviewing them in their gaol cells
before they hang. When John turns
thirteen, Johnson provides him with the
opportunity to learn the trade of ship’s
carpenter. Once John receives his papers,
Johnson offers him the position of master
carpenter aboard the Rachel, a
brig he helped to build.
Rachel sails for the Caribbean,
where the threat from pirates has lessened
since Governor Woodes Rogers arrived at
New Providence. She is a happy ship and
all goes well until a topsail schooner is
sighted off the island of Turks. John’s
best friend, able seaman Candy Jones,
suspects those aboard the strange sail are
pirates, perhaps even some he knows. He
hopes not, as he took the King’s Pardon
and has no intention of going back on his
After the captain is rowed over to the
pirate ship, some of the cutthroats board
the Rachel. Two in particular
catch John’s attention. The first is Black
Mike Magoon, whom John likens to a
“maddened highland bullock.” He once
sailed with Blackbeard and is just as
crazy and violent. The other has a
handsome face and keen eyes that always
watch what’s happening around him. Mark
Reede is quiet and polite, but prefers
people call him by his surname. When John
finds himself on Black Mike’s bad side,
Reede saves John’s life. Doing so is to
honor their captain’s wishes, but the
intervention heightens the animosity
between the two pirates and Black Mike
vows a day of reckoning will come – sooner
rather than later.
After Captain Jack Rackham comes aboard Rachel,
the looting begins, a trial is held, and
volunteers are asked to join their merry
band. John and Candy aren’t given an
opportunity to decline Rackham’s generous
offer. Both are forced; neither signs the
pirates’ articles and each vows to do only
what he must to survive. Reede is given
the responsibility of protecting and
teaching John. As the days pass, John
enjoys his time with Reede, yet is also
perplexed by feelings that don’t make
sense. Although the pirates successfully
raid other vessels and trade with maroons
and smugglers, their seizures incense the
authorities and, before long, pirate
hunters are on their trail.
This is by no means just a pirate tale.
It’s also about the maroons and smugglers,
people whose lives intersected with
pirates. The meaning of nautical jargon
may stump a few readers, but its use never
impedes the story’s flow. Schell
incorporates a mock trial into this
narrative as a wonderfully descriptive way
of showing how pirates entertained
themselves and sat in judgment of sea
captains and their treatment of the
sailors under them. His interpretation of
how the animosity sparks between Reede and
Magoon is plausible and enlightening. The
same is true of what happens to Anne Bonny
after she is condemned to hang.
Having Charles Johnson, the author of the
most famous pirate history ever published,
participate in this story is both
delightful and refreshing. His role may be
minor, but it is definitely an important
one that is easily believed. Schell
instills life into this historian’s book
so it is no longer mere words on the page.
His portrayal of these men and women is as
vivid and realistic as the world he weaves
around them. He is a master at creating
unique, memorable characters be they major
or minor ones. Although I share Irish
roots with Anne Bonny, it is Mary Reed who
has long been my favorite of this famous
duo, and this story is an admirable and
realistic portrayal of her life. As for
the minor characters, my favorite is
Trinket, a pirate who comes back from the
The Ballade of Mary Reede is the
first book in the Twilight of the
Buccaneers series. It is a well-crafted,
captivating tale rich in historical detail
and pirate lore. The love story is both
heartwarming and heart wrenching, and even
though history tells us how the story must
end, never once does Schell permit us to
stop hoping that love will triumph. His
re-imagining of John’s farewell to Mary is
a poignant moment that stays with you long
after the story ends.
Review Copyright ©2017
Cindy Vallar

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