Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for Adults ~ Law: Crime,
Punishment, & Pirate Hunting
The Legal History of Pirates &
Revolutionary War
Law and Lawyers

The Legal History of Pirates
& Privateers
by Thomas J. Shaw
Independently Published, 2021, ISBN 979-8-58680-010-7,
US $14.95
Time and
again, history shows that pirates are useful to the
State until they are not. When the hue and cry of
law-abiding citizens, influential ministers, and
angry foreign governments becomes too great to
ignore, governments are forced to take action to
suppress this illegal marauding. The primary means
for achieving this is through enacting laws.
To some degree the same holds true for privateers.
The outcry this time consists of calls for
retribution and recompense. When state-supported
navies are in their infancy or non-existent,
governments turn to privateers to protect their
country’s interests. Those in power institute rules
and regulations to make certain this legal
plundering does not devolve into outright piracy.
One of the earliest laws against piracy, lex de
piratis persequendis, is passed in Ancient
Rome. Rather than strike at the pirates at sea, it
targets their safe havens ashore. At the same time,
the law provides Pompey the Great with the necessary
legal means to eradicate these villains. Centuries
later, Edward I issues an edict in 1296, that
becomes the precursor to later British statutes
regulating privateering. It pertains to the taking
of prizes and establishes courts to decide whether
the capture is legitimate or not. General histories
of piracy and privateering mention such enactments,
raising our curiosity, but fail to truly inform. The
Legal History of Pirates & Privateers,
which is written by a lawyer, changes this. It is
neither a general history nor a legal textbook;
instead, it explains the laws and provides
illustrations of issues raised when actual cases are
brought before various courts in Britain, her
American colonies, and the United States.
The book is divided into five chapters and in each
chapter, Shaw first discusses the statutes and what
they entail, then he identifies and analyzes the
legal issues contested during trials. The latter are
highlighted in boxes before being delineated. In the
case against Calico Jack Rackham and his crew, for
example, the legal issues are: a) Charged with
conspiracy to commit piracy; b) Special proofs
needed for women pirates; and c) Charged with piracy
for socializing with pirates. (35)
Laws pertaining to maritime piracy are the focus of
the first two chapters. Chapter one deals with
British statutes enacted between the reigns of King
Henry VIII and Queen Victoria. The second chapter
concerns American statutes from the time Samuel
Huntington serves as president of Congress to
Abraham Lincoln’s presidency.
Chapter three ties the first two and last two
chapters together by looking at legal documents
pertinent to proving either the guilt or innocence
of pirates, or whether a seized ship and its cargo
are a legitimate prize of privateers. Examples of
these documents are articles of agreement (including
the differences between those of pirates and those
under which privateers sail) and ship’s papers, such
as ship registrations and bills of lading.
The final chapters examine privateering. Chapter
four concerns British laws from Edward III to
Victoria, whereas chapter five focuses on the
American statutes between John Hancock and Lincoln.
As with previous chapters, court cases illustrate
notable points. For example, one case involves Lucretia,
a vessel that is captured, recaptured, and
recaptured again. The legal issues of import in this
trial concern: a) Determining captor when same prize
taken twice by British ships, and b) Allocating
prize between captor and re-captor. (195)
The book includes an afterword that discusses the
Paris Declaration of 1856, following the Crimean
War. This maritime declaration attempts to bring
about a global end to privateering, since most
nations now have standing navies and no longer
support state-sponsored legal plundering. Mention is
also made of modern-day piracy and how laws of the
past define piracy today. Although there is no
index, an appendix provides a quick reference to the
more than 200 legal issues discussed in the book.
Shaw delves into legal particulars in a way that lay
readers easily understand, even though his target
audience is other lawyers. In the foreword, he
writes that his goal “is to have a single source to
reinterpret often told tales of pirates and less
often told tales of privateers, viewing them through
the prism only of the governing legalities, while
making the topics light enough to easily read for
fun.” (xi) He adeptly achieves this objective. The
Legal History of Pirates and Privateers fills
the void between a plethora of general and academic
treatises on privateering and the suppression of
piracy. Equally compelling is the fact that Shaw
selects trials not because of the defendants’
notoriety but because of the legal consequences of
their actions. This allows readers to meet the
infamous and the forgotten, as well as to be
introduced to judges and attorneys who participate
in these endeavors to suppress piracy or adjudicate
privateering lawsuits. This illumination of details
often missing from other volumes enlightens the
reader and provides a valuable resource for any
library dealing with these aspects of maritime law.
Copyright ©2021 Cindy Vallar

Revolutionary War Law and Lawyers:
Issues, Cases, and Characters
by Thomas J. Shaw
Independently published, 2019, ISBN
978-1-68887-342-1, US $19.95
In school we learn
that in the late 1700s American
colonists rebel against the
injustices England imposes on
them. Representatives from the
thirteen colonies meet in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and
after much debate, declare
independence and establish the
United States of America. An army
is formed, George Washington
becomes its commander, and battles
are fought. Sounds fairly simple
until you read Thomas Shaw’s Revolutionary
War Law and Lawyers. He
takes you behind the scenes to
show us, from a legal perspective,
that our founding fathers do far
more than just declare themselves
no longer subject to British rule.
They do not just snap their
fingers and we become a new
nation. Many different matters are
taken into account and weighed in
order for them to risk all that
they hold dear to make this new
country viable enough to succeed.
1 is concerned with legal issues
that prompt the rebellion and
lead to independence. These are
divided into three categories:
how funds are raised, what
rights individuals have, and
what steps are taken to give
this new nation a voice. Some of
the laws and issues discussed
here concern the Sugar Act, the
Stamp Act, the Tea Act, taxation
without representation, forcing
civilians to allow troops to
live in their homes, smuggling,
freedom of speech, seizing
individuals against their wills,
the Intolerable Acts, the
Continental Congress, and
declaring independence. Some of
the cases and documents that
illustrate and define these
legal issues are John Hancock’s
smuggling, the Boston Massacre,
the Gaspee Affair, the
Boston Tea Party, pressing
American sailors to serve aboard
British ships, Common Sense,
Letters of Marque, and the
Declaration of Independence.
new nation also has to show it
is a legitimate entity and
define what powers it has versus
what rights the states have.
Since the states are no longer
colonies, each has to create a
new political framework in which
to operate. The break with
England necessitates the forging
of new allies. Money is
essential to wage war, yet the
newly-formed United States has
no national treasury and no
national currency. These key
concepts are discussed in
chapter two. Clarification of
these legal issues is
demonstrated through studies on
Virginia, Benjamin Franklin,
Silas Deane, the Howe Peace
Initiative, the Carlisle Peace
Commission, taxation, protests,
and loans.
three focuses on traitors,
espionage, and supplying the
army with what it needs. Not all
the colonists side with the
rebels. Some remain loyal to
England, which creates problems
for the new government. It also
has to address concerns
regarding the logistics and
administration of military
supplies. Among the legal issues
represented in this chapter are:
war profiteering, military
stores, oversight, proving
loyalty, defections, sedition in
both the United States and Great
Britain, capturing spies,
abetting a spy, and sabotage.
Cases that illustrate these
issues include regulating the
quartermaster and ordnance
departments, bills of attainder,
treason in Virginia and
Pennsylvania, banishing Quakers,
John André, John the Painter,
and Bathsheba Spooner.
and Britons aren’t the only ones
who participate in the
Revolutionary War. Frenchmen,
Spaniards, Germans, Canadians,
and Native Americans also play
significant roles. Chapter four
pertains to the land war: armies
and militias, military
regulation, and conduct of the
war. The legal issues involve
raising militias, building an
army from scratch, impressment,
rules of military conduct,
courts-martial, oversight, and
prisoners of war. Among the
cases examined are African
American and Native American
recruits, conscientious
objectors, caring for the
wounded, articles of war,
treatment of prisoners, martial
law, trials at Valley Forge,
mutinies, theft, and murder.
the majority of battles take
place on land, naval forces also
play significant roles. This is
the focus of chapter five. At
the time, the United States has
no navy and has to build one
from scratch to fight a veteran
enemy with warships that
globally protect British
interests. Although the states
have some vessels to protect
their waters, privateers play a
significant role in waging war
at sea. Legal issues discussed
pertain to fitting out ships,
rules of engagement, mutiny,
corruption in naval
administration, commissions,
articles of enlistment, deciding
the legality of captures, courts
of admiralty, owners suing
captains, Crown rights versus
Admiralty rights, surrender, and
claims against the government.
The cases and documents studied
here include navy rules,
privateering rules, the Battle
of Block Island, Dudley
Saltonstall, Warren,
Admiral Augustus Keppler’s and
Vice-Admiral Hugh Palliser’s
courts-marital, Gloucester,
Resolution, Hibernia,
Fort Washington, Saratoga,
Charleston, and Yorktown.
throughout the book are short
profiles of prominent lawyers
and judges who are involved with
the cases discussed within each
chapter. Some are well-known,
others aren’t. A short sampling
of these men is Patrick Henry,
William Blackstone, John
Dickinson, John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson, Josiah Bartlett,
Silas Deane, Charles Carroll,
William Cathcart, Caesar Rodney,
Timothy Pickering, Samuel Chase,
Stephen Hopkins, Nicholas
Biddle, William Paca, James
Marriott, James Madison, John
Jay, John Marshall, James
Monroe, and Alexander Hamilton.
An inclusive list of these men
can be found in the appendix as
well. The book also has
footnotes and an index.
is Shaw’s third book in a
trilogy that examines 200 legal
issues pertaining to global
conflicts in which the United
States participates. He brings
together major legal issues,
cases, and people who are
involved in them in a single
volume, but not with the intent
of being either a history book
or a legal monograph. Rather, it
is a book that gives readers a
unique perspective on the war
and the statutes and cases
surrounding it. He also
demonstrates that there are two
sides to every issue with his
inclusion of British laws and
cases in addition to those of
the United States. In his
introduction, Shaw writes, “My
intent with this book . . . is
to entertain, educate and inform
readers . . . .” (xvi) In this
endeavor he succeeds. He deftly
shows the complexity of war and
the founding of a new nation
while doing so in a manner that
engages the reader.
Copyright ©2021 Cindy Vallar

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