Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for Adults ~ Fiction
Admiral's Daughter

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2022, ISBN 978-1-4930-6880-7, US $19.95
After a long day at work in
his family’s wig shop, Thomas Kydd sits in
a pub, minding his own business. A press
gang waltzes in. forever altering his path
in life. He’s whisked aboard the Duke
William, an old ship-of-the-line
bound for Spithead where the Royal Navy
fleet gathers before setting sail to wage
war against France in 1793. Rated a
landman, Thomas finds his life is no
longer his own. It belongs to King George,
and no one in this new domain cares
whether he lives or dies. He is alone. He
has no friends. He is totally out of his
element. It is up to him alone to fit in,
to find his way in an alien world, until
one man, Joe Bowyer, takes him under his
wing with a warning: stay a landman and
remain mired in the anger and despondency
overwhelming him, or pull himself out of
the dregs to become a seaman.
Kydd takes Joe’s advice to heart and
discovers he has a knack for sailing . . .
if he survives. There are rumors that the
captain is a Jonah. The ship leaks. Each
day brings new trials: suicide, murder,
piracy, treachery, battles on land
fighting alongside French Royalists or at
sea against Revolutionists, imprisonment,
betrayal, desertion, menacing French
privateers, and fire.
With the mastery of a virtuoso, Stockwin
delivers a seamless tale that ensnares the
reader in whatever Kydd sees, hears,
feels, and experiences, be it a ferocious
flogging, the depths of despair, men
fomenting mutiny, or the brutality of war.
Readers quickly find themselves
transported back to the late eighteenth
century. No punches are pulled. No
incidents betray the readers’ sense of
believability. Kydd is a deftly
woven and riveting sea story that refuses
to let go once the grappling hooks are
thrown. When the last page is turned,
readers yearn for the next book in the
Kydd Sea Adventures.
Review Copyright ©2022
Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2022, ISBN 978-1-4930-6881-4,
US $19.95
months have passed since Thomas Kydd was pressed
into the Royal Navy. He has risen through skill
and courage to become an able seaman. His mess
mates have helped him through thick and thin:
Renzi (his educated and logical friend), Stirk
(a tough gun captain), Doud (an easygoing
topman), Doggo (a wild but ugly able seaman),
Pinto (a well-groomed yet deadly Iberian), and
Wong (an enigmatic circus strongman). Together,
they embark on Artemis, a frigate
captained by Black Jack Powlett, in this second
in the Thomas Kydd Sea Adventures.
After a harrowing sea battle – replete with
broadsides and hand-to-hand combat – with the
French Citoyenne, Artemis returns
victorious, but wounded, to England where Kydd
meets the king and reunites with his sister.
Cecila’s news of home is not good; their
father’s eyesight is failing and Kydd must take
over the wig shop to support the family. He
thought he had finally found his path in life;
now, he must give up his love for the sea. It
seems a harsh sentence, one that will be akin to
life in prison, but Renzi is certain they will
find a solution. The question is whether they
will do so before Artemis sails after
repairs are made.
Between Renzi and Cecila, a remedy is found in
the nick of time. When their frigate weighs
anchor in August 1793, Kydd and his mates find
themselves bound for India. Speed is essential,
but only the captain knows why. During the
voyage, they endure storms at sea, lightning
strikes, a crossing-the-line ceremony, monsoons,
and encounter Army deserters, a pirate
execution, and a woman who drives a wedge
between Kydd and Renzi.
India turns out to be only their first
destination. From there they sail to China and
the Philippines. Their stop in the latter is
fraught with peril, since no one knows whether
Spain has joined the war as a French ally yet.
Kydd and Renzi are both promoted to petty
officers, which means new quarters and different
mess mates. A stranded scientist with Admiralty
orders sends the Artemis on an
expedition 2,000 miles away farther into the
Pacific and they must reach the island by a
specific date. Treachery and turbulence earmark
this stopover where they encounter cannibals and
an American marooned on the island for four
From a journey to the far side of the world to
navigating the Roaring 40s, the Furious 50s, and
the Screaming 60s, Stockwin once again delivers
a masterful and galvanizing adventure that
provides us with numerous you-are-there
experiences alongside Kydd. Some scenes are
nightmarish. Others allow us to feel as bereft
as he does. We readily identify with how changes
impact existing ways of life and some
professions become antiquated. The final episode
in this circumnavigation of the world is
riveting and disquieting, compelling us to read
the next installment of Kydd’s exploits in the
Royal Navy.
Review Copyright
©2022 Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2022, ISBN 978-1-4930-6881-4,
US $19.95
the demise of the Artemis, Thomas
Kydd finds himself the key witness in the
upcoming court martial of her only surviving
officer. His last visit to England involved
a hero’s welcome and grand celebrations.
Now, he and his surviving mates are virtual
prisoners, instead of being given leave to
visit family. Then, on an April night in
1794, they are whisked aboard a lumbering,
decaying warship bound for the Caribbean.
There will be no trial, no testimony, no one
to blame for the shipwreck. The
underhandedness leaves a bitter taste in the
survivors’ mouths, but what recourse do they
have against the Admiralty?
Their destination is Guadeloupe, currently
under the occupation of British troops
working with French royalists. Kydd and his
friend, Nicholas Renzi, quarter in the town
with a family still loyal to the monarchy,
but fear of retribution permeates their
lives. Rebels and insurgents inhabit other
parts of the island and, when fighting
resumes, the British and royalists are
unable to stop the enemy’s advance. A mass
evacuation ensues with much chaos, during
which Kydd and Renzi become separated. Renzi
accompanies the exiles on a different ship
for Jamaica; Kydd helps his countrymen evade
their pursuers, knowing that death awaits
him if they are caught.
Kydd and his comrades are rescued just in
time, but not without casualties. No sooner
is he safe aboard Trajan once again
than a hurricane strikes. Afterward, he is
tasked with sailing the damaged vessel to
the dockyard in Antigua for repairs;
instead, the shipwright condemns the warship
and Kydd finds himself ashore with a new
assignment, Master of the King’s Negroes.
Although he enjoys learning the construction
side of shipping, he feels out of his depth
in managing slaves who accomplish tasks he
has little knowledge of. He longs to return
to the sea, where his true talents will be
most useful. The master shipwright is a
religious man with strict rules. When Kydd
violates one of them, he commits an
unforgivable sin and is once again adrift.
A chance encounter with an admiral leads to
Renzi working as a writer in Spanish Town,
Jamaica. Most days he duplicates orders and
tends to mundane matters. On rare occasions
he translates French newspapers and papers
that might contain nuggets of intelligence
for the admiral. Renzi dislikes his
assignment, but it suits his despondency
over the loss of Kydd whom he believes died
as the insurgents overran Guadaloupe.
Reunion is a constant theme throughout this
story, not just with shipmates, but also
with family. Fire at sea, ship engagements,
a cutting out episode, and good leaders
versus bad ones are some of Kydd’s many
adventures this time around. His education
continues in ways that provide readers with
an understanding of life in the navy. He
also has the opportunity to see impressment
from the flip side; instead of being a
victim, he is charged with acquiring a crew
from amongst very reluctant men.
The mark of a great storyteller is one who
consistently captures the mood of the story
in ways that allow readers to experience
firsthand the highs and lows the characters
face whether these involve the pain of
flogging, the misery of yellow fever, the
bleakness of being landbound, the drudgery
of paperwork, or nerve-wracking
reconnaissance. Julian Stockwin is such an
author. At the same time, he spins his tale
with succinct writing and tantalizing
action. Seaflower catches the
reader in its web from the first page and
doesn’t let go until the last. Even then the
reader is left wanting more, which in this
case is possible because this is but the
third title in the Kydd Sea Adventures
Review Copyright
©2022 Cindy Vallar

by Julian
McBooks Press, 2022, ISBN
978-1-4930-6883-8, US $19.95
Also available in e-book format
Kydd, now a master’s mate, returns in
this fourth book that takes place in
1797. His promotion means he and his
friend have separated. While Nicholas
Renzi is aboard a 74-gun
ship-of-the-line, Thomas serves on Achilles
(64) where he makes a new friend, who
doesn’t always approve of what Thomas
does. He finds his mood turning morose
from being separated from Nicholas.
This changes somewhat after two
encounters. One involves a married
woman, and the other a drunken, but
veteran, sailor with a low opinion of
the Royal Navy.
fortuitous arrival of Nicholas’s
vessel reunites the two friends and,
when the opportunity presents itself
to forego the mindless routine of
being anchored at Gibraltar, they
volunteer for a special mission to
Venice. Being circumspect is a
necessary part of their assignment,
which proves both a blessing and a
hindrance. It is carnivale,
a time when everyone wears masks,
which makes it difficult to tell
friend from foe. Renzi is acquainted
with the city and speaks Italian,
but the visit stirs up memories that
drive a wedge between him and
Thomas, as well as the others
accompanying them. An additional
complication is a clandestine pact
between Austria and France that
impacts Venice and endangers their
lives and their freedom.
Kydd finally returns to Achilles,
he finds an unhappy ship. Some crew
replacements are men given little
choice in joining the navy. With
orders to return to England, the
ship sails for home. Thomas senses
the brewing tempest, and news of the
fleet’s mutiny at Spithead merely
adds to his growing unease. The
captain’s attempt to forestall the
men from joining that ill-fated
revolt backfires when the ships
anchored at Nore also rise up
against the Admiralty. Conflicted,
Thomas wavers between being an
officer now and a seaman before,
until a new love interest, a
dishonest gentleman, and a
charismatic mutineer push him closer
and closer to a fateful decision.
volume in the Thomas Kydd novels
focuses more on the mental and
behavioral aspects of sea life,
particularly as they affect Thomas
and Nicholas. Each portrayal differs
based on each man’s character traits
and past experiences, with striking
differences and similarities that
strain their friendship almost to
the breaking point. Rather than
concentrate on the better-known
mutiny at Spithead, Stockwin
portrays the subsequent insurrection
at Nore. The seamen’s discontent is
justified, but the Admiralty’s
response differs between the two
anchorages. This is convincingly
shown via scene shifts between
London and Nore, as well as the
almost palpable tug-of-war waging
within Kydd. Equally well-rendered
are the confusion and precariousness
of carnivale, and the tragic
death that leads to Thomas’s first
true encounter with love. Commodore
Horatio Nelson and Kydd’s first
fleet action are artfully entwined
with the major story threads. Mutiny
provides readers with the feel
of being swept into a maelstrom
where the only way to endure is to
hold on tight and hope to survive.
Review Copyright ©2023
Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2022, ISBN
978-1-4930-6884-5, US $19.95
Also available in e-book format
Following the Battle
of Camperdown (October 1797),
Thomas Kydd is promoted to
lieutenant and assigned to HMS
Tenacious, a 64-gun
ship-of-the-line. He and his
friend, Nicholas Renzi (who
now holds the same rank), head
to Kydd’s home while the ship
undergoes repairs. During this
leave, Thomas realizes that if
he’s to succeed as a king’s
officer, he needs to acquire
the traits of a gentleman. An
assignment that falls to
Nicholas, who believes the
request reasonable but nigh
unto impossible. Still, with
dogged determination, Thomas
perseveres and benefits when
his sister helps add further
polish to his social graces.
Kydd finally meets his new
commander, all his hard work
and practice cannot erase the
fact that he is a tarpaulin
officer (one who begins his
career as a seaman who lives
on the lower deck). Captain
Houghton wants only gentleman
officers, men he can rely on
to represent the ship and the
country appropriately.
Therefore, Thomas is being
reassigned . . . until urgent
orders arrive that prevent
that. Consequently, he becomes
Tenacious’s fifth
lieutenant, the most junior
and the one responsible for
the signal flags.
to the North American station,
Tenacious leads a
convoy of merchant ships west
to Halifax. Not even out of
sight of England, French
privateers cut out slower
vessels and it is Kydd who
alerts the captain to this
intrusion. As the voyage
progresses, Thomas feels more
and more like an outsider,
someone who doesn’t belong
among the other officers in
the wardroom. It doesn’t help
that Nicholas easily fits in
and has found someone new with
whom to have philosophical
discussions. Before long,
Thomas feels as if he’s caught
between a world in which he
doesn’t belong and one to
which he can never return.
misstep in reading the signal
flags doesn’t help the
situation; it merely serves to
intensify the isolation and
loneliness that he feels. Yet,
what he doesn’t understand is
that while he may lack all the
social graces that the other
officers have, he has
knowledge and experience they
lack because he has “come aft
by the hawse.” This expertise
comes in handy when he
commands a ship’s boat amidst
an ice field blanketed by fog
from which the French emerge
and fierce hand-to-hand combat
attitude begins to change
during a dinner conversation
on the admiral’s ship. Instead
of worrying about his social
station, he concentrates on
becoming as informed as
possible about global affairs
and how events in one place
affect events elsewhere in the
world. Then someone from his
past emerges who threatens his
ability to lead men. Only his
knowledge of life on the lower
deck allows Thomas to
effectively deal with the
situation. An encounter with a
French frigate with unexpected
armament requires his
knowledge of navigation and
working in a shipyard to
protect Achilles and those who
serve on her.
is an excellent account of
what it is like to be a fish
out of water in a world
totally foreign to all that
you know. It also shows the
intricacies of what is
required to be a lieutenant.
Along the way, Kydd encounters
three people who will
influence his life in
unexpected ways. One is a
relative he has never met. The
second is an American who
wants the new United States
Navy to be as successful as
the Royal Navy. The third is a
woman whose presence at a
royal ball is “either inspired
deviltry or the purest
ignorance!” (312)
readers may be unaware of the
fact that one aspect of
writing is to show how a
character matures and changes
between the beginning and end
of a story, Stockwin does a
superb job demonstrating this
character arc in Quarterdeck.
This allows us to experience
the full gamut of emotions
that Kydd does, while at the
same time, we readily identify
with each because in one way
or another we've felt the same
Review Copyright ©2023
Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2022, ISBN
978-1-4930-6885-2, US $19.95
Also available in e-book format
In the year since the
mutiny at the Nore, Thomas Kydd
has gone from seaman to lieutenant
and is now accepted as an equal
among his fellow officers. His
ship, the 64-gun Tenacious,
is recalled from Halifax to
support Admiral the Earl St.
Vincent off the coast of Spain. As
they sail across the Atlantic,
Thomas sets his sights on a new
goal of commanding his own ship,
but the problem is how to achieve
it. His friend Nicholas Renzi
wrestles with a different dilemma,
whether to continue in the navy or
return to the life from which he
exiled himself five years earlier.
Buonaparte has his own plans of
action. Barges large enough to
land troops are being built in
northern French ports and soldiers
are massing on the coast. It seems
he intends to put to sea, but for
where? Whispers of Constantinople,
of Egypt, of England are all
possibilities, but where exactly
is Napoleon once he successfully
evades the British blockade?
sixth entry in the Kydd Sea
Adventure series incorporates a
sequence of key incidents during
the waning years of the French
Revolution: the royals’ flight
from Naples with the aid of the
Royal Navy; the devastating fleet
action at Aboukir Bay; a secret
mission to capture Minorca; and
the siege of Acre. Kydd emulates
Nelson in hopes of getting noticed
with a daring suggestion that
evens the odds during the Minorcan
expedition, and leading a
contingent of seamen in a
desperate bid to prevent Napoleon
from reaching Constantinople.
Along the way, he discovers what
type of leader he wants to be and
comes to terms with the
consequences of betrayal.
stubborn, and resolute are
synonyms of “tenacious,” a word
that applies both to a warship and
the men who serve on her. Stockwin
allows his readers to stand side
by side with the characters as
they endure this riveting and
harrowing account of a world at
Review Copyright ©2023
Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7127-2, US $19.95
Also available in e-book format
It is early in the
first decade of the 19th century.
England still fights the French.
William Pitt is no longer prime
minister. King George once again
suffers madness. And no matter what
Thomas Kydd does, Captain Rowley
finds fault with it. They share a
past, one as treacherous as a rogue
wave on a storm-swept sea. This
latest incident sees Kydd relieved
of duty and awaiting the admiral’s
decision on charges of dereliction.
He expects to be tossed out of the
Royal Navy; instead, he receives
orders to hie to Malta and take
command of a new brig-sloop.
Although this is the backwater of
the Mediterranean, with little
chance of engaging the enemy and
advancing his career, nothing
dampens his spirit. He has achieved
a dream: being the indisputable
commander of his own ship, and what
a fine vessel is HM Sloop Teazer.
His orders are many-fold, especially
for a single vessel, but he is
determined to carry them out to the
best of his ability. He conveys
dispatches and important passengers,
escorts small convoys, protects
trade, renders service to the civil
government of Malta, and harries the
enemy. Three familiar faces join him
in these endeavors: his servant
Tysoe, Midshipman Bowden, and Toby
Stirk (a former mate and gun captain
of Seaflower). Gone,
however, is Nicholas Renzi, and it’s
possible the two friends may not
encounter one another again.
As always, nothing is as simple as
it appears. Time and again, Kydd
must rely on his astuteness and
lessons learned from past mistakes
to deal with sticky situations, such
as one vessel to protect a convoy of
twenty-seven, Barbary corsairs, and
a cunning but brutal French
privateer. All while taking
individual seamen and melding them
into a cohesive unit that works and
fights together as one.
Stockwin excels at showing readers
the isolation and loneliness of
command, as well as the profound
responsibility that rests on
Commander Kydd’s shoulders. This is
also a tale of what it takes to fit
out a new ship and what happens when
peace comes, ships are
decommissioned, and officers find
themselves out of work. This leaves
Kydd in a quandary because the navy
is his life, but it also offers
opportunity that sees him in command
of a ship transporting convicts and
settlers halfway round the world.
Instead of glossing over
less-than-glamourous aspects of
life, Stockwin seamlessly
incorporates them into Kydd’s life
in ways that serve to mentor Kydd as
a leader of men who must make life
and death decisions that affect
those who serve under him. Neither
does Stockwin neglect Renzi, but his
path in life profoundly shifts after
a near-death experience. Command,
the seventh offering in the Kydd Sea
Adventures, provides a startling
contrast between life in the Royal
Navy and merchant marine, as well as
providing glimpses of what awaits
those who find themselves forging
new lives in Australia.
Review Copyright
©2023 Cindy Vallar

The Admiral’s
by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7152-4, US $19.95
Also available in e-book format
does not bode
well for
Thomas Kydd in
1803, because
he stands
adrift on
English soil
since his
return from
pressed into
the Royal
Navy, it has
become his
life and he
wants to
return to its
fold. The
however, is
tenuous and
the powers
that be in
London have
decided it is
better to
declare war
anew first
rather than
allow Napoleon
Bonaparte to
proceed with
his plan to
dominate the
world. Kydd
receives a
summons to
appear in
Plymouth, but
by the time he
arrives there,
the admiral
has few ships
to offer him.
He opts for
one that he
knows well, HM
Sloop Teazer,
his last
command. He
also secures
permission for
Renzi, now a
civilian, to
accompany him
aboard Teazer
as his
secretary. (A
position that
allows Renzi
time to work
on his study
of natural
with an aim to
write a book
that will shed
new light on
this topic.)
the ship is
readied for
duty, Kydd
must hurriedly
set sail with
complement for
France. It is
vital that
citizens leave
learns of the
declaration of
war. But it is
a race against
time because
Napoleon has
already issued
arrest orders
for any
English found
in France.
Through luck
and ingenuity,
Kydd and most
of his crew
escape aboard
Teazer with
their rescued
returning to
his new home
base at
Plymouth, Kydd
meets with his
Admiral Sir
Lockwood. He
is in charge
of protecting
the coast of
England, and
Kydd is
assigned to
patrol from
Weymouth to
the Isles of
Scilly. His
primary task
is to stop
privateers and
warships from
duties include
and unusual
cargo to
wherever they
may be needed,
as well as to
work with the
Revenue to
This is Kydd’s
first time to
sail in home
waters, so
there is a
learning curve
to master, and
the chance for
fame and glory
is minimal.
But this
allows him to
be in total
command, away
from the
watchful eye
of superiors.
come with his
new command,
some of which
find him not
at sea but on
land. As an
officer in
command of his
own vessel, he
is expected to
have a real
home and to
entertain . .
. at least
this is what
his sister
Cecila tells
him. He also
needs to look
to his attire;
he must have
fashion to mix
and mingle at
affairs. At
one of these
parties, he
Lockwood, the
daughter. They
are attracted
to each other,
even though
her family has
ties to the
royal court.
Two problems
arise as their
grows serious:
her mother is
determined to
separate the
lovers, and a
sojourn with
Renzi brings
someone new,
who quickly
becomes an
into Kydd’s
eighth volume
in the Kydd
Sea Adventures
offers readers
a wealth of
encountered in
other naval
adventures (a
tour of
Dockyard, what
occurs when a
ship is caught
in a ground
sea, and a
church service
at sea). His
nemeses this
time around
are himself, a
brutal French
knowledge of
coast is
and a mystery
man who has
organized the
smugglers over
a wide region
in ways that
allow them to
evade capture.
There is a
chase that
results in a
choice. There
are several
with Renzi,
one that
threatens to
dissolve their
once and for
all. A
results in
friendly fire
from a frigate
off a
section of the
French coast.
Someone from
Kydd’s past
clues about
how smugglers
work and
into their
experience the
futility that
Kydd and his
men do as they
watch a
merchant ship
wreck and are
unable to
rescue her
crew. There is
the promise of
retribution to
come, as well
as devastating
grief. The
is a blend of
highs and lows
that will
affect each
reader in
ways. It is
that is not to
be missed.
Review Copyright
©2023 Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7154-8, US $19.95
Also available in e-book
Kydd nor Renzi are in good
places when this latest
Kydd Sea Adventure begins.
Renzi suffers from guilt
for abandoning his friend
when he needed him most.
Kydd wallows in grief at
the sudden loss of his
beloved. Renzi makes a new
vow to help Kydd, but it
takes an encounter with
footpads and the press
gang to draw Kydd
sufficiently out of his
anguish to at least do his
duty as captain of Teazer.
This Thomas Kydd
is not the one that his
men admire and willingly
follow. This is a harsh,
unyielding commander who
demands immediate
obedience. As a result,
unease and possible mutiny
ripple through the crew,
though Kydd is too blinded
to see or listen to
Renzi’s warnings. It takes
another to turn the tide
before it’s too late.
Teazer and
her crew have been
relegated to the isolated
station of the Channel
Islands, where Admiral
Saumarez is in charge. For
Renzi, this provides him
with new opportunities to
continue his research. For
Kydd, he is given a chance
to show his mettle;
Saumerez judges by deeds
and courage instead of
hearsay and innuendo. Kydd
accepts the chance to
prove himself worth; in
doing so, he draws the ire
of those who have been on
station longer than he
has. Then Kydd receives
secret orders, which he
successfully carries out.
Upon returning to home
port, his ship is boarded
and he is accused of
smuggling, which is
against Admiralty rules.
And the admiral denies
ever giving him secret
Treachery* is
the tale of what happens
when an officer loses his
command and must seek
employment on land. It is
also about backstabbing
and vowing to clear one’s
name, as well as following
paths that go against
one’s beliefs.
Privateering and espionage
play key roles in these
struggles. The
machinations behind a plot
to kidnap Napoleon
Bonaparte show the tenuous
scheming between the
English government, French
émigrés, and French
royalists. The action is
riveting and the emotions
are profound. Internal
struggles play out
alongside external ones.
This ninth title in the
series is one that fans
will enjoy not only for
these reasons but also
because it delves further
into multi-dimensions of
the author
book was previously
published under the title
of The Privateer's
Copyright ©2023 Cindy

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7127-2, US $19.95
Also available in e-book
cleared his name, Thomas
Kydd returns to his
beloved Teazer albeit
with a new first
lieutenant who is reliable
but neither ambitious nor
innovative. Orders return
them to the coast of
France to search for enemy
vessels. These are to be
destroyed or taken in any
way possible, for Napoleon
is preparing to invade
England and the Royal Navy
is the country’s first
line of defense. Upon
encountering an enemy
escorting a British prize,
Kydd attempts a night
boarding to retake the
ship. The unsuccessful bid
results in Nicholas Renzi,
Kydd’s longtime friend and
ship’s clerk, to suggest
an alternative. The risk
is high, but Kydd takes
the chance. The result
makes Admiral Saumarez
realize that Kydd and Teazer
are needed elsewhere
where they can be used to
better effect.
Kydd’s new orders assign
him to Admiral Keith’s
Downs Squadron, situated
near the English Channel
and close to the action. A
brief meeting with his
commanding officer makes
it clear that on this
station, Kydd’s first duty
is to destroy the enemy no
matter what. First,
though, he must learn
exactly what he faces and
how dire the situation is
for his country. This
takes him to London where
he becomes privy to
closely guarded
information about
Napoleon’s plans and
capabilities, as well as
English plans to thwart
the invasion. The
newspapers are also rife
with rumors of all sorts
of strange inventions that
the French emperor will
use to achieve his goal of
conquering England. Kydd’s
secret meetings reveal
that anything, even the
most preposterous idea,
may indeed be possible.
Before long, he discovers
the reality of this and
the dilemma it poses to
the way naval wars are
this time, Kydd returns
home to visit his family.
The experience makes him
realize just how much he
has changed since he first
departed Guilford as a
wigmaker. He decides if he
wishes to go any further
in his career, he must
reenter society. To that
end he hires a special
tutor to turn him into the
gentleman he must be to
hobnob with those with
power and influence.
Renzi, on the other hand,
is summoned to a secret tête-à-tête
to which not even Admiral
Keith is privy. He is
asked to participate in
the negotiations for a
prisoner exchange,
although this is merely a
cover for his real
purpose. The cartel ship
will get him into France
and while there, he is
tasked with finding an
inventive American and
persuading him to work for
the English, whom he
detests, instead of
Napoleon. Otherwise, Renzi
must kill him.
This tenth installment of
the Kydd Sea Adventures
provides a rousing fresh
perspective about the
invasion threat that
England faced during the
Napoleonic Wars. Stockwin
draws the reader in with
danger and possibilities
and then clearly shows the
personal struggle that
seamen faced as new ideas
threaten duty, morality,
and traditional rules of
engagement. Woven into
this excellent tapestry
are elements of everyday
naval life, such as the
savagery of sea combat and
hand-to-hand fighting,
searching for an AWOL crew
member, and
lifesaving gambles. At the
same time, readers glimpse
life in Paris during the
war and what it’s like for
an enemy to openly walk
the streets there. Equally
compelling are the
scientific inventions that
are introduced, the
conflicts they arouse, and
how personal experiences
can be melded with new
ideas to provide
alternative ways of
achieving goals. Along the
way, readers meet such
historic people as Robert
Fulton, William Pitt,
Admiral Keith, and Captain
Frances Austen (Jane
Austen’s brother). Invasion
is a thought-provoking
experience filled with
exploits to interest fans
of historical fiction,
nautical fiction, and even
Copyright ©2023 Cindy

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7166-1, US $19.95
Also available in e-book
delivering dispatches and
mail to blockading ships
off Brest, HMS Teazer
nears England. A
lookout spots a French
privateer and Commander
Thomas Kydd pursues.
Except the enemy is not
alone. The privateer lures
Teazer into a trap
and a French frigate
swoops in to capture the
English prize. It’s a
nail-biting chase that
drives Kydd and his crew
closer and closer to
France, but they refuse to
surrender and when it’s
over, good men and a good
vessel are gone.
With many men of
higher rank clamoring for
ships to command and with
Napoleon’s invasion fleet
ready to sail any day,
Kydd’s prospects of
securing a new vessel are
slim to none. Yet each
morning he visits the
Admiralty in hopes of
gaining his desire. Until
one day, he receives a
note telling him not to
return. He faces a future
on half pay with no idea
of where to turn or what
to do, but Nicholas Renzi
studies the missive’s
wording and a kernel of an
idea blossoms. After he
and Cecilia Kydd
investigate, they launch a
surprise befitting a
The relationship
between Nicholas and
Cecilia grows strained in
the aftermath of her
brother’s promotion.
Nicholas doesn’t want to
declare his true feelings
until he publishes his
book and can comfortably
support a wife and family.
Cecilia is miffed that he
refuses to take the plunge
after all his hard work.
When he does, he
experiences a rude
awakening regarding
publishing and what will
and will not sell. Like
dominos falling, one
crushed dream results in
an awareness that another
must also die. At the same
time, Cecilia begins to
wonder if maybe she must
let go of her vision for
the future as well before
it’s too late to have the
family and home she
In this eleventh
book in the series,
Stockwin snares the
reader’s attention from
the start and the realm of
emotions experienced
mirrors the crests and
troughs of waves during a
storm. Other books depict
the Battle of Trafalgar,
but his use of a
midshipman to witness
Admiral Lord Nelson’s
death resurrects the
sorrow and devastation
felt then in a way that
makes these feelings just
as palpable two centuries
Equally acute is
the opening battle with
the two French ships.
There’s an immediacy that
transports the reader to Teazer’s
deck to experience the
confusion, the wreckage,
the smells, and the sounds
that mark the hell that
the Teazers undergo, as
well as the grief Kydd
senses as his beloved ship
sinks. Just as profound is
Renzi’s shock and dismay
that his magnum opus may
never be published and the
realization he must
grapple with as to what
that means for his future
with Cecilia.
“Victory” is
defined as overcoming an
enemy, of succeeding in an
endeavor against great
odds. This novel depicts
victory on many levels, in
different ways, and with
profound passion. It also
demonstrates the price
that victory, or Victory,
must pay in order to
triumph over evil. This is
a voyage not to be missed,
one that will haunt the
reader long after the last
page is turned.
Copyright ©2023 Cindy

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7168-5, US $19.95
Also available in e-book
after the victory at
Trafalgar and the death of
Lord Horatio Nelson, the
Russian tsar and the
Austrians capitulate,
leaving the Coalition
against Napoleon Bonaparte
in ruins and Britain once
again alone in her
struggle against the
French. Having escorted
Nelson’s body home, Thomas
Kydd and his men expect to
join the nation in
mourning their beloved
hero. The Admiralty has
other plans. L’Aurore
is to rendezvous with
Commodore Home Popham. No
other information is
provided; simply get to
Madeira as quickly as
Kydd dislikes
being kept in the dark,
but the need goes far
beyond whatever he may
imagine. Napolean began
the race for empire, but
now that Britain rules the
seas, it is time for her
to launch her own imperial
expansion. The first
objective is to take
command of Cape Town in
south Africa, settled by
the Dutch who are now
allied with the French.
To maintain
secrecy, the fleet sails
westward to Brazil, but
all does not go as
planned. Kydd’s frigate
escorts the slower
transport ships, while the
rest of the fleet
continues on as planned.
In the dark of night, the
dreaded call of
“Breakers!” is heard. No
sooner is that danger
processed than Kydd
realizes there is also
land to their other side.
Trapped with no idea as to
where they are and how to
extricate themselves from
this dangerous situation,
Kydd anchors and warns the
rest of his flock to do
the same. Dawn reveals
that not all the ships in
his care have weathered as
well, so by the time they
finally arrive in African
waters, the army’s horses,
men, and artillery are
greatly depleted. Still,
there is little else to do
but carry on and Kydd is
assigned as naval liaison,
which means he must go
ashore and witness the
battle rather than being
an active participant – a
fact that greatly chafes.
Despite their
small amphibious force,
the British succeed,
almost too easily. It
doesn’t take long to
discover why the town
capitulates so easily –
there is but a few days’
worth of food left and
starvation threatens. With
the help of Nicholas Renzi
as Colonial Secretary,
General Baird begins work
as the new governor. The
townsfolk must be won over
and there is still the
Dutch army who has
retreated to a mountain
stronghold to deal with.
And any day now, French
squadrons that patrol the
waters around Africa and
the Indian Ocean are
certain to launch their
own attack to reclaim Cape
Town for their emperor.
On one coastal
patrol, Kydd and his men
happen upon a shipwreck
with seemingly only one
survivor. With the help of
a translator, it is soon
revealed that others set
off on foot. Knowing the
dangers these stalwart
individuals face, Kydd is
determined to find them
before they all are lost.
That kindness is later
returned when information
about an impending attack
leads Renzi to trek into
the wild bush in hopes of
verifying the existence of
this secret army, while
Kydd risks a court-martial
and the loss his men’s
respect when he abandons a
sea fight to discover the
true reason for the enemy
frigate’s dogged pursuit
of them.
This twelfth
installment in the Thomas
Kydd series provides an
exotic locale that is
vividly recreated by
Stockwin. The perils and
beauty are keenly
experienced, and the
adventures, both at sea
and on land, are riveting.
There is the mysterious
warning of the Ox-eye, a
reunion with a circus
strongman from Kydd’s
past, a reclusive French
woman, and a battle in
which camels and a
fog-horn play key roles.
Treachery and intrigue
abound, leaving Kydd and
Renzi, as well as readers,
wondering who to trust. Conquest
is thrilling adventure
with high stakes that
keeps readers on the edge
of their seats from
beginning to end.
Copyright ©2023 Cindy

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7499-0, US $19.95
/ UK £ 14.99
ebook ISBN
978-1-4930-7500-3, US $5.99
/ UK £5.99
around the African jungle
in the dark of night isn’t
the safest way to take the
enemy. After all, there
are lions and snakes and
animals with horns. The
water may be more
familiar, but unknown
dangers lurk there as
well. The French ship has
chosen her hiding spot
well some distance up the
Zambezi River where L’Aurore
cannot venture. A frontal
assault by boats will be a
slaughter, but Captain
Thomas Kydd is not to be
deterred. It’s vital to
discover the location of
Admiral Maréchal’s
squadron and Nicholas
Renzi’s intelligence,
acquired from locals, is
their first lead. Kydd’s
plan is fraught with
danger and timing will be
Kydd learns the risks have
been for naught. Maréchal
and his ships have
returned to France. Of
course, that presents Kydd
with another dilemma – one
that he gives no thought
to until after he meets
with his commander,
Commodore Home Popham.
They are far from home and
the war, and with
everything going smoothly
in Cape Town and its
environs, the opportunity
to distinguish themselves
in ways that will gain
them honors, riches, and
promotions are just about
nil. Has Kydd truly gone
from working in a wig shop
to commanding his own ship
only to have his career
Never fear, Popham isn’t
one to sit on laurels.
Prior to Trafalgar, an
idea was put forth to the
prime minister and
received his blessing. It
involves taking advantage
of the unrest in South
America to gain new allies
and profit from the
seizure of the treasure
currently going to, when
possible, into Napoleon’s
coffers to fund the war.
Now is the perfect time to
implement that amphibious
operation and using a page
from Nelson’s handbook,
Popham intends to have his
squadron sweep across the
ocean and seize Montevideo
and Buenos Aires for the
British just as they did
when they conquered Cape
Town. With Kydd’s help,
they should have no
trouble gaining the army’s
assistance and swaying the
other captains over to
their way of thinking.
There’s only a slight
problem; they will be
undertaking this venture
without proper orders from
the Admiralty. Better to
take action and ask for
forgiveness later. After
all, this will be a
cakewalk. What can
possibly go wrong?
Stockwin is a master at
recreating exotic locales
that transport readers
back to past places and
times. Nowhere is this
more evident than in Betrayal,
the thirteenth Kydd Sea
Adventure. Contrasts
between Africa and South
America make the latter
even more menacing, as do
revelations about Popham
that Renzi shares with
Kydd. Equally engaging, at
least to anyone who has
ever thought of writing a
book, is Renzi’s trials
and tribulations once he
decides to craft the novel
that his friend suggests.
As with any creative
endeavor, taking an idea
and turning it into
reality isn’t as easy as
it appears. In this
regard, Renzi’s writing
shines a mirror on the
dilemmas that Kydd faces.
Patriotic fervor is
another theme interwoven
into this story. Rather
than a coin with two
sides, this passion can be
multi-faceted and involve
intrigue as much as
treachery. While Kydd
spends a fair portion of
his time on land in this
tale, the contrivances
that place him on water
are unique and the action,
hair-raising. While
stories set during the
Napoleonic era are many,
Stockwin selects
lesser-known aspects of it
to provide readers with
uncommon undertakings
where the risks and the
rewards are high.
Copyright ©2023 Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7501-0, US
$19.95 / UK £14.99
ebook ISBN
978-1-4930-7502-7, US
$5.99 / UK £5.99
Kydd Sea
Captain Thomas
Kydd to the
which he
hasn’t visited
since he was
into the Royal
Navy as a
seaman. Now,
he comes to
Admiral Sir
Cochrane of
the Leeward
Squadron for
assistance in
captured men
in Argentina.
Instead, Kydd
and L‘Aurore
are reassigned
to Cochrane’s
command since
he is woefully
short of
frigates to
protect the
sugar trade
and to prevent
the French
from sending
theirs to
ports where
the proceeds
can fill
Napoleon’s war
Kydd’s return
isn’t all
happy. One of
the other
commanders in
the squadron
is known to
him and not in
a good way.
Captain Tyrell
of the
Hannibal was a
when they
each other and
his penchant
for strict
left a bitter
taste in
Kydd’s mouth.
Now in command
of a
Tyrell is even
more of a
continuing to
sow seeds of
hatred amongst
his crew.
unsettling is
the fact that
Tyrell thinks
Kydd familiar
but cannot
fathom why.
Sooner or
later, Kydd
fears that
Tyrell will
remember and
destroy all
that he has
worked so hard
to attain.
In the
Renzi is
plagued with a
deep sense of
Napoleon is
not one to
take defeat
lying down. In
the year since
Trafalgar, he
has had time
to plan and
payback. Renzi
fears that
when he
launches his
next attack,
it will prove
It doesn’t
take long for
the emperor to
reveal his
next move, and
it brings
English trade
to a
One of the
affected is
none other
than Renzi’s
British trade
in the West
Indies is the
fact that a
pair of
corsairs are
without fear
of reprisal.
The raiders
and their
prizes simply
vanish and are
never heard
from again.
While Kydd and
his men patrol
the Caribbean
Sea in search
of the enemy,
Renzi follows
through on the
thought that a
similar to a
spy master, is
behind the
many French
successes. If
Renzi can
figure out
where the
enemy’s base
of operation
is, Kydd and
the rest of
the squadron
can destroy
the enemy once
and for all.
Caribbee is
an engrossing
tale that
mixes sea
adventure and
how two men
command their
ships. One
loyalty, the
other, hatred
bordering on
mutiny. One
aspect of this
involves the
transfer of
one of Kydd’s
and how he
deals with the
situation that
he encounters.
into the
central theme
of the war and
the navy,
readers will
episodes that
tangling with
an underwater
volcano, a
love interest
for Kydd, a
lieutenant who
makes an
arrival that
arouses Kydd’s
to want him
off L’Aurore,
and a charge
of murder that
may see Kydd
hanged. One of
the best so
far in the
series where
readers get
with people
from Kydd and
Renzi’s past
Review Copyright ©2023
Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7503-4, US $19.95
summons from the Admiralty
is not unexpected. The
court-martial is
inevitable; Thomas Kydd
just doesn’t know whether
he will stand as a witness
or join his former
commander as a defendant.
He no sooner arrives than
finds himself in front of
the king and honored in a
way he never expects.
friend, Nicholas Renzi,
encounters his own share
of surprises. He must
fulfill his promise to
Thomas to propose to
Cecilia Kydd, but how can
he do so without the means
to support her? He’s had
no word as to whether his
first novel has met with
success or failure. Then a
family death leaves him
with a dilemma that opens
a door he thought long
closed. It also requires
him to confess a truth to
Cecilia, one which may
turn her against him once
and for all.
return home means that the
friends’ paths in life
must finally diverge.
Renzi does not leave Kydd
emptyhanded. He recommends
a young man named Dillon,
who is both loyal and
determined to see the
world. That wish is
granted when Kydd and his
men are sent to join the
Mediterranean squadron.
Currently Admiral
Collingwood blockades the
port of Cádiz, but he has
a different assignment for
Kydd, one that will take
him and Dillon to
Constantinople. It’s
essential that the French
not gain a foothold there.
Sailing to and from the
city is fraught with
danger, and upon arrival,
Kydd discovers not only
civil unrest but also that
the British ambassador is
determined to destroy the
Ottoman city.
new station in life offers
him a unique opportunity,
one that also takes him to
Constantinople. Whereas
Kydd sails right in,
Renzi’s path there is more
clandestine. How he
accomplishes his mission
is totally at his
discretion, but he will be
on his own and at the
mercy of the sultan and
his advisers, which
include French agitators
determined to win
Constantinople for
is the fifteenth title
in the Thomas Kydd series.
Stockwin deftly recreates
time and place so readers
become immersed in the
intrigue and adventure
that unfolds from two
different perspectives.
Although Kydd has some
unique experiences that
showcase new aspects of
sailing and command
because of the setting, it
is Renzi who plays a more
prominent role this time
around. His story is
reminiscent of
television’s Mission
Impossible exploits, just
set in the first decade of
the 19th century. This
book showcases
international intrigue and
the domino effect. Maps
and a glossary provide
readers with orienting
information, while the
list of Dramatis Personae
offers a handy reference
as to who’s who. Stalwart
fans of Stockwyn and the
Kydd series will find this
an engrossing tale rife
with unusual encounters
and noteworthy action. As
always, each book in the
series can stand alone, so
newcomers will soon find
themselves entangled in
the lives of both Kydd and
Review Copyright ©2024
Cindy Vallar

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023, ISBN
978-1-4930-7505-8, US
Returning home
from the Mediterranean,
L’Aurore is
discovered to be a
rotting ship. Her crew
is paid off and Thomas
Kydd finds himself on
land. He is to command a
heavy frigate, but it
could be a year before
she is finished and
ready to man and sail.
In the meantime, he must
appear as a witness at
the court martial of his
former commander. He
finds himself betwixt
wind and water as
regards Commodore
Popham, who did seize
the initiative but also
abandoned his post.
A conversation
between friends is
overheard by a reporter,
and the next day Kydd
finds himself a pariah.
Instead of the promised
new frigate, he is
ordered to take command
of Tyger, a ship
recently beset by
mutiny. If he declines,
his naval career will be
at an end. If he
accepts, his chances of
successfully carrying
out his duty are slim to
none. But Admiral
Russell, whose force is
part of the North Sea
Fleet, believes in
giving opportunities and
judging men by their
actions. He chooses Kydd
and the Tygers for a
mission to Archangel,
Russia. As an ally, the
Royal Navy should be
welcomed with open arms;
instead, their arrival
is anything but.
Distrustful of what he
sees, Kydd must find a
way to uncover the truth
while getting his men to
trust him and work as a
cohesive unit. Tall
orders when suspicion,
betrayal, and discontent
are the current
watchwords of his crew,
and the Admiralty merely
wants to get rid of him.
This sixteenth
title in the Thomas Kydd
series delves into the
notorious and unusual
court martial of Sir
Home Popham, showcasing
both sides of the coin.
While interesting, it
leaves readers and Kydd
feeling like fish out of
water. Yet there is
purpose in its
inclusion, for it
provides a stunning look
at how a hero can fall
from grace in an
instant. At the same
time, it sets up how
Kydd comes to command Tyger
and finds himself
embroiled in a mutiny
once again. The key to
this novel is that much
lies beneath the
surface; nothing is
exactly as it appears.
Enemies lurk where least
expected and this time,
readers understand
exactly what is meant
about the loneliness of
command as Kydd sails
through treacherous
waters from England to
the Baltic and the High
Copyright ©2024 Cindy

by Julian Stockwin
McBooks Press, 2023,
ISBN 978-1-4930-7507-2,
US $19.95
Also available in other
After his
most recent trials and
tribulations, Captain
Thomas Kydd is in sore
need of rest and
renewal. The one man
who may provide such a
place is an old friend
and mentor, Tobias
Stirk. He, too, is
injured, although his
are more physical in
nature than Kydd’s. To
be on a more equal
footing – friends
instead of commander
and commanded – Kydd
travels incognito to
Dunlochry, Scotland,
on the island of Mull.
There, the two become
involved in a search
for treasure aboard
the remains of an
Armada shipwreck. Just
one problem: the hoard
is far enough
underwater that to
retrieve requires
diving equipment. The
device closest to
their location has
only been used once
before and that was a
long time ago.
While away from the
navy on their own
adventure, Napoleon’s
new policy threatens
the very existence of
Britain. No other
European country is
permitted to trade
with the English, and
with only Denmark,
Sweden, and Russia not
under the emperor’s
control, he may well
achieve what his
failed invasions could
not. When word reaches
London of secret talks
between France and
Russia, those in
command feel there is
little recourse left
to them. They must
demand that Denmark
surrender its navy to
the British for the
duration of the war.
That is the sole way
to keep the French
from achieving total
domination of Europe
and to maintain open
avenues to trade in
the Baltic, where
vital naval resources
are purchased.
There’s just one
problem, and it’s a
doozy. Denmark is a
neutral country. To
violate that
neutrality will be
injurious to British
honor, yet no one has
an alternative to
stopping their
archnemesis. Still,
before taking such a
step, King George
wishes to appeal to
his Danish counterpart
for a peaceful accord
without going through
regular diplomatic
channels. Only one
person may achieve
this goal, Nicholas
Renzi, the Earl of
Farndon, and this
time, his wife
Cecilia, Kydd’s
sister, must
participate in the
In the meantime, Kydd
resumes command of Tyger
and joins the
fleet that is amassing
to carry out the
Admiralty’s directive.
This will be a joint
operation between the
navy and the army.
Major General Sir
Arthur Wesley will
command the land
forces, and their
action is seen through
the eyes of a young
ensign whose brother
serves aboard Tyger.
With each passing day,
the clock ticks closer
to all-out hostilities
and no way out for
those within the walls
of Copenhagen,
including the
Farndons. Danger also
stalks Kydd, who is
approached by a
stranger seeking
assistance and leaves
his ship in hopes of
securing additional
help from rebel
Swedes. Instead, he
finds himself
kidnapped and awaiting
transport to France to
stand trial before his
most public execution.
Inferno is the
seventeenth entry in
the Kydd Sea
Adventures series, but
it is one in which
Thomas Kydd plays only
a minor role. In some
regards, the same is
true for Nicholas.
Instead, much of the
story takes place in
government offices in
London and on the
ground outside
Copenhagen. This is a
fictional recounting
of the Second Battle
of Copenhagen, a
complicated affair
that Stockwin does a
superb job of
simplifying just
enough for most
readers to follow
without getting bogged
down in details and to
comprehend the nuances
that made this episode
in Anglo-French-Danish
relations so important
to Great Britain.
There are two minor
technical shortcomings
with this book. First,
there are a few
formatting issues,
such as the “Dramatis
Personae” (list of
characters) being
placed in backwards
and split in half by
the placement of the
maps. Also, it helps
to think of the title
not as a
conflagration, as
suggested by the cover
art, but as “a place
or state that
resembles or suggests
Die-hard Kydd fans
will find this a
rendering of good
historical fiction,
but some readers may
be disappointed that
Kydd does not play as
central a figure as he
has in earlier novels.
(There are forty-three
chapters between one
of his appearances and
the next.) Perhaps
Stockwin’s intent is
to provide readers
with the same respite
Kydd needs while
providing an engaging
and different
interlude before his
next adventure.
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