Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for
Adults ~ Biography: Navy Seamen & Merchant Sailors

Frigate Commander
By Tom Wareham
Pen & Sword, 2012, ISBN 978-184884859-5, US $29.95 /
UK £14.99
Lieutenant to Post Captain, from HMS Perseus to
HMS Indefatigable, Wareham examines the life
of Admiral Sir Graham Moore during the period in
which he commands frigates, sailing from Liverpool
to London, Newfoundland, Ireland, and the West
Indies. The principal time is from 1784 through
1805, but his earlier and later life are also
covered. The book includes an appendix, chapter
notes, a bibliography, and an index.
Black-&-white illustrations are found in the
center of the volume.
The narrative is interspersed with excerpts from
Moore’s personal journal, which extends to
thirty-seven handwritten volumes.
. . . it
is written at all times, in all humours and in
different situations, there are ignorances and
weaknesses displayed which I would rather keep
behind the curtains during my life, but which I
do not wish should be concealed after my death.
Together they weave a
compelling account of this man’s life as a frigate
commander, revealing not only gems about the inner
workings of the Royal Navy and events occurring
elsewhere, but also about Moore’s self-doubts,
lessons learned, style of leadership, family, and
loves. The result brings to life a vivid portrayal
of this man and his thoughts.
Copyright ©2013 Cindy Vallar

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