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The History of Maritime Piracy

Cindy Vallar, Editor & Reviewer
P.O. Box 425, Keller, TX  76244-0425

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Pirate Articles
Book Reviews
Pirate Links
Sea Yarns Galore
Thistles & Pirates

Books for Adults ~ History: Piracy

Pirate reading bookAccounts Worth ReadingPirate reading book Pirate thumbs-up Pirate Treasures Pirate thumbs-up
The Barbary Corsairs
The Best Pirates Stories Ever Told
Elizabeth's Sea Dogs
Elizabeth's Sea Dogs and Their War Against Spain
Flying the Black Flag
The Last Buccaneers in the South Sea, 1686-1695
Lost Pirate Treasures of Saint Croix
Piracy and Privateering in the Golden Age Netherlands
The Pirate Code (Lewis)
The Pirate Coast
Pirate Hunting
Pirate Nation
Pirate of the Far East, 811-1639
The Pirate Queen
A Pirate's Life in the Golden Age of Piracy
The Pirate's Pocket-book
Pirates (Cawthorne)
Pirates (Konstam)
Pirates? The Politics of Plunder
Pirates and Privateers of the 18th Century
Pirates of Maryland
Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay
Pirates of the Florida Coast
Pirates of the North Atlantic
Pirates on the Coasts of Peru, 1598-1701
Privateering, Piracy and British Policy in Spanish America, 1810-1830
The Sack of Panama
Scourge of the Seas
The Terror of the Seas?
Treasure Island (Amrhein)
Under the Bloody Flag
Why We Love Pirates
Women and English Piracy, 1540-1720
The Alliance of Pirates
The Barbary Pirates 15th-17th Centuries
The Barbary Wars
Black Flags, Blue Waters
Born to Be Hanged
British Piracy in the Golden Age
British Pirates and Society, 1680-1730
The Buccaneer's Realm
Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pirates
Corsairs and CaptivesNew review posted
Elusive Pirates, Pervasive Smugglers
Empire of Blue Water
The Everything Pirates Book
The Golden Age of Piracy (Head)
The Golden Age of Piracy (Little)
Cindy's review
Irwin's review

How History's Greatest Pirates Pillaged, Plundered, and Got Away With It
Lords of the Sea
The Notorious Edward Low
Piracy (Konstam)
Pirate (Konstam)
Pirate Nests and the Rise of the British Empire, 1570-1740
The Pirate Next Door
Pirate Soul
The Pirate World
Pirates (Cordingly)
Pirates (Hollick)
Pirates (Lehr)
Pirates (Travers)
Pirates & Privateering from Long Island Sound to Delaware Bay
The Pirates' Code (Simon)
Pirates in the Age of Sail
Pirates in Their Own Words
Pirates of Barbary
Pirates of New England
Pirates of the Americas
Pirates of the Slave Trade
The Pirates' Pact
The Politics of Piracy
Raiders and Natives
The Republic of Pirates
Sailing East
The Sea Rover's Practice
Skull and Saltire
Villains of All Nations
The World Atlas of Piracy

Pirate Articles
Book Reviews
Pirate Links
Sea Yarns Galore
Thistles & Pirates

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