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The History of Maritime Piracy

Cindy Vallar, Editor & Reviewer
P.O. Box 425, Keller, TX  76244-0425

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The Bookaneer

                      & ship by RomanKybus (Source: CanStockPhoto)There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away. ~ Emily DickinsonPirate & ship by
                      RomanKybus (Source: Can Stock Photo)

Avast there! The Bookaneer sails the high sea in search of books of interest to pirates young and old. Feel free to browse the latest reviewed titles or click on the links below to access reviews of specific genres and subjects.

A special note to authors and publicists

Since 1993, I've been reviewing books for a variety of publications. Initially, those publications included Appraisal: Science Books for Young People, The Book Report, VOYA, Library Media Connection, and School Library Journal. Later, I reviewed books online for Ivy Quill Reviews, Simply E-Books, and Discovering Diamonds. Today, my reviews appear in Historical Novels Review and Goodreads.com.

At Pirates and Privateers, I review fiction and nonfiction books for children or adults. These volumes primarily deal with piracy, privateering, navies, and the maritime world. Most stories and histories are set in the past prior to 1900, although I occasionally venture into more recent times and future scenarios. Pirates and Privateers is open to submissions, so if you would me to consider reviewing your latest book, please contact me.

Professional Reader        Reviews Published

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The Bookaneer's Latest Reviews

The Resurrected Pirate
by Craig S. Chapman
Histories have led us to believe that George Lowther committed suicide on a deserted island. But what if the dead man wasn't the infamous pirate? What if he led an entirely different life and even helped a well-known British admiral, and historians merely overlooked or missed the clues that told a far different tale than Captain Charles Johnson did all those years ago?


Corsairs and Captives
by Adam Nichols
For nearly three centuries, sailing in the Mediterranean and Atlantic posed a danger to seamen and passengers alike. These were the waters of Barbary corsairs in search of human prey. Their captives were returned to one of the city states of North Africa where human trafficking and enslavement were common place. This is a collection of historical details about the corsairs and first-hand accounts by those who were victims or dealt with them.

(Pirate Captives, History: Piracy)

Maritime Kensington
by Gretchen M. Bell
Once upon a time, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, surpassed Boston, Massachusetts, when it came to building ships. Today, the majority of that history has disappeared. This introduction examines the men who came to the colony and opened shipyards, and then traces the history of shipbuilding over the centuries.
(History: Maritime)

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The Bookaneer's Treasure Chests of Reviews

Books for Young Pirates
(picture books)

Books for Pirate Apprentices
(chapter, middle grade, young adult books)

Books for Adult Pirates ~ Fiction

Books for Adult Pirates ~ Nonfiction

A special note to readers
The United States Federal Trade Commission has issued guidelines for online reviewers, which include disclosing to you that publishers, publicists, and authors send me review books and media for free. Sometimes I request these review copies; sometimes I do not. In either case, I am free to choose whether or not I publish a review of these items, although the sender hopes that I will do so. After I have read these submissions, I add the free review copies to my personal library collection, donate them to libraries or other worthy causes, or use them as prizes I award to contest winners. If anyone wishes to know what I did with a specific title reviewed here, I'll be happy to disclose that information.

Copyright © 2022 Cindy Vallar

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