Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for
Young Pirates

The Castaway Pirates
By Ray Marshall
Illustrated by Wilson Swain
Chronicle Books, 2008, ISBN 978-0-8118-5923-3, $19.99
This is a tale of bad luck,
sharp teeth, and stinky toes.
And what, pray tell, do these have to do
with pirates?
So glad you asked! The tale begins when
The Stinky Toes’ captain, Runny Nose,
sails the ship into a storm and she starts
to sink. The pirates have no choice but to
get away in a long boat, but much to their
dismay, the craft springs a leak. And if
that trouble isn’t enough, they spy a
shark just waiting for them to become his
dinner. Now that won’t do at all, at all.
So the pirates attempt to plug the leak
with items at hand, such as a shoe, Runny
Nose’s coat, and rope. Are they
successful? Well, matey, ye’ll have to be
readin’ this tale to find out whether they
escape the clutches of death, or become
fodder for the patient shark.
Although written for young pirates, I dare
any adult to read this book without
cracking a smile! There’s a whimsical
rhythm to the words that captivates and
amuses. The constant refrain of “Or it’s
way-hey-ho and down we go!” allows those
not yet able to read to join in the fun,
for this is a book that begs for all to
participate in the telling. The real gem
of this adventure, though, is the artwork,
for the boat, the pirates, and the shark
pop up into three-dimensional images that
are vibrant, energetic, and astounding. The
Castaway Pirates is sure to become a
nightly treasure before lights out.

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