Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Time Line of History
Piracy & Privateering, Maritime, Scottish, & Events
(updated 15 August 2024)
This time line is a work in
progress. It incorporates events important
to pirate history, as well as important
historical happenings at sea, in Scotland,
and around the world. Although pirates gave
allegiance to no nation, they didn't work in
a void. What happened on land could and did
impact what happened at sea. Dates are
divided into centuries first, then by year,
and if the exact date is known, by month and
day within that year.
Special thanks to Luis for his
assistance in researching some of these dates.
Special thanks to those who have
caught my errors and let me know.
Like a Pirate Day, September 19
National Maritime Day,
May 22
the 1st Century
4th & 5th Centuries
6th & 7th Centuries
9th Century
10th Century
14th Century
18th Century
21st Century
William Dampier’s ship, HMS
Roebuck, founders in storm off
Ascension Island.
Admiralty Courts are
established in English colonies. This
allows officials to try pirates there,
rather than transporting their captives
to London for trial.
March 5: Richard
Coote, the Earl of Bellomont,
succumbs to illness.
March 27:
William Kidd testifies before the House
of Commons and pleads for mercy. He
completes his testimony on 31 March.
May 8:
William Kidd is tried. When the trial
ends the next day, he is deemed guilty
of murder and piracy.
15: The War of the Spanish Succession
May 23: Captain William
Kidd hangs twice at Execution Dock,
London. His body is gibbeted and hung
over the River Thames as a warning to
other sailors.
May 24 The transcript of
William Kidd's trial is published and
sells out by the following day. A second
printing occurs on the 26th.
September 7: Austria, Holland, and
England sign the Treaty of Grand
Alliance in the War of the Spanish
16: Exiled James II dies, and Louis XIV
of France acknowledges his son, James
Stuart as King of England.
28: Maryland legalizes divorce.
Fire destroys Port Royal.
mail service between England and the
West Indies begins.
February 21: King William III of England
falls off his horse while at Hampton
March 8: King William
III of England dies from his
injuries. His sister-in-law Anne,
the daughter of James II, ascends
the throne. She becomes the last
Stuart monarch to reign.
March 11: Daily Courant, the
first daily newspaper, is published in
15: Grand Alliance formally declares
war on France and her allies. The War
of the Spanish Succession, also known
as Queen Anne’s War, pits England, the
Holy Roman Empire, Italy, Germany,
Austria, and the Dutch Republic
against France and Spain. Often
considered the first world war in the
modern era, it lasts until 1714 and,
after peace, it gives rise to a large
upsurge in piracy.
22: Spanish treasure fleet is captured
or sinks in Vigo Bay.
French and Spanish forces
destroy Nassau.
May 27:
Tsar Peter the Great founds Saint
Peterburg, Russia as the new capital.
Portugal joins the Grand Alliance
against the French.
13: Archduke Charles of Austria, the
Grand Alliance's claimant to the Spanish
throne, is proclaimed King Carlos III.
19: The political prisoner known
merely as the man in the iron mask
dies in the Bastille.
7: Great Storm hits England. Thousands
die and the Royal Navy loses 13 ships
and about 1,500 men.
Selkirk is marooned on Juan Fernandez
What remains of William
Kidd's plunder is condemned by the
Admiralty. A portion is set aside to
build Greenwich Hospital.
April: John Campbell, postmaster
of Boston, begins publishing the Boston
News-Letter, America's first
newspaper. (It will be the only
newspaper in the British North American
colonies until 1719.) It becomes
the first newspaper to print names
of seamen departing on legitimate
sailing ventures and who are later
forced to join pirate crews during
the voyage. This information is
later used as evidence if the seaman
is captured. Other colonial
newspapers adopt this practice as
well. Over the
years this newspaper carries many
accounts of piracy. Its
run lasts until 1776.
May 24: Lieutenant Governor
Thomas Povey issues general warrant for
the arrest of John Quelchon
charges of piracy.
June 19: Trial against John
Quelch for piracy, robbery, and murder
opens in Boston.
June 30: Quelch and those
of his crew are hanged for piracy. One
of the men, Miller, had also been a
member of Henry Every's crew when they
captured the Gang-i-Sawai.
July: Thomas Green,
commander of the English merchantman Worcester,
arrested for piracy in the Indian Ocean.
Although there is no solid evidence for
the charges, Scotland convicts and
executes him.
August 4: After Spain
surrenders, the British take control of
Gibraltar during the War of the Spanish
governor of Massachusetts charges Rhode
Island with consorting with pirates.
British East India Company institutes a
convoy system.
signs that pirates are establishing a
base in the Bahamas. New Providence will
be firmly in the hands of pirates within
seven years.
William Dampier
completes his second circumnavigation
of the world.
Marquis of Carmarthen
publishes Reasons for Reducing the
Pirates at Madagascar.
May 1:
With the previous ratification of the
Act of Union by the Scottish and English
Parliaments, the two countries
officially become one and are known as
Great Britain.
English Prize Act withdraws the required
1/5 share of plunder due the treasury.
Some Memoirs Concerning That Famous
Pyrate Captain Avery is published.
August 1: Woodes Rogers’s
expedition to capture a Manila galleon
departs from Britain. Aboard is William
Dampier and this will be his third
circumnavigation of the world. This
voyage lasts until 1711.
Life and Adventures of Captain John
Avery, a fictional account of
Henry Every's exploits, is published.
The author is Adrian van Broeck, but
this is probably a pseudonym since no
evidence exists of such a person
January: Alexander Selkirk
is rescued by Woodes Rogers after
spending four years and four months
marooned on Juan Fernandez Island.
February 13: Alexander
Selkirk departs Juan Fernandez Island
with Woodes Rogers’ expedition.
December: Woodes Rogers
attacks the Nuestra Señora del la
Encarnacion Diesngaño, a Manila
treasure galleon with an estimated value
of 1,600,000 pieces of eight.
Alexander Spotswood is
appointed Governor of Virginia.
John Avery's The
King of Pirates is published.
It's intended to stand as Henry
Every's autobiography.
10: First law regulating copyright is
passed in Britain.
14: Woodes Rogers’s expedition returns
home after circumnavigating the world
and capturing a Manila galleon. William
Dampier completes his third
circumnavigation of the globe.
Kanhoji Angria
captures the East India Company’s
governor of Bombay’s private yacht.
Rogers publishes his account of his
voyage around the world, which began
in 1708 and ended in 1711.
28: Powerful hurricane strikes
3: An arrest warrant, signed by the Duke
of Montrose, is issued for Rob Roy
November: A play
entitled The Successful Pyrate
and written by the playwright
Charles Johnson, opens on Drury Lane,
England. It is loosely based on a
story about Henry Every.
The British pass an
act authorizing customs officers and
justices of the peace to rescue
distressed vessels.
11: The Treaty of Utrecht ends the War
of the Spanish Succession between
England, France, Portugal, Prussia, and
Savoy. Spain loses Portugal and her
territories in the Netherlands. France
continues to fight her other enemies
until the following year.
Parliament offers a £20,000
prize to anyone who can figure out how
to calculate longitude.
France and Spain raid
Bahamas. Nassau is sacked three times.
March: Woodes Rogers visits
June: Benjamin Hornigold
attacks Spanish shipping off Santo
14: During the Battle of Aland, the
Russian fleet overpowers the larger
Swedish fleet.
1: Queen Anne dies, and the German
Elector of Hanover becomes King George I
of the United Kingdom. This is the start
of the House of Hanover.
7: The Holy Roman Empire and France sign
the Treaty of Baden, bringing the War of
the Spanish Succession to an end.
corsairs capture Thomas Pellow. He
converts to Islam and becomes a corsair,
but eventually renounces the Muslim
faith and returns to England in 1738.
30: Annual Plate Fleet encounters
hurricane near Sebastian, Florida. Ten
out of the eleven ships are lost. The
lost treasure is valued at £1,572,000.
1: After a 72-year reign, King Louis
XIV of France dies. His reign is the
longest of any major European monarch.
November: 300 pirates attack the
Spanish wreck's salvage camp, netting
60,000 pieces of eight.
November: Benjamin
Hornigold arrives in New Providence, the
pirate haven.
13: The Battle of Sheriffmuir takes
place during the Jacobite rebellion
known as the 'Fifteen. The Earl of Mar
leads the Jacobite army's advance, but
the Hanoverian forces stop them,
resulting in a battle with no clear
Vane becomes a pirate.
Benjamin Hornigold and his
men capture a sloop. They decide to keep
it, and Blackbeard becomes captain of
his first pirate vessel.
Samuel Bellamy and
Paulsgrave Williams depart for the
Spanish fleet wreckage off the coast of
Florida. Soon after, they go on the
first lighthouse is erected at Cape
Henlopen. It’s constructed of wood and
burns whale oil.
Samuel Bellamy and Olivier
le Vasseur, also known as La Buse (The
Buzzard) team up.
May: Benjamin Hornigold
refuses to attack English ships and is
deposed in favor of Samuel Bellamy.
November 9: Samuel Bellamy captures
the Bonetta. One passenger on
board is John King, who threatens to
kill himself if his mother refuses to
allow him to join the pirates. King
becomes the youngest known pirate.
26: For the first time in America, a
lion is exhibited in Boston,
December: Samuel Bellamy
captures the Sultana. He takes
her as his new flagship and Paulsgrave
Williams becomes captain of the Marianne.
Bonnet becomes a pirate after purchasing
a 10-gun sloop, which he names Revenge.
Olivier le Vasseur (La
Buse) sails in consort with Christopher
Benjamin Hornigold is the
ringleader of the pirates on New
February: Samuel Bellamy
captures the Whydah.
March: Blackbeard parts company
with Benjamin Hornigold.
2: The first performance of a ballet
occurs in England. The ballet is The
Loves of Mars and Venus.
April 26: Northeasterly
gale drives Samuel Bellamy’s Whydah
onto the shoals of Nantucket. About
146 pirates die, including Bellamy and
John King, the youngest known pirate.
May 16:
Voltaire is imprisoned in the Bastille
in Paris, France. A playwright and poet,
he pens a satirical poem entitled "La
Henriade," which infuriates the
government. He is incarcerated for
nearly a year.
August 27: The Reverand
Cotton Mather delivers a sermon entitled
"Instructions to the Living, from the
Conditions of the Dead" two months
before the survivors of Bellamy’s crew
are tried for piracy.
September: Stede Bonnet encounters a
Spanish man-of-war and is badly wounded
in the battle, but escapes.
September 5: King George
issues a proclamation "for Suppressing
of Pyrates." He offers amnesty to any
pirate who gives himself up before 5
September 1718.
October: The surviving pirates of Bellamy’s crew,
two of whom were aboard Whydah when
she sank, are tried in Boston.
October: Blackbeard
encounters Stede Bonnet and commandeers
his sloop. They sail in consort as far
as New Jersey before returning to the
November 15: Six members of Samuel
Bellamy’s crew are hanged at Boston.
November 17: Blackbeard
captures the French slaver Concorde
off St. Vincent and renames her Queen
Anne’s Revenge.
November 28: Blackbeard
attacks Guadeloupe.
December: A copy of the King’s Grace
arrives in New Providence. 209 pirates
accept the King’s Grace, including
Benjamin Hornigold and Henry Jennings.
December 5: Blackbeard
plunders Margaret and takes her
captain, Henry Bostock, captive for
eight hours. After his release, Bostock
provides the first record of
Blackbeard's appearance, which becomes
the source of his name.
pirates tried at Bombay, India.
Edward England accepts a
royal pardon from Woodes Rogers, but
within a year, he returns to pirating.
January 6: King George issues
commission to Woodes Rogers to rid the
Bahamas of pirates and names him
governor of the colony.
17: An avalanche engulfs Leukerbad,
Switzerland, destroying every building
and killing 53 people.
February: Benjamin
Hornigold accepts the King’s pardon. He
becomes a pirate hunter.
April: Charles Vane in the
sloop Ranger captures two ships
off the Carolinas.
May: Blackbeard blockades
Charles Town Harbor. He ransoms leading
citizens for a chest of medicine.
May: Stede Bonnet sails to
Bath Town to acquire a king’s pardon
from Governor Eden.
May 7:
Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville
founds the city of New Orleans.
June: Blackbeard intentionally
grounds the Queen Anne's Revenge
in Beaufort Inlet.
26: Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich of
Russia, the son of Peter the Great,
mysteriously dies after days of
torture for plotting against his
July: Charles Vane voices
opposition to Woodes Rogers coming to
New Providence in the Bahamas as
July: Governor Eden of
North Carolina pardons Blackbeard, who
spends much of his time in Bath Town or
at Ocracoke Island.
July 10: Alexander
Spotswood of Virginia issues a
proclamation requiring any former
pirates coming to Virginia to turn in
their weapons to a justice of the peace
or military official. They are also not
permitted to associate in groups larger
than three.
July 26: Governor Woodes
Rogers arrives in New Providence to rid
the colony of pirates.
August: Charles Vane and
Christopher Condent flee New Providence,
refusing to accept the King’s Grace.
August: Under the
leadership of Charles Vane, pirates
blockade the port of Charles Town, South
August 30: King George’s
proclamation that Jennings, Carnegie,
Ashworth, Wills, and others are pirates
arrives in the Caribbean.
September: Howell Davis leads mutiny
aboard the Buck and goes on the
September 4: Last day for
pirates to surrender and receive a full
pardon for all crimes committed prior to
5 January 1718.
September 27: Colonel
William Rhett captures Stede Bonnet at
Cape Fear.
October: Charles Vane visits
Blackbeard at Ocracoke.
October: Governor Alexander
Spotswood secretly meets with Captains
Brand and Gordon to plan an attack to
rid the Americas of Blackbeard.
October 3: Stede Bonnet and
the other captured pirates arrive in
Charles Town, South Carolina.
October 24: Stede Bonnet and David
Heriot escape.
October 28: Trials of
pirates captured from Blackbeard’s and
Stede Bonnet’s crews begin at Charles
Town, South Carolina. Nicholas Trott
presides over the trials.
November 7: 29 of Bonnet’s
crew are convicted of piracy.
November 8: 22 pirates are
hanged at White Point near Charles Town,
South Carolina. Colonel William Rhett kills
David Heriot and recaptures
Stede Bonnet.
November 10: Stede Bonnet
stands trial for piracy. After two days,
he is convicted.
November 17: Lieutenant Maynard and his
men set sail on their mission to capture
November 22: Blackbeard is
killed in a battle with Lieutenant
Maynard at Ocracoke, North Carolina.
November 24: The Virginia
assembly passes the Act to Encourage the
Apprehending and Destroying of Pirates.
November 24: Pirates oust Charles Vane
as captain after he refuses to attack a
French warship, and Calico Jack Rackham
is elected captain of the Ranger in
his place.
December: Britain and France declare
war on Spain in what becomes known as
the War of the Quadruple Alliance.
December: Mass hanging of
pirates in New Providence.
December 10: Stede Bonnet
is hanged for piracy at White Point near
Charles Town, South Carolina.
Bonny meets Calico Jack Rackham in New
Woodes Rogers, Governor of
the Bahamas, uncovers a plot to kill
January: Howell Davis arrives in
Cape Verde Islands, masquerading at
pirate hunter.
January 3: Lieutenant
Maynard returns to Hampton Roads,
Virginia with Blackbeard’s head hanging
from the Adventure’s bowsprit.
February: The
war between Britain and Spain ends.
February: A hurricane
strikes the Bahamas Channel and the ship
of Benjamin Hornigold and his crew
founders. No one survives.
12: The oldest life insurance company,
still in existence, is founded in the
Netherlands. The company is the
Anderling van 1719 u. a.
February 13: George
Shelvocke, aboard Speedwell,
sets off on a three-year privateering
adventure that takes him around the
world. Commander of the expedition,
aboard Success, is Captain John
Clipperton, who once sailed with William
February 17: Richard Worley
is hanged for piracy.
March 12: Fifteen members
of Blackbeard’s crew stand trial in
Williamsburg, Virginia. One is found not
guilty. Of the others, all but one,
Israel Hands, are executed for piracy.
April: Christopher Condent uses
St. Mary's Island, Madagascar for his
base of operation.
April 1: Thomas Cocklyn
captures a slave ship captained by
William Snelgrave at the mouth of Sierre
Leone River.
April 25: Daniel
Defoe's Robinson Crusoe is
published. He bases his story on the
marooning of privateer Alexander
May: Woodes Rogers grants
Calico Jack Rackham a pardon.
June: Howell Davis is killed on
Principe, off West Africa, and
Bartholomew Roberts is elected to
replace him as captain.
June 10: Battle of
Glen Shiel in Scotland during the
Jacobite Rising of 1719.
July: Bartholomew Roberts
captures the Marquis del Campo
and renames her Royal Rover.
September 5: Last day for
pirates to submit themselves to a
representative of the British Crown to
gain a pardon for all acts of piracy
committed prior to 5 January 1718.
November: Bartholomew Roberts
captures a Portuguese treasure galleon.
While dividing her cargo, another sail
is spotted and he gives chase. His
deputy, Walter Kennedy, absconds with
the treasure aboard the galleon.
November 19: Charles Vane
and crew are shipwrecked on an island
during a storm. Afterwards, an English
ship happens by and captures them. He
istaken to Jamaica and imprisoned for
two years.
Jack Rackham captures a Dutch ship. One
of the crew, Mark Read (Mary Read),
signs his articles of agreement.
Anne Bonny and Jack Rackham
fall in love and seek an annulment of
Anne’s marriage to James Bonny.
Christopher Condent
captures an Arabian vessel near Bombay,
India that nets the crew £150,000 in
Kanhoji Angria terrorizes
East India Company ships in the Indian
Bartholomew Roberts is
killed in battle with the British Royal
Daniel Defoe's The Life, Adventures
and Pirates of the Famous Captain
Singleton is published.
February: The
War of the Quadruple Alliance ends.
24: A Spanish invasion fleet is
sighted off Nassau, but the attack is
March 22: Charles Vane is
convicted of piracy and is hanged at
Gallows Point, Jamaica a week later.
March 22: The War
of the Quadruple Alliance ends.
25: Le Grand St. Antoine
arrives in Marseille. The ship brings
the last major outbreak of the plague.
About 100,000 people die.
June 21: Bartholomew
Roberts arrives in Trepassey,
Newfoundland, where he captures one ship
and destroys 22 others.
July: Bartholomew Roberts
captures a French fishing vessel and
renames her the first Royal Fortune.
July: Edward England
attacks the East Indiaman Cassandra.
Captain James McRae escapes and later
describes the attack.
1: The
stock price of the South Sea Company
peaks at £1,000. In December, the price
tanks at £124. This becomes known as the
South Sea Bubble.
August 22: Jack Rackham,
Anne Bonny, Mary Read, and six others
steal the sloop William and go
on the account.
November: Bartholomew Roberts
leaves the Caribbean to avoid pursuit
and heads to the west coast of Africa.
November 15: Captain
Jonathan Barnet captures Calico Jack
Rackham and his crew, including Anne
Bonny and Mary Read.
November 16: Calico Jack
Rackham and the male members of his crew
are tried and convicted of piracy at St.
Iago de la Bega (Spanish Town), Jamaica.
November 17: Calico Jack
Rackham and his mates are hanged at
Gallows Point.
November 28: Anne Bonny and
Mary Read are tried and convicted of
piracy. Although sentenced to hang, they
plead their bellies and their executions
are stayed until after the births of
their children. Mary eventually succumbs
from gaol fever. Anne disappears from
the historical record.
Baldwin publishes The Tryals of
Captain John Rackham and Other Pirates
in Jamaica.
William Kennedy is captured
in London.
Fiery Dragon catches
fire and sinks at Madagascar.
John Taylor joins forces
with Olivier Le Vasseur, but eventually
decides to head to home to Britain via
the Pacific Ocean. When he and his men
make landfall in Panama, the treasure is
divided and the crew disperses.
HMS Winchelsea captures
and hangs 150 pirates off Guinea.
Edward Low leads a mutiny
and seizes a merchant ship that was to
carry logwood back to New England. He
and his men turn pirate.
George Lowther leads a
mutiny and goes on the account.
George Lowther and Edward
Low meet in Cayman Islands and join
together to hunt.
British warships destroy
pirate havens at Madagascar, while the
French destroy pirate bases in Mauritius
and La Réunion.
6: The inquiry into the South Sea
Bubble publishes its findings.
March: Edward England and John
Taylor fall out over England's leniency
to his prisoners. England and three of
his men are marooned on Mauritius.
March 22: Charles Vane is
tried for piracy in Jamaica.
March 29: Charles Vane is
hanged at Gallows Point, Port Royal. His body
is hung in chains at Gun Cay as a
warning to others.
April: Thomas Anstis and others
of Bartholomew Roberts's men desert and
strike out on their own as pirates.
April: Thomas Anstis
captures John Phillips, a carpenter. He
eventually becomes a pirate captain in
his own right.
April 28: Mary Read dies in
prison, possibly from gaol fever. She is
buried in St. Catherine's Cemetery in
May: Woodes Rogers leaves
Nassau for England, where he is arrested
for nonpayment of debts. One month later
a new governor, George Phenney, is
May: Edward England and his
men build a boat and sail to Saint
Mary's Island in Madagascar, where he
dies several months later.
May 25:
John Copson becomes the first insurance
agent in America.
June 12: Bartholomew Roberts,
aboard Royal Fortune, arrives
off the mouth of Senegal River in
26: Dr. Zabdiel Boylston gives the first
smallpox inoculation in America with the
support of Puritan minister Cotton
July 3: William Kennedy is
convicted of piracy and sentenced to
July 21: William Kennedy is
executed at Execution Dock, Wapping.
August: George Shelvocke, a
privateer, arrives off the coast of
August 8: Bartholomew
Roberts acquires the Onslow and
renames her Royal Fortune, the
fourth and last of that name.
November: George Shelvocke arrives
off the coast of China.
Mansfield is tried for piracy.
January 11: Bartholomew Roberts
arrives at Whydah, West Africa. He
captures 11 slave ships.
January 13: Bartholomew
Roberts leaves Whydah one day before
Royal Navy Captain Ogle arrives.
February 10: Bartholomew
Roberts is killed during a battle with
the British Royal Navy.
March 15: HMS Swallow
arrives at Cape Coast Castle in Africa
and Captain Chaloner Ogle sends the
captured pirates ashore, where they are
imprisoned within the castle.
March 28:
Survivors of Bartholomew Roberts’s crew
are tried for piracy at Cape Coast
Castle, Africa.
March 31: The first
followers of Bartholomew Roberts are
convicted. 14 are found guilty, 6 are
immediately hanged.
April 5: Dutch navigator Jacob
Roggeveen discovers Easter Island.
6: Tsar Peter the Great of Russia ends
the tax imposed on men wearing beards.
April 20: The final pirate
trial for followers of Bartholomew
Roberts is held at Cape Coast Castle. 54
are sentenced to hang, while 37 are
sentenced to work as indentured
servants. 74 are acquitted. 52 black
pirates are sold into slavery.
May 6: Pirate surgeon George
Wilson dies.
May 28: George Lowther and
Edward Low part company.
July: Edward Low plunders
13 vessels near Marblehead.
August 1: George Shelvocke
returns from his round-the-world,
privateering adventure.
28: A hurricane strikes Port Royal five
days after 19 pirates arrive. More than
40 ships sink in harbour. One third of
town destroyed.
Captain Fenn and other pirates are
captured at Tobago.
June: Pirates kill their
captain, Thomas Anstis, and then
surrender to Dutch authorites in Curaço.
The mutineers are arrested, but the rest
are imprisoned. Their trial is held
three years later and 18 are judged
guilty and hanged.
July 10: Captain Peter Solgard,
HMS Greyhound, engages Edward
Low’s Ranger, but Low escapes
July 19: Charles Harris and
25 pirates hang in Newport, Rhode
Island. Joseph Libbey, who was abducted
the previous year along with Philip
Ashton, is among them. All were all
former members of Edward Low’s crew.
This is the largest number of pirates to
be hanged at one time.
August 29: John Phillips
and four others seize schooner off
Newfoundland and go on the account.
November: 11 pirates from
George Lowther’s crew hang on St. Kitts.
6: For the first time, professional
actors appear on the stage in the
American colonies. The play is performed
in New York.
Low disappears after a year of bloody
pirate attacks, or the French hang him
on Martinique after his crew forces him
off their ship and a French vessel
captures him.
April 15: John Phillips,
who decides to return to the sweet
trade, captures the Squirrel.
Aboard that merchant ship is John
Fillmore, the great-grandfather of
Millard Fillmore (13th President of the
United States), and with the help of
others, Fillmore retakes the ship.
Phillips is thrown overboard.
May 11: Henry Wynn and Robert
Corp, two members of Princess Galley,
who joined George Lowther after he
captured the vessel, are tried for
piracy on St. Christopher.
May 12: John Phillips's
crew is arrested and tried for piracy.
May 24: Captain Charles
Johnson's A General History of the
Robberies and Murders of the Most
Notorious Pyrates is published. It
becomes a bestseller.
June 2: John Rose Archer
and William White are hanged at Hudson's
November 3: John Gow and
several mates aboard the Caroline mutiny
and go on the account.
February 20: Whites scalp
ten sleeping Indians in New Hampshire to
claim the bounty of £100 for scalps.
27: William Fly leads a mutiny aboard
the Elizabeth
during the night. Captain Green
and his mate are thrown overboard, and
the mutineers become pirates. They
rechristen the ship Fame's Revenge.
July 3: Forced men take
back their vessel and seize
William Fly and others. They
sail to Boston, Massachusetts
and surrender to authorities
with their prisoners.
July 10: Benjamin
Colman, a Presbyterian minister,
delivers a sermon at the request
of two convicted pirates in
Boston. They are members of
William Fly’s crew.
12: William Fly is hanged in Boston.
July 16: Captain John
Massey is hanged at Execution Dock in
London after his conviction for piracy.
September 8: During a
puppet show, a barn in Burwell, England
catches fire. Many of the 78 victims are
John Gow and his fellow pirates are
captured and imprisoned in Marshalsea
Prison in London.
May 26: Gow and the other
pirates are brought to trial for piracy.
June 11: Gow and six others
are hanged for piracy.
18: Woodes Rogers is appointed to his
second term as Governor of the Bahamas.
Angria dies.
25: Woodes Rogers arrives in Nassau to
begin his second term as Governor of the
authorities apprehend and execute
Olivier La Buse on Réunion Island.
End of the golden age of
April 9: Members of
the Spanish Guarda Costa in
the Caribbean cut off the ear of
mariner Robert Jenkins. This act
proves the catalyst in a war between
Britain and Spain.
8: Benjamin Franklin opens the first
library in the North American colonies
in Philadelphia.
Woodes Rogers dies in
14: Philadelphia hires the first
professional librarian in North America.
His name is Louis Timothee.
19: Benjamin Franklin, using the
pseudonym Richard Saunders, begins
publishing Poor Richard's Almanack.
Julian, one of the survivors of the
sinking of the Whydah, kills a
bounty hunter after his escape from
slavery. He is executed for murder.
18: A polar bear is exhibited for the
first time in America. This occurs in
Boston, Massachusetts.
William Snelgrave's A New Account of
Some Parts of Guinea and the Slave
Trade is published. It includes
his experiences as a pirate captive.
28: Rob Roy, sometimes called the
Scottish Robin Hood, dies.
March 13: David Nitschmann
is consecrated in Germany as the first
Moravian bishop in the United States.
6: Claudius Amyand performs the first
recorded appendectomy. The operation
occurs at St. George's Hospital in
April 7: Dick Turpin hangs
for stealing a horse in England.
3: Signing of the Treaty of Nissa,
ending the Russian-Turkish War that
began three years earlier between Russia
and the Ottoman Empire.
Grog -- a mixture of
rum, tea or water, and lime juice --
is served aboard Royal Navy vessels
for the first time.
June 6:
Alexander Spotswood dies of fever in
Annapolis, Maryland.
20: Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI dies.
His death ignites the War of the
Austrian Succession (War of Jenkins'
Ear).It lasts until 1748.
September 14: George
Frideric Handel completes the Messiah,
which becomes one of the most famous
June 11: Benjamin Franklin
invents the Franklin stove.
March 11: First auction is held
in London at Sotheby's. The sale is of
14: Louis XV of France declares war on
Great Britain.
September 12:
Sarah Bradley Oort Kidd Rousby dies of
diptheria at the age of 74. Although
her third husband, William Kidd,
provided for her, she never shares the
secret of where those provisions are
August 19: Prince Charles Edward
Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie)
raises his standard at Glenfinnan,
Scotland to launch the Jacobite Rising
of 1745.
September 17: Prince Charles Edward
Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) and his
Jacobite Army, occupy Edinburgh,
Scotland during the Rising of 1745.
21: Battle of Prestonpans, near
Edinburgh. Jacobite Army routes
Hanoverian Army in 10 minutes.
November 11: Bonnie Prince
Charlie's Jacobite Army enters
November 18: The Jacobite
Army occupies Carlisle, England.
December 4: Bonnie Prince
Charlie's army reaches Derby, England.
December 6: The Jacobite
Army retreats to Scotland.
January 3: Bonnie Prince Charlie
and the Jacobite Army leave Glasgow,
17: The Battle of Falkirk Muir. The
Jacobites defeat the Hanoverians.
21: Soldiers of the British Army
surrender Inverness Castle to Bonnie
Prince Charlie's Jacobite Army.
16: Jacobite Army is defeated at
Culloden, Scotland during the Rising of
1745. This is the last Jacobite attempt
to restore the Royal House of Stuart to
the British throne. The battle is the
last one fought on British soil.
27: Flora MacDonald helps Bonnie Prince
Charlie evade capture on the Isle of
South Uist. Disguised as an Irish maid
named Betty Burke, Prince Charles and
Flora leave for the Isle of Skye.
10: Bonnie Prince Charlie arrives on the
Isle of Skye.
20: Bonnie Prince Charlie departs
Scotland, never to return, and goes to
May 14: The British fleet,
under Admiral George Anson's command,
defeats the French at what becomes known
as the first Battle of Cape Finisterre.
April 1: Rocque Joaquim de
Alcubierre of Spain rediscovers the
ruins of Pompeii.
18: The signing of the Treaty of
Aix-la-Chapelle brings to an end the War
of Austrian Succession between England,
France, and Spain.
Chaloner Ogle, the man who
took down Bartholomew Roberts and his
pirates, becomes Commander-in-Chief of
the British Navy.
Robert Maynard dies in
11: Fire nearly destroys Halifax, Nova
11: The first college fraternity is
formed at the Raleigh Tavern in
Williamsburg, Virginia. It is the
F.H.C. Society, which also becomes
known as the Flat Hat Club.
June 10: Benjamin Franklin
conducts his kite-flying, lightning
September 1: What will become known
as the Liberty Bell arrives in
2: The Bank of Pennsylvania, located at
Carpenter's Hall, is robbed. The thieves
get away with $162,821. It is the first
bank robbery in the American colonies.
14: Britain and her colonies adopt the
Gregorian calendar. This results in the
loss of eleven days, so that the day
after Wednesday, 2 September is
Thursday, 14 September. Pope Gregory
originally introduced the calendar in
1582, when most of the Catholic
countries in Europe switched, but it
will take more than 300 years before all
countries adopt it. The last to do so
isTurkey. This change in the calendar
also moves the start of the British New
Year from 25 March to 1 January.
June 7: Founding of the
British Museum. It opens to the public
six years later.
9: The first steam engine arrives in the
North American colonies.
2: Commodore William James captures the
pirate fortress of Suvarnadurg on the
west coast of India.
1: A massive earthquake hits Lisbon,
destroying nearly a third of the city
and the surrounding Portuguese
countryside. As many as 30,000 people
May 15: Seven Years' War
(French and Indian War) begins when
England declares war on France. It lasts
until 1763.
20: 146 British soldiers, Anglo-Indian
soldiers, and Indian civilians are
imprisoned in a small dungeon in
Calcutta. Most die of suffocation and
heat exhaustion. The event becomes known
as the Black Hole of Calcutta.
March 14: Admiral John Byng
is executed by firing squad aboard his
flagship, HMS Monarch, for
failing to come to the aid of a besieged
British garrison.
May 21: Lenape kidnap Mary
Campbell from her Pennsylvania home
during the French and Indian War.
12: Siege of Louisbourg (Nova Scotia)
January 11: First life insurance
company in America is founded in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
15: The British Museum opens to the
public for the first time in London.
1: A naval fleet from Britain captures
the French West Indian island of
13: British forces defeat the French in
the Battle of Quebec.
October 25: George III
ascends the British throne.
May 22: The first life
insurance policy is issued in North
July 9: Catherine II
(Catherine the Great) seizes power from
her husband and declares herself Empress
of Russia.
22: Ann Franklin of Rhode Island becomes
the first woman editor of an American
February 10: Treaty of
Paris ends the Seven Years' War. As part
of the treaty, Spain cedes Florida to
the British.
15: Survey of the line between
Pennsylvania and Maryland begins. It
becomes known as the Mason-Dixon line
after the surveyors Charles Mason and
Jeremiah Dixon.
April 5: The British
Parliament enacts a Sugar Tax on the
American colonies.
9: A captive of the Lenape since the
French and Indian War, Mary Campbell is
turned over to forces under the command
of Colonel Henry Bouquet.
Yi is born to a piratical Chinese
9: The British Board of Longitude
awards £10,000 to John Harrison. His
chronometer makes it possible to
determine longitude at sea.
March 22: The British Parliament
passes the Stamp Act on the colonies.
This places a tax on papers, including
legal documents and playing cards. Its
unpopularity results in its being
repealed in March of the following year.
24: Parliament enacts the Quartering
Act, requiring American colonists to
provide temporary housing to British
May 3:
The first medical college in North
America opens in Philadelphia,
March 18: The British
Parliament repeals the Stamp Act of 1765
after violent protests in the American
8: First fire escape device is patented.
It is a wicker basket on a pulley and
The British Parliament
enacts the Townshend Acts, which place
duties on glass, lead, paper, and other
imports to the colonies.
18: Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon
finish surveying the boundary dividing
Pennsylvania from Maryland.
Fredrick af Chapman, a
Swedish naval architect, publishes Architectura
Navalis Mercatoria.
9: When two British customs agents board
John Hancock's boat, he refuses to allow
them access to the cargo hold.
June 10:
After the British seize John Hancock's
Liberty for smuggling, a riot
breaks out in Boston, Massachusetts.
21: John Archer receives the first
medical diploma from a school in
America. It is awarded by the College
of Philadelphia.
25: Captain Cook sets sail from
Plymouth, England, aboard HMS Endeavour
on the his scientific and
exploratory expedition. The voyage
lasts nearly three years.
10: The first part of the first edition
of the Encyclopedia Britannica
is published in Edinburgh, Scotland. It
will become the oldest continuously
published and revised work in English.
July 16: Father Junipero
Serra founds Mission San Diego, the
first mission in California.
March 5: Boston
April 19: Captain James Cook of
the British Royal Navy sights Australia
while on an exploration voyage.
28: Captain Cook lands at Botany Bay.
May 16:
Marie Antoinette and the future Louis
XVI of France wed.
28: Members of the Society of Friends
(Quakers) open a school for blacks in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
January 1: For the
first time, traveler's cheques are
available for purchase in London. They
can be used in 90 European cities.
9: HMS Gaspee runs aground in
Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The
next day, Rhode Islanders board and
sink the revenue cutter. This becomes
the first naval attack in the
Revolutionary War.
June 9:
Communion is served for the first time
in a Protestant church west of
Pennsyvlania. The church is located in
December 16: Dressed like Mohawks,
American patriots dump 342 tea chests
into Boston Harbor as a protest against
the tax on tea and having to pay the tax
without representation. It becomes known
as the Boston Tea Party.
26: Chest of tea are also dumped off
ships in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
February 22: The House of
Lords in London rules that authors do
not have perpetual copyright.
1: Joseph Priestley, an English chemist,
discovers oxygen.
5: Philadelphia becomes the first
capital of the United States when the
Continental Congress convenes there.
The American
Revolution begins and will last into
1783. (Also called the American War of
Independence or the American War)
Continental Congress
commissions privateers during the War
for Independence between American
colonies and Britain.
17: Three old women are burned at the
stake in Kalisk, Poland. They were
accused of witchcraft because of bad
23: Patrick Henry delivers his "Give me
liberty, or give me death!" speech in
April 14: First American
abolition society is founded in
18-19: Paul Revere rides at midnight to
warn about the approach of British
troops. The Battles of Lexington and
Concord occur soon after. These two
events are the opening skirmishes of the
American Revolutionary War. The British
capture Paul Revere, William Dawes, and
Sam Prescott on their way to warn
Concord. Dawes escapes to carry out his
Daniel Boone founds Boonesborough,
Kentucky. His family arrives there in
June 15: The Continental
Congress appoints George Washington as
commander-in-chief of the Continental
17: Battle of Bunker Hill or Battle of
Breed's Hill takes place in
Massachusetts. It is the first major
battle in the American Revolutionary
July 3: George Washington takes
command of the Continental Army at
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
26: The Second Continental Congress
establishes the US Postal Service.
Benjamin Franklin becomes the first
postmaster general.
27: The Continental Navy is founded.
It becomes the precursor of the US
November 1: Massachusetts passes
"An Act & Resolve for Encouraging
the Fixing out of Armed Vessels, to
Defend the Sea Coast of America, and for
Erecting a Court to Try and Condemn All
Vessels, That Shall Be Found Infesting
the Same." This authorizes the issuance
of letters of marque and sets up the
parameters for privateering. This is the
first colony to do so and they enact
this legislation before the Continental
Congress does.
10: The Continental Congress
establishes the US Marine Corps.
December: John Paul Jones receives
an officer’s commission in the
Continental Navy.
December 7: The first
letter of marque is granted for the
American Revolution.
January 9: Thomas Paine
publishes Common Sense, which
advocates American independence.
The British evacuate Boston,
March 25: The Continental
Congress authorizes the use of
privateers in the war against Britain.
April 3: Continental Congress
begins issuing privateering commissions.
7: Captain John Barry, in command of the
Lexington, defeats the HMS Edward,
the first American naval capture of a
British warship during the American
May 1:
Adam Weishaupt establishes the
Illuminati, a secret society.
June 11: A committee to draft
the Declaration of Independence is
formed. Its members consist of Thomas
Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John
Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert
28: The final draft of the Declaration
of Independence is submitted to the
Continental Congress.
July 4: The Continental
Congress approves the Declaration of
Independence, seceding from Great
8: The Declaration of Independence is
read to Philadelphians. The bell in
the Pennsylvania State House tolls,
summoning people so the document can
be shared with them. The State House
becomes known as Independence Hall
(around 1824) and the bell, the
Liberty Bell (1839).
September 7: Turtle,
an American submersible, attempts to
put a time bomb on the hull of Admiral
Richard Howe's flagship, HMS Eagle.
First submarine attack.
8: The Continental Congress official
renames the 13 united colonies as the
United States of America.
21: One quarter of New York City burns.
September 21: The British arrest Nathan
Hale as a spy for the American rebels.
22: The British hang Nathan Hale for
16: Sint Eustatius recognizes the United
States, becoming the first foreign
government to do so.
December 6: British troops seal off
Narragansett Bay, severing Providence,
Rhode Island’s access to the Atlantic
25: George Washington and his army cross
the Delaware. The surprise attack
against 1,400 Hessians ends in their
26: The Continental Army wins its first
major victory against the British Army
at Trenton, New Jersey.
January 3: General
George Washington and the Continental
Army defeat the British at the Battle
of Princeton, New Jersey.
March 11: The British Parliament
legitimizes privateering during the war
with the Thirteen Colonies.
12: Philip Lenzi places the first
advertisement for ice cream in the New
York Gazette.
26: Sybil Ludington, a sixteen-year-old
girl, rides 40 miles to alert New
Yorkers that the British army is
approaching during the American
14: The Continental Congress adopts the
Stars and Stripes as the United States'
first national flag.
July 6:
General John Burgoyne of the Royal Army
captures Fort Ticonderoga from the
Americans during the Revolutionary War.
4: Philip Astley, a retired cavalry
officer, establishes a riding school
where performances are held in London.
It is the precursor of the circus.
September 3: The Stars and Stripes,
representing the original 13 states of
the United States, flies in battle for
the first time near Brandywine Creek in
20: 5,000 British soldiers, under the
command of General Charles Grey, launch
a surprise attack on General Anthony
Wayne's troops near Paoli, Pennsylvania.
To maintain surprise, only bayonets and
swords are used to slaughter the
sleeping Americans. Nearly 200 Patriots
are killed or wounded and the ambush
becomes known as the Paoli Massacre.
17: British General John Burgoyne
surrenders at the Second Battle of
Saratoga. It is a stunning victory for
the Americans during the Revolutionary
15: The Continental Congress approves
the Articles of Confederation (the
United States' first constitution).
19: The Continental Army begins
wintering at Valley Forge, 22 miles
northwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The British Royal Navy
begins to sheath the hulls of ships with
20: James Cook becomes the first
European to visit Hawaii when he lands
on Kauai Island.
6: The United States and France sign a
treaty of alliance.
July 3:
British forces massacre 360 men, women,
and children in Wyoming Valley,
Pennsylvania on the frontier.
February 14: Hawaiians
killed Captain James Cook.
23: Bon Homme Richard,
commanded by John Paul Jones, defeats
HMS Serapis.
23: Court-martial of Benedict Arnold for
improper conduct.
January 16: The
Moonlight Battle or Battle of Cape St.
Vincent takes place.
March 1: Pennsylvania abolishes
slavery for any baby born thereafter. It
becomes the first state to enact any
emancipation legislation.
26: First publication of a Sunday
newspaper in Britain. It is called the British
Gazette and Sunday Monitor.
19: Around noon, New England is
plunged into near-total darkness. The
cause is forest fires in Canada, but
that isn't known at the time.
July: Individual states
cease issuing privateering commissions.
22: HMS Resolution returns to
England without Captain James Cook.
21: British Major John André meets with
American General Benedict Arnold to
discuss Arnold's handing over plans to
West Point. The plot is foiled and the
American hero is declared a traitor.
October 2: Major John Andre of the
British Army is hanged as a spy by the
Americans during the Revolutionary War.
9: 20,000-30,000 people died during the
Great Hurricane of 1780, which makes its
first landfall in Barbados.
March 13: William Herschel
discovers Uranus, although he believes
the planet to be a comet.
September 4:
Founding of Los Angeles, California
5: Battle of the Chesapeake (Battle of
the Virginia Capes). A French fleet,
under the command of the Comte de
Grasse, defeats the British, who are
under the command of Admiral Graves.
This traps Cornwallis.
19: Lord Cornwallis surrenders to
General George Washington at Yorktown,
Virginia. This victory ends the
American Revolution and makes the 13
colonies a new nation.
29: 142 Africans are dumped into the sea
from the slave ship Zong so the
owners can file an insurance claim.
March 1: The states finish
ratifiying the the Articles of
8: The Ohio militia kills 90 Indians
at Gnadenhutten.
April 9-12: The
Battle at Les Saintes takes place off
Dominca when the British navy, under
the command of Admiral George Rodney,
defeats the French fleet, commanded by
Comte de Grasse. The victory prevents
the French from invading Jamaica as
they had planned.
16: John Adams secures recognition of
the United States as an independent
government from the Dutch Republic. The
house he purchases in The Hague becomes
the first American embassy.
July 1: American privateers
attack Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
7: George Washington orders the first
US military medal, the Badge of
Military Merit. It later becomes known
as the Purple Heart.
29: Samuel Stearns publishes the first
American nautical almanac in Boston,
Massachusetts. Its title is The
Universal Kalendar for the year 1783.
Spain reclaims Florida.
Town, South Carolina changes its name
to Charleston.
10: The last naval battle of the
American Revolution takes place off
Havana, Cuba. It involves the USS Alliance
and two British frigates and a
June 4: Joseph-Michel and
Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier launch a
hot-air balloon (without anyone
aboard), making this the first
public demonstration of hot air
within a large, lightweight bag to
June 8: Laki, an
Icelandic volcano, erupts. The
eruption lasts for eight months. As a
result, 10,000 will die and famine
spreads throughout Europe and Asia.
22: Arguments are heard at King's Bench,
London, involving the massacre of
African slaves, who were thrown into the
sea from the ship Zong. The
question before the court does not
involve their murder; rather, it is
whether insurance covers the lost
"cargo." The trial highlights the horror
and inhumanity of the Atlantic slave
trade and strengthens the call to
abolish it.
15: The Marquis de Jouffroy d'Abbans
demonstrates his experimental
steamship, the Pyroscaphe, on
the river Saone at Lyon.
September 3: The United
States and Great Britain sign the Treaty
of Paris, formally ending the American
Revolutionary War.
November 3: Footpad and murderer
John Austin is that last person publicly
hanged at London's Tyburn gallows.
23: Annapolis, Maryland becomes the
capital of the United States. It remains
so until June of the next year.
December 9: First execution at
Newgate Jail takes place in London.
Previous executions occurred at Tyburn.
23: General George Washington resigns as
commander-in-chief of the Continental
Dutch invade Riau.
28: John Wesley charters the Methodist
1: Edward Kidder, a pie maker, opens the
first formal cooking school in London.
June 4:
Madame Elizabeth Thible becomes the
first female balloonist.
13: The East India Company Act brings
the EIC's rule in India under the
control of the British government.
Congress disbands the
US Navy and the US Marine Corps.
7: Jean Pierre Blanchard and John
Jeffries complete the first balloon
flight across the English Channel.
May 23:
Benjamin Franklin announces his
invention of bifocals.
15: The first fatal aviation accident
occurs when two French balloonists die.
The British establish
asettlement at Penang.
becomes the first Barbary State to
recognize the United States when the two
counties sign a peace treaty.
February 4: The
Springfield, Massachusetts militia
puts down Shays's Rebellion, an
uprising against high taxes and
stringent economic conditions.
11: After an 18-month courtship, Horatio
Nelson weds Fanny Nisbet on island of
May 13:
Arthur Phillip, the first governor of
New South Wales, sets sail with eleven
ships carrying criminals exiled to
Botany Bay, Australia.
22: John Fitch finishes testing his
steamboat, years before Fulton does.
17: 39 delegates sign the US
26: The Federalist Papers, which
call for the ratification of the US
Constitution, are published.
7: Delaware becomes the first state to
ratify the US Constitution.
January 9: Boston Sail Cloth
Factory, the first United States mill to
make sailcloth, opens.
18: Ships of the First Fleet arrive at
Botany Bay from England. The 736
convicts will be the first occupants
of the Australian penal colony.
26: England establishes first penal
colony in Australia.
21: New Hampshire ratifies the
Constitution. It is the ninth state to
do so and the last vote needed to make
the Constitution the law of the United
The Order of Saint John
departs the Maltese Islands.
4: By unanimous vote of the first
electoral college, George Washington is
elected as the first US president.
11: Benjamin Banneker and Pierre
L'Enfant begin laying out Washington
April 14:
George Washington becomes the first
President of the United States.
28: Mutineers, led by Fletcher
Christian, seize HMS Bounty from
her captain, William Bligh. Bligh and
18 crew members loyal to the captain
are set adrift in a lifeboat.
30: George Washington's inauguration as
the first President of the United States
May 7:
The first inaugural ball for an American
president occurs in New York City.
June 13:
Mrs. Alexander Hamilton serves ice
cream for dessert in Washington City.
14: Captain Bligh and 18 loyal men
reach Timor, a voyage that covers
5,800 kilometers (nearly 4,000 miles)
after they are set adrift in a launch
seven weeks earlier following the
mutiny aboard HMS Bounty.
17: France's Third Estate, as well as
reformers from nobility and clergy,
declares itself a National Assembly.
14: A mob storms the Bastille in Paris,
France. The French Revolution begins.
October 3:
First national Thanksgiving Day is
proclaimed by President George
October 8: Rachel Ward is
hanged in Boston for murder, rather than
19: John Jay takes the oath of office,
becoming the first chief justice of the
US Supreme Court.
The Spanish Armament, also
known as the Nootka Crisis, takes place.
6: Riot at Versailles, France where
people demand lower prices for bread.
May 31:
The United States establishes copyright
16: Congress declares Washington City
the permanent capital of the United
August 4: The United States
establishes the US Revenue Cutter
Service to enforce customs. It will
become known as the US Coast Guard in
9: After a three-year voyage, Robert
Gray and the Columbia Rediviva
return to the United States, becoming
the first American ship to
circumnavigate the world.
23: Slaves revolt in Haiti.
6: Congress moves from New York City to
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
March 2: The semaphore
machine is introduced in Paris, France.
It speeds up communication between long
20: Louis XIV and his family are caught
trying to flee Paris during the French
August 4: The Ottoman-Hapsburg
wars end with the signing of the Treaty
of Sistova.
22: Haitian Slave Revolution begins.
The slave revolt on Saint Domingue
destroys 180 sugar plantations and 900
estates that produce coffee, cotton,
and indigo. 200 whites and 10,000
slaves die.
30: After running aground on a reef the
day before, HMS Pandora sinks
on her return from searching for the Bounty
and her mutineers.
John Paul Jones dies
in France.
The dey of Algiers
authorizes his corsairs to attack
American ships in the Mediterranean.
20: The United States Postal Service
is created. Depending on where a
letter is being sent, postage costs
from six to twelve cents.
March 3:
The United States declares war on
Algiers, whose corsairs have been
attacking American ships and taking
16: Gustav III of Sweden is shot during
a masked ball at the opera. He succumbs
13 days later.
April 14:
The French Revolutionary and
Napoleonic Wars between England and
France begin when France declares war
on Austria. Britain will join other
nations already at war with France the
following year. Although there are
brief interludes of peace, the British
and French will be at war until 1815,
a period of 23 years.
17: Stephen Decatur captures the
Algerine frigate Mashouda.
25: Nicolas Pelletier, a highwayman, is
executed. His death is the first use of
the guillotine in France.
April 25: Claude Joseph Rouget composes
"La Marseillaise," which will eventually
become France's national anthem.
May 8: The United States
institutes a military draft for the
first time.
May 12:
A patent is granted for the first
self-flushing toilet.
August 10:
King Louis XVI of France and his wife,
Marie Antoinette, are imprisoned.
29: HMS Royal George capsizes
at Spithead, killing more than 800.
11: The French crown
jewels, including the
French Blue gem, are
stolen from the Royal
storehouse during the
Reign of Terror. The
French gem later becomes
known as the Hope
12: A court martial convenes aboard
HMS Duke to determine the
fate of nine mutineers from HMS Bounty.
Vice-Admiral Samuel Hood presides over
the proceedings.
21: The National Convention forms the
First Republic in France and abolishes
the monarchy.
13: Old Farmer's Almanac is
published for the first time.
October 13: The cornerstone for the
President's House is laid in
Washington City.
December: Louis XVI stands trial
on charges of high treason and crimes
against the state.
December 8: The first
cremation occurs in the United States.
December 15: The first
life insurance policy is issued in the
United States in Philadelphia.
January 16: The National
Convention sentences Louis XVI of France
to death.
21: Louis XVI of France is guillotined
four months after the monarchy is
dissolved and France becomes a republic.
January 21: Swiss Guards arrive in
Vatican City to stand as watchmen for
the pope.
February 1: France declares war on
Britain and the Dutch Republic.
12: The United States Congress passes
the first fugitive slave law. It
requires escaped slaves to be returned
to their owners.
March 7: France declares war on
10: The Revolutionary Tribune is
established in France.
19: The Committee of Public Safety (CPS)
is created in France. By midsummer,
every man, woman, and child, as well as
every object, is conscripted for the war
effort. The CPS obtains the power of
summary justice to combat French rebels
and traitors to the Republic.
10: First public zoo opens in Paris,
13: Jean-Paul Marat, a French
revolutionist, is stabbed to death while
taking a bath. His murderer, Charlotte
Corday, is sent to the guillotine four
days later.
10: The Louvre opens in Paris.
19: First death during a yellow fever
epidemic in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. More than 5,000 will die
by the time the epidemic runs its
course in November.
28: British Admiral Lord Hood accepts
custody of Toulon from local French
royalists. Holding the port proves
impossible and, on 18 December, the
Royal Navy embarks with many citizens
while under fire from French
revolutionists led by a relatively
unknown artillery captain named
September 5:
France's Reign of Terror begins. Anyone
suspected of being an enemy of the
Revolution is arrested; many are
executed in the days to come.
17: France passes the Law of Suspects,
which widens the definition of
September 18: President
George Washington lays the cornerstone
of the US Capitol in Washington City.
October 16: Marie
Antoinette of France is beheaded.
Barbary corsairs seize 11 American
merchant ships. One is the
brig Betsey, which Murat
Reis, the admiral of Tunis's fleet
of corsairs, converts into a warship
mounting 28 guns.
November 26:The French
Republic adopts a new calendar of 12
months each with 30 days. It remains in
effect until 1805.
December 22: Napoleon is promoted to
brigadier general.
January 13: The United
States flag changes to 15 stars and 15
4: The French National Convention
abolishes slavery.
March 14:
Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.
15: George Washington signs the Naval
Armament Act that establishes the U.S.
Navy as a result of "depredations
committed by the Algerine corsairs on
the commerce of the United States." He
also authorizes the construction of
six naval frigates. The first ship
will not be launched until 1797.
May 6:
Toussaint l'Ouverture rises up against
the French on Haiti.
26: France decrees that no British or
Hanoverian prisoners will be taken.
They will be killed.
May 28:
The British Royal Navy's Channel Fleet
and the French Republic's Atlantic Fleet
sight each other. Rear-Admiral Louis
Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse attempts to
misdirect the British, while the grain
convoy from the United States continues
onto France. (The convoy eventually does
reach its destination.) Skirmishes
follow until the two enemies meet in
battle on 1 June.
1: The first fleet action between the
British Royal Navy and France's navy
during the French Revolution. The battle
becomes known as the Glorious First of
June in Britain, which sees this
engagement as a victory. The French
refer to it as Bataille du 13 Prairial
an 2, the date on which the battle takes
place on the revolutionary calendar.
July 12:
Horatio Nelson, commander of HMS
Agamennon, is wounded during the
attack on Calvi, Corsica. The splinter
causes the loss of sight in one eye.
26: Maximilien Robespierre gives his
last speech to the National Convention
in France.
27: Maximilien
Robespierre is arrested.
28: Maximilien
is beheaded. During the next two days,
105 of his followers are also executed
in Paris, ending the Reign of Terror
in France.
November 19: The Jay
Treaty between the United States and
Great Britain prohibits French
warships and privateers from using
American ports and selling prizes
there, and permits British ships to
seize enemy goods aboard neutral
American vessels.
establishes a settlement at
Directory assumes power, ending the
French Revolution.
Drinking lemon juice made
mandatory on all British warships.
23: During the War of the First
Coalition, the French cavalry captures
14 Dutch ships and 850 guns. It is a
rarity for cavalry to capture a fleet.
April 1: France
begins using the metric system,
becoming the first country to do
July: Louis
XVII, the young son of Louis XVI and
Marie Antoinette, dies in prison.
14: The French National Convention
decrees that France's national anthem
will be Claude-Jospeh Rouget de Lisle's
"La Marseillaise."
England experiences bread riots.
27: The Pinckney Treaty, formally known
as the Treaty of San Lorenzo,
establishes the United States' southern
border and gives Americans the right to
navigate the Mississippi River.
United States begins issuing
"protections" (certificates of
citizenship) to sailors. The documents
are meant to prove that the
individuals are Americans, but the
issuance of these certificates is
easily abused, and they are often
ignored when British naval officers
press the holders of these protections
into the Royal Navy.
February 9:
Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty
abdicates in China.
2: Napoleon is appointed
commander-in-chief of the French Army
in Italy.
13: America, a ship captained
by Jacob Crowninshield, arrives in New
York City from Bengal, India. Her
cargo includes the first elephant
imported to the United States.
May 14:
Edward Jenner, a country doctor in
England, administers the first
inoculation against smallpox, using
cowpox pus.
8: The United States Department of State
issues the first United States passport.
September: Spain declares war on
Great Britain.
19: George Washington gives his
farewell address as president of the
United States.
14: The Battle of Cape St. Vincent
occurs. In spite of Spain's greater
numbers, Britain is victorious. Nelson
is promoted to rear admiral and is
awarded the honor of knight of the
28: Nathaniel Briggs of New Hampshire
patents the washing machine.
April 16:
Sailors in the Royal Navy mutiny at
Spithead for better pay and other
improvements to living and working
conditions aboard His Majesty's ships.
12: The Royal Navy's Nore Mutiny
July 8:
First time a United States senator is
impeached and expelled from Congress.
He is William Blount of Tennessee.
25: British amphibious attack by Royal
Navy on Santa Cruz de Tenerife fails.
It is Rear Admiral Lord Horatio
Nelson's worst defeat. The navy
sustains 343 casualties and his right
arm is amputated.
October 21:
The USS Constitution is
launched in Boston, Massachusetts.
22: André-Jacques Garnerin, an inspector
in the French army who supports the use
of balloons in the military, ascends in
one to demonstrate parachuting. He jumps
from about 3,200 feet and survives,
becoming the first person to use a
Parliament passes the Convoy Act of
1798, requiring all merchantmen to sail
in protected convoys.
Nelson begins his affair with Lady
Emma Hamilton.
June 12:
Malta surrenders to Napoleon.
7: Quasi-War
between France and the United States
21: The Battle of Pyramids (also know
as the Battle of Embabeh) pits
Napoleon's army against that of the
Mamluk rulers of Egypt. Most of the
Egyptian army is destroyed.
1: Under the command of Horatio
Nelson, a British squadron destroys
the French fleet at Aboukir Bay during
a night engagement. It becomes known
as the Battle of the Nile. The
destruction of the French fleet is the
most devastating naval victory of the
century; it is also a crushing defeat
for Napoleon and strands his army in
5: A new conscription law goes into
effect in France.
British Admiralty publishes the first
official signal book for the Royal
9: Income tax is introduced in
Britain. Its purpose is to raise money
to fund the war against Napoleon.
9:The USS Constellation captures
the French frigate L'Insurgent
during America's Quasi-War with
France. It is the United States' first
victory over a foreign naval vessel.
March 2: The United States
Congress standardizes
the country's weights and measures.
16: Napoleon drives the Ottoman Turks
across the River Jordan near Acre. It
becomes known as the Battle of Mount
15: During Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign,
the Rosetta Stone is found.
Napoleon seizes power in France and
becomes First Consul of France.
12: Writing in his journal, astronomer
Andrew Endicott describes the Leonids
meteor shower. This is the first
recording of such an event.
After a
two-year siege, the British defeat the
French and occupy the Maltese Islands.
1: Dissolution of the VOC (Dutch East Indies
March 28: USS Essex becomes
the first American naval ship to round the
Cape of Good Hope.
24: The Library of Congress is established.
June: Washington City becomes the
capital of the United States.
July 8: Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse
vaccinates his son against smallpox. It is the
first time the cowpox vaccine is given in the United
1: John Adams become the first US president to
live in the White House.
November 4: French law prohibits women from
wearing trousers. Although a few exceptions
will be permitted a century later, the law
itself will not lifted until 2013.
November 7: Women are forbidden
to wear trousers in Paris without a permit
from police. This edict is not repealed until
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