Cindy Vallar, Editor & Reviewer
P.O. Box 425, Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for Pirate Apprentices and Young Adults
See-Through Pirates
by Kelly Davis
Running Press, 2003, ISBN 0-7624-1587-8
$15.95 US/ $23.95 Can
This colorful book provides glimpses into the lives of pirates through the use of special see-through pages. Readers go behind the scenes to learn about pirate attacks, pirate life, punishments, and capturing pirates. The book doesn’t concentrate on one period of piracy, but introduces young readers to sea robbers from ancient times through the 1730s. Of particular note are the pages on the pirate crew, which includes officers not often mentioned in other books, and pirate weapons, which includes step-by-step directions on how to load a flintlock pistol. The author also highlights the Whydah, the only authenticated pirate shipwreck that’s survived, and some well-known pirates in history. The presentation of the page layouts and the detailed illustrations provide hours of exploration. Special items of note are pointed out in parchment scrolls. There’s treasure galore to discover within these pages, and when the reader closes the book, he/she will be versed in pirate ways. An excellent introduction to pirates for young and old alike.
Book Review Copyright ©2005 Cindy Vallar
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